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五月天_爱问知识人 ... 吉他 石头 Richard Stone 鼓手 谚明 MING 主唱 阿信 Ashin ...


五月天-中文百科在线 ... 嗜好∶游泳 JIM MORRISON 冠佑 MING 阿信 Ashin ...

苍南蛮话、泰顺蛮讲、广西平话各位大哥大姐不知... ... “he 啊嗬,三 MING 蛮 MUANG ...


BBC Chinese | 网上论坛 |... ... Chea Sarin, 新西兰 ming, 上海 Steven, 加拿大 ...

末代皇帝吧_百度贴吧 ... 紫少阳 bh0082010 8-9 ming 7-19 他们俩长得还挺像 Heartcup 10-3 ...


运动彩券数据中心 ... T. Thomas / 山猫 Y. Ming / 火箭 E. Okafor / 黄蜂 ...


listview的快速搜索问题 - - AUTOIT... ... mie 灭(灭)蔑咩蠛篾乜 ming 名明命鸣(鸣)铭(铭)螟盟冥茗溟暝瞑酩 miu 谬(谬)缪(缪) ...

On the next day, I made a phone call to Hu Ming, asking him to help me collect the schoolbags scattered on the ground. 第二天我给胡明打过电话,请他帮我收一下满地的学生书包。
Still, it hasn't been a working formula in Houston combined with one of the two best centers in the league, Yao Ming. 所以,即使休斯顿拥有联盟最好的2个中锋之一,姚明,缺没有一个稳定的完整队伍。
It should not be. Recently I knew brother Gu had two pieces of Ming Jian without scabbards when communicating with him. 应不是,最近和谷兄交流得知他得手两把无鞘明剑。
Instantly my hips began to rock again and I was unaware that I had begun to forcefully grind Ming-Lee's wand into my sopping wet pussy. 立即地我的臀部再一次开始摇摆,而且我是不知道的我已经开始有力地磨擦明-李的棒进我的浑身湿透的湿猫之内。
Based on the above reasons, Kuang did not ignore the creation of Ming Ci and gave it a fair evaluation. 正是基于以上原因,况氏在评论明词时才能不废有明一代词作,并给出中肯的评价。
Xiao Ming: Can you make it a bit cheaper? 小明:能便宜一点儿吗?
The plight was at last resolved by an old man named Liang Jiu, who worked there for over forty years, since Ming Dynasty. 一位叫梁九的老人改变了困境,他从明朝紫禁城,已经在这里工作了四十多年。
But I really can't find it in the chong ming YP girl, in fact, my focus was on her big chest, which made me neglect to look her eyes. 但是我却没有从崇明硬盘女孩身上找到,事实上,我的注意力集中在她的胸部,这让我忽视了她的眼睛。
Why study what we do not like what Ming also said the United States and its "Chinese characteristics. " 而我们为什么学什么不象什么还美其明曰“中国特色”。
Li guang ming: she is only a girl. Just think out an idea to tickle her. Do not be the same with her. 李光明:女孩子嘛,你就想个点子逗她开心就好,别跟她一般见识嘛。
Li Ming: I'm sending it to Shijiazhuang. How much is the stamp, please? 李明:我要寄往石家庄。请问,邮票多少钱。
All-Star center Yao Ming is out for the season with a stress fracture in his left foot, a stunning blow to the surging Houston Rockets. 来自休斯顿的报道——全明星中锋姚明因为左脚应力性骨折将缺席本赛季,这对于休斯顿火箭队无疑是一个巨大的打击。
The Forbidden City had been equivalent to the White House through Ming and Qing Dynasty but it is no more than a museum nowadays, chill. 紫禁城在清朝和明朝的时候相当于白宫,但现在只是个博物馆了。
Ming Dynasty, around the re-linking the customs, Jingxing in the territory of the Great Wall of up to 100 kilometers. 明代,此四处重关连接在一起,在井陉境内的长城达100多千米。
Zhang Ming asked me not to stay at home all day. My mother let me not do it by myself. 张明要我不要整天呆在家里。妈妈让我
Wangchong ideal but did not because he's working hard to achieve, life dies blossom in his later years he began to Ming of deep thinking. 但王充的理想并没有因为他的努力奋斗而实现,一生的郁郁不得志使他在晚年开始对“命”的深刻思考。
The art of bamboo carving had been developed into a professional type of Chinese industrial arts during the middle and late Ming Dynasty. 竹刻艺术是成熟于明代中后期的中国工艺美术的一个组成门类。
Last week, Zhang Ming was ill in hospital. We went to see him. He was happy to see us. He said he had been in hospital for two days. 下面是一些中文提示,请写一篇短文:上周,张明生病住院,我们去看他,他很高兴。
Xiao Ming: Hello, how much per jin are the apples? 小明:你好,请问苹果多少钱一斤?
After Imjin battle, Ming dynasty was into a serious political and economic crisis, and it was perished less than fifty years after the war. 经过壬辰一役,明王朝陷入了严重的政治经济危机之中,战后不到五十年即告灭亡。
If we needed any more proof that it was Great Wall we were standing on, it came in the form of the Ming brick Will held in his hand. 我们站着的地方正是长城,Will手里抓着的那块明朝砖块就是最好的证明。
Yunnan was an important producing area in ancient China, but till to the Ming Dynasty, its salt industry had a great development. 云南是中国古代重要的井盐生产地,但直至明代云南盐业生产才有较大发展。
He goes a little bit like (countryman) Yao Ming; one step at a time. You never see him expecting so much from himself. 和他的同胞姚明有点像;一步一个脚印。现在他对自己有很高的期望。
Li Dong happened to pass by when Li Ming splashed him with water and made him all wet. 李冬正好路过,李明把水溅在他身上,李明被弄得浑身湿透。
One day, Xiao-ming did not know how the body feel uncomfortable, so my father was sent to hospital Xiaoming. 有一天,小明不知道怎么了,身体感到不舒服,所以爸爸把小明送到了医院。
the Ming and Qing Dynasties as if the spirit of the novel with me to grow food. 明清的小说犹如精神食粮伴我成长。
Borneo (Brunei) was one of the countries with which China kept close friendly contact in the early Ming Dynasty. 明初浡泥是中国友好往来较为密切的海外国家之一。
Li Ming: Oh, what a shame, our midfielder placed a header just over the crossbar. How if he could have managed a bit lower. 李明:喔,多遗憾,我们的中场队员一记头球打在门柱上,要是能够射低一点该多好。
Cao Ming , a 30 -year-old financial controller who works for a Japanese pharmaceutical company, said he felt constant pressure . 曹鸣,一位30岁的日本制药公司的财务总监,表示他一直承受着压力。
As the NBA draft approached, the grim truth about Yao Ming's(notes) broken left foot hung like an anvil over the Houston Rockets. 随着NBA选秀的临近,姚明左脚伤势的严峻事实像一块铁砧悬在休斯敦火箭上空。