step by step

  • na.一步一步;切切实实
  • 网络逐步地;循序渐进;一步一步地

step by stepstep by step

step by step


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in step 协调;同步;合拍 step by step 逐步地,一步步地 step up 走近来;登上去 ...


★红杉树英语★-学校风采 ... 走向国际 To the international 循序渐进 Step by step 不骄不躁 Mindful ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... stay up 挺立;熬夜 step by step 一步一步地 step into 走到……(内部) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... in step 协调;同步;合拍 step by step 逐步地,一步步地 step up 走近来;登上去 ...


英语介词搭配一览表[旺旺英语论坛] ... time after time 再三 step by step 逐渐地 word for word 逐字地 ...


步骤 (Step By Step) 1. 在您在国内检查到您的FSH值过高,没有卵子,并且医生告诉你,你的子宫对怀孕没问题的话,就可以 …

Jonas Gilbart said, "Step by step, Chinese Hurdling hero Liu Xiang continues to work his way back to the top of his sport. " JonasGilbart说:“逐步地,中国跨栏英雄刘翔继续努力回到他的运动高峰。”
"Novel" is the ultimate goal, it needs to be divided into front in different stages of the target, like the same step by step pyramid piles. “小说”是最终的目标,那么前面就需要划分各个不同阶段的目标,就像金字塔一样一步一步堆起来的。
I slowly climb step by step, and the younger sister was born just like that little lamb, as if about to stand up. 我慢慢地一步一步往上爬,而妹妹犹如那刚出生的小羊羔,马上就要站起来似的。
Now things have turned to be better. With my new ambition, I might as well carry it out step by step. 现在总算是慢慢好起来了,有了新的目标,一步一步来吧!
Format change is achieved by an easy to follow, step by step procedure, designed around an intuitive system of codes and colours. 格式变化是一个容易取得的遵循,一步一步程序,围绕着一个直观的系统代码和颜色。
Steve Vaught is trying to shed unwanted pounds the long, slow way: step by step as he walks across the United States. 肥仔史蒂夫·沃特正在试图通过这种艰苦而漫长的方式减去身上多余的肥肉:一步一步地横跨美国。
He said he hopes to prove that point to jurors via a step-by-step tutorial. 他说,他希望能通过一步步地为陪审员演示改机的过程来证实这一点。
techniques you can use the moment you read about them. I lay it all out for you in a step-by-step. 而且当你读到的时候,这些技术你就可以使用它们了。我把他们一步一步的展示出来。
Please see how he overtook the adult and older kids in front of him step by step, and that was the second round! 请再看他怎样一步一步超越他前面的大人和大哥哥,那可是第二圈的时候!
Presently he began to retire backward, step by step, never for an instant removing his eyes from what he saw, or thought he saw. 他慢慢向后退,一步接着一步,而眼神从未离开他盯着的或认为他盯着的地方。
work. I cherish every time job chances , am ready to make a batch step by step from grass-roots unit , am down-to-earth. 我珍惜每一次工作的机会,愿意一步一步从基层做起,脚踏实地。
How much I move forward step-by-step! 我前进了多少步!
From the looks of it, this contraption is not easy to make, but check out Instructables for the full step-by-step instructions. 这样看,这种新型的发明不是容易制作的,但是你可以根据Instructables一步一步地按照指示完成。
If the protesters are able to stay mobilized and focus their demands, they may be able to force a step-by-step dismantling of the old order. 如果抗议者能够进行动员不断满足自己的要求,那么这些旧秩序才会一步步地消失。
Also can be structured to require students to have the feelings of such a simple step by step to improve communication skills. 另外可要求学生从有条理到简洁再到有感情这样一步步提高表达能力。
We have assembled over 550 easy-to-understand lessons that will teach you, step-by-step, EVERYTHING you need! 我们有超过550易于理解的经验教训,将教你,一步一步的组装,所有你需要的!
The model of service for the officers and soldiers from the point to the surface under new situation could be formed step by step. 以点带面,逐步形成新形势下“为兵服务”的疗养模式。
low-cost, step-by-step description of the advantages of great importance to be business as a respected means of marketing. 成本低,渐进式的叙述等优点而被企业重视而成为推崇的营销手段之一。
Finally, having clarified your vision, you're able to break it down into a step-by-step plan to make it happen. 最终,确定你的外形,将它分隔成一步步可实行的计划。
To move forward step by step logic, but why did I take it back from the front! Laugh at me flighty. 逻辑思维步步向前走,可是我为什么要从最前面向后走呢!笑我轻浮。
"I've not had any pain since the surgery and I'm taking it step by step but it's gradually getting back to normal, " she said. 她说道,“自从手术后,我早已没有任何疼痛的感觉并且我正一步步来接受它,但是渐渐地我已经回到正常的生活上了。”
You're not always going to have step-by-step instructions or a model to follow that will tell you how to deal with it. 你并不总是会有一步一步的指导或者告诉你如何处理它、你可以跟着做的模型。
I salesman from a small start, step by step to open up the market, with just a year and a half appreciation for the company vice president. 我从一个小小的业务员做起,一步一个脚印的开拓市场,用短短的一年半的时间升值为公司副总经理。
It should be noted that this document does not attempt to provide a step-by-step guide to developing artifacts in WebSphere Process Server. 应该注意,本文档并不准备提供在WebSphereProcessServer中开发构件的循序渐进指导。
Note: The following easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions were tested at a partner's site during a skill transfer engagement. 注意:按照技术转移条款,以下简单易用的逐步说明已经在一个合作伙伴的站点上经过了测试。
Of course, the realization of these recommendations as well as the establishment and improvement of the system needs a step-by-step process. 当然,这些建议的实现、制度的建立和完善需要一个循序渐进的过程。
The developed countries have used OSCE as the method of clinical medicinal certified test and our nation is ready to use it step by step. 发达国家已经将OSCE作为临床医生执业考试的手段,我国也正逐步采用这种方法。
Through the dark clouds, after suffering frustrations, our motherland, the mother river of the years, step by step, the difficult tune. 经历风霜雨雪,历经苦难坎坷,我们的祖国母亲在岁月的长河中,一步一步,艰难的挪动脚步。
The work, he knew, would be slow: "step by step" , as he liked to say. 他知道,这工作必定旷日持久,正如他爱说的,须得“循序渐进”。
It had also the disadvantage of not giving me that technical mastery which the effort of learning step by step alone can give. 但也有一个坏处,那就是我因之而失去了只能靠一步步踏实的学习来掌握的知识。