spring festival

  • n.春节
  • 网络过春节;节日;元宵节

spring festivalspring festival

spring festival


小学英语单词表_百度文库 ... have dinner 吃晚饭 spring Festival 春节 Chinese 中国的 ...


假定有一批外宾要在中国过春节(Spring Festival),他们很想了解关于我国春节的一些情况,请你根据下列要点写一篇短文,以 …


春节,中国人最重要的节日(spring festival) (2010-2-9 15:23:36)我的寒假计划my winter vacation plan (2010-2-9 14:32:54) 繁忙 …


考研英语作文 ... 论准时( On Punctuality) 元宵节( Spring Festival) 用英语写日记( On Keeping a Diary in English) ...


英语!高手!_百度知道 ... New year 新年, 中西均可 Spring Festival 中国春节 Chinese Lunar New year 中国农历新年 ...


英语作文_百度知道 ... 我的春节( My Spring Festival) 关于春节Spring Festival) 中国春节( Chinese Spring Festival) ...


请未某英语报撰写一篇英语短文,介绍中国的传统节日春节Spring Festival),文章必须回答以下内容:我来帮他解答 相关内 …


A rainy day... ... A rainy day( 一个下雨天) Spring Festival介绍春节的英语作文) 关于兴趣爱好 My Hobbies and Interests ...

Although she had no TV at home, we watched CCTV Spring Festival Show on the internet from her laptop. It was also quite fun. 虽然她家没有电视,可我们围坐在一起看网上实况转播,也同样其乐无穷。
Nowadays there is often a lack of understanding between the audience and the general directors of the annual spring festival galas. 如今,观众和春节晚会导演组之间常缺乏相互理解。
I feel very proud and honored to have such a distinguished group of guests with us, in our celebration of our Spring Festival. 有如此杰出的贵宾与我们一起共同欢度春节,我深感自豪与荣幸。
When Leng Jingyi was a small girl, she had to wait for the annual Chinese Spring Festival to indulge in her favourite dishes. 当冷静宜(音译)还是个小女孩的时候,每年她都要等到过春节才能尽情享用她最喜欢的菜肴。
I wondered why there was no your massage for so long! Thank you for your traveling massage of Spring Festival! 为什么好久没有你的消息呢?感谢你提供的春节出游信息,
In the jail, Tao Lan behaves well and is allowed to go home for the spring festival after 17 years of departure from home. 17年后﹐在监狱里服刑的陶兰﹐由于表现好﹐被允许回家过年。
It will be the Spring Festival of 2008 in a week and the best wish of every person away from home is to return for the New Year. 再过一个礼拜就是农历鼠年春节了,回家过年成了每个游子最大的心愿。
"It was a combination of rain and everyone going on vacation before Spring Festival, " he said. “那是因为下雨,再加上大家都在春节前出去度假,”他说。
Chunyun, as the spring festival travel season is called in Chinese, is often the only time in the year when they get to see their families. 中国人将春节前后出行的这段时期称为“春运”,往往也是他们一年之中仅有的一次返乡探亲。
After the New Year's Eve dinner with my family, we began to sit down in front of the TV, and enjoyed 2010 CCTV Spring Festival gala. 我快乐春节除夕晚宴和家人一起后,我们开始坐下来的电视和喜欢的2010年央视春节盛大的前面。
Note: In western countries, the Spring Festival is often referred to as Chinese New Year. 在西方国家,春节通常被称为“中国的新年”。
Startled looked haggard unexpected windows of the branches, are facing the effort to call early spring festival of light rain. 怔望着玻璃窗外枯槁突兀的枝干,正在迎着早春的微雨努力的拨节。
It is uncommon that narcissus can be abloom in winter. It would be a great pleasure if it could bloom in the course of Spring Festival. 水仙在冬季盛开已经很稀罕了,若能让它在春节开,就更会为你增添一份欣喜。
and for a brilliant and happy Spring Festival, send you all the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season! I wish you all the best! 在这辉煌快乐的新春佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!祝您一切顺心如意!
Once upon a time, there was a monster. When Spring Festival came, it would come out to hurt people and eat their cattles. 从前有一个怪物,每当春节来时,它总是出来伤人而且吃他们的家禽。
Yesterday was the last day of a year-spring festival which should be spent politely and amiably. 昨天是一年最后的日子,也是大年,本应该和和气气。
He said he would go to his home town for the Spring Festival. 他说他将回家乡去过春节。
360 was sensitive enough to call back some of its employees on Spring Festival off to counter QQ's sudden challenge. 360非常明智的把员工从春节长假中召集回来,以此应对QQ突如其来的挑战;很快。
The traditional Chinese New Year itself, also called Spring Festival, is a time of renewed hope for a prosperous future. 中国传统的新年,同样称作春节。意味着充满繁荣昌盛愿望的新的一年开始起步。
Lantern Festival is an important part of Spring Festival , and marks the official end of the long holiday. 元宵节是春节的一个重要组成部分,也象征着春节长假的正式结束。
The scene of a lot of people holding big and small bags and carrying quilt is like that of the railway station during the spring festival. 许多人拿着大包小包,扛着被子,场面和铁路春运差不多。
Since the Spring Festival is coming shortly, I sincerely invite you to come to China and spend the holiday with me. 在春节即将来临之际,我诚挚的邀请你来中国与我共度假期。
A few days ago, the young in Chengdu aunt called to inform us of them being going to have returned from Chengdu the Spring Festival for us. 前几天,在成都的小姨打电话给我们,告诉我们他们要从成都回来过春节。
Spring Festival travel to see us the most quiet of a piece of land, everything is greenery. 春节旅游看看美国这最安静的一片土地,一切都是绿意盎然。
Tea is confused, the 15th for people to eat greasy before Spring Festival period overmuch and creating something of a characteristic meals. 茶糊涂,是人们正月十五前后因春节期间吃油腻东西过多而创制的一种特色饭食。
And of course there's joy for this season of holidays, Christmas, New Year's Day and the Spring Festival are just around the corner. 更有欢乐,因为这是节日的季节,圣诞,元旦,春节都在眼前正向你招手。
During the last ten days before Spring Festival, store owners are busy as everybody goes out to purchase necessities for the New Year. 在春节前最后十天,大小商铺生意兴隆,因为人们都忙于置办年货。
By the end of year, spring festival couplets of every family will stick out particularly. 时至年中,家家户户门上的春联,还格外显眼。
originally referred to the red packets containing money as a gift from the senior to the junior in Spring Festival. “红包”最早是指过农历春节时长辈给小孩儿的装着钱的红纸包。
Spring Festival to Taipei to see rain, although a bit bleak, but there us deep thinking. 春节到台北来看雨,虽然有点凄凉,但却不乏我们深深的思考。