
美 [daʊn]英 [daʊn]
  • adv.下降;向下;下跌;降低
  • prep.沿着;顺着;往下;朝着
  • adj.沮丧;停机;情绪低落;悲哀
  • n.绒毛;软毛;汗毛
  • v.击倒;咽下;使倒下
  • 网络羽绒;下来;羽绒服

复数:downs 现在分词:downing 过去式:downed



1.向下;朝下;在下面to or at a lower place or position

2.(坐、倒、躺)下from a standing or vertical position to a sitting or horizontal one

3.在较低水平;下降;下跌at a lower level or rate

4.(数量、力量、活动等)减少,减弱,降低used to show that the amount or strength of sth is lower, or that there is less activity

5.由上至下reading from top to bottom, not from side to side

6.向南方;在南方to or in the south of a country

7.(写)在纸上;(列)在表格上on paper; on a list

8.(表示范围或顺序的限度)下至,直至used to show the limits in a range or an order

9.失去(钱数)having lost the amount of money mentioned

11.(informal)已完成数量(或进度)used to say how far you have got in a list of things you have to do

12.(informal)到,去,在(当地的商店、酒馆等地方)to or at a local place such as a shop/store, pub, etc.


be down to sb

是某人的责任;由某人负责to be the responsibility of sb

be down to sb/sth

由…引起(或造成)to be caused by a particular person or thing

be down to sth

只剩下(一点儿钱)to have only a little money left

be/go down with sth

患…病;得…病to have or catch an illness

down through sth

在(相当长的一段)时间内during a long period of time

down to the last, smallest, final, etc. sth

非常详尽地including every small part or detail of sth

down under

到,向,在(澳大利亚和╱或新西兰)to or in Australia and/or New Zealand

down with sb/sth

打倒used to say that you are opposed to sth, or to a person




羽绒被通常是羽绒(down)混羽毛(feather)我住山上,而且向北,冷起来,比一般地区气温都要低三摄氏度,家里好像比外边都要 …


下来(Down)打定瘦身早先到场单元的羽毛球勾当。我的天,那些男同事一经打得可算职业中的业余了,(传说,自己不喜欢 …


首页-ice°专柜正品代购-淘宝网 ... Overcoat 大衣 Down 羽绒服 Sweater 卫衣 ...


标诚眼镜 ... 新闻 News 下载 Down 产品 Products ...


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... left 左边 down 沿着 right 右边 ...


新目标七年级上册英语单词表_百度知道 ... 32. sit v. 坐;使坐下 34. down adv. 向下;在下面;下去;降下 35. cat n. 猫 ...

Mr Dahal, who also goes by his nom de guerre Prachanda, or "the fierce one" , said he was stepping down to "save the peace process" . 化名普拉昌达(意为凶猛的人)的达哈尔表示,他以下台“挽救和平进程”。
Future was like the sky behind a thin layer of dark clouds, with a few rays of golden sunbeam pouring down from behind. 未来就像那层淡淡的乌云背后的天空,有金色的阳光透过缝隙照过来。
Tourists were surprised to see a woman driving a huge orange tractor down one of Rome's main avenues . 游客们惊异地发现一位女性驾驶着一辆大型橙色的拖拉机驶向罗马城的一条主街。
The proposal plan is like any other plan and has a set of high-level activities that are broken down into a set of tasks. 提案计划和其他计划一样,都含有一组高级别的活动,这些活动又被拆分为若干任务。
He had lived it, every minute of it, and he was willing to let me get it all down on paper. 他经历了这些事情的每个细节,也让我把这一切都写在纸上。
Once she had opened the door, she saw John squatting down, head in hands, crying, as she had expected. 她伸出手打开了门,看见约翰蹲在地上双手抱住头痛哭着。
The advantage of picking 1910 was that America had not yet settled down, demographically speaking. 选择1910年做调查是因为,人口统计说明,那时美国还没有安定下来。
The dark coagulated blood. The sky before the heavy rain pours down. The pale dazzling sunshine is squeeze out by dark clouds. 凝结了的发乌的鲜血,大雨倾盆前的天空,惨白晃眼的阳光被墨色云团挤压出来。
Mrs. Zuckerman stood ready to head him off if he started for the garden, and now Mr. Zuckerman was coming down toward him carrying a pail. 扎克门太太早已摆好阻止他的架势——如果他想往菜园跑,现在扎克门先生拎着一个桶向他走过来。
I am sorry I did not prepare a gift for you, I can only give you my feelings that has been written down on this paper. 很抱歉我没有为你准备礼物,我只能给你我送给你这写在纸上的心情。
Now, a year down the track, Project i is in full swing and is already spawning its first products. 现在,一年下来赛道,项目一全面展开,并已产卵其第一批产品。
He breaks down in tears. "Up to 500 have been killed, " he says, including his parents, wife, and two children. 他泪流满面。“最多有500人死亡,”他说,包括他的父母、妻子和两个孩子。
When he had entered the brotherhood he had felt like a man who confidently puts his foot down on the smooth surface of a bog. 当他着手参与共济会的活动的时候,他怀着那样一种感觉,就像某人信赖地把一只脚踩在泥沼地的平坦的表面似的。
Natasha lay down, but when Princess Marya, having let down the blinds, was about to leave the room, Natasha called her to her. 娜塔莎躺着,但是当玛丽亚公爵小姐放下窗帘要出去时,娜塔莎把她叫到身边。
The report said China expected to see 124 million inbound trips this year, down five percent from a year earlier. 报告称,今年中国的入境游数量将达到1.24亿次,同比减少了5%。
He is saddened to see two marines who led the force at the front lines since Roger's age stepping down. 他痛心地看到两个谁率领海军陆战队从罗杰的时代下台前线的部队。
Learn how wonderful you are, and remove the need to hurt others. Others do not have to be put down for you to feel great. 你需要知道自己有多棒,而完全用不着去伤害别人,不用为了让自己感觉好些而去贬低别人。
My intention is to get out into the operations and go down the mines, and hear from the management teams around the world. 我打算亲自去了解业务,下矿井,听取全球各地管理团队的意见。
Drilling down into charts and summary tables straight from the Viewer is possible without a report designer or IT support . 无需安装报表设计器或IT人员提供支持,您可以直接从此查看器向下钻取到图表和摘要表。
The White House is starting to confront the "hard choices" that come from trying to pare down America's commitments overseas. 白宫开始面对放弃美国在海外的承诺的“艰难抉择”。
Everybody sitting in a basket, and I was on top of the balloon, ready to slide down with my skysurf board. 所有人都待在热气球的架子里,我则在热气球的顶端,准备从顶端用高空滑板上滑下。
As long as China stayed in the war, hundreds of thousands of imperial Japanese Army soldiers could be tied down on the Asian mainland. 只要中国不退出战争,几十万日本帝国陆军就会被牵制在亚洲大陆上。
But when I saw them, just like a as the spirit that did not float down the heads of white catkins also insensitive to really unpromising. 可是我见到它们的时候,像一只只“病猫”一样,一点精神也没有,头上白白的柳絮飘下来还无动于中,真没出息。
By 2008 it had cut the number of brands to 250, down from more than 870 just a year before. 到2008年,该公司把旗下单品数量从一年前的870多个砍到250个。
Nobody in Washington is ready to sit down with North Korea as if nothing had happened. 华盛顿方面还没有人已做好准备当作什么事情也没有发生一样坐下来和北韩会谈。
" Yes, you first sit down, if it was done by Cheng Yakun, he 'd call. " Han Lengyan frowned, looked out of the window, floating in the air. “是啊,你先坐下来,如果真的是成亚坤干的,他肯定会打电话来的。”韩冷烟皱着眉头,目光看着窗外,思绪漂浮在空气中。
When that wealth turned out to be ephemeral as the paper it was made of rapidly depreciated, their financial world was turned upside down. 当纸质的财富最终像纸一样不堪一击、迅速贬值时,他们的财务世界被彻底颠覆了。
But I know this man called Madison fell down in a meeting to stand up in court once again run times. 但我知道这个叫麦迪的男人在一次次倒下又一次次站起在场上飞奔。
"You mean to tell me Kerrigan's never been down here to pick up a little food for himself? " “你敢说克理甘就从来没有下来捞过点东西吃?”
As they sat in a buffet restaurant looking over the broad St Lawrence River, a young man sat down with them. 当他们坐在一家自助餐厅里眺望广阔的圣劳伦斯河时,一个年轻人坐在了她们身边。