
美 [spik]英 [spiːk]
  • v.说;说话;讲话;发言
  • 网络谈话;演说

过去式:spoke 过去式:spake 过去分词:spoken 第三人称单数:speaks 现在分词:speaking

speak english,speak language,speak truth,speak word,speak mind
speak loudly,clearly speak,simply speak,speak quietly,speak softly



交谈have conversation

1.[i]谈;谈话;交谈to talk to sb about sth; to have a conversation with sb

说话use voice

2.[i]说话;讲话to use your voice to say sth


3.[i]~ of/about sth/sb提起;讲述to mention or describe sth/sb

语言a language

4.[t]~ sth会说,会讲(某种语言)to be able to use a particular language

5.[t][i]用(某种语言)说话to use a particular language to express yourself


6.讲…语的speaking the language mentioned

发表讲话make speech

7.[i](+ adv./prep.)发言;演说;演讲to make a speech to an audience


8.[t]~ sth说;讲述to say or state sth

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... paint v. 画画 speak v. ;说话 kid n. 小孩;年轻人 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... paint v. 画画 speak v. 说;说话 kid n. 小孩;年轻人 ...

新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... understand 懂,明白 speak ,说 hand 手 ...

yhn232x的博客 - yhn232x - 网易博客 ... 53,loc=place 地方 54,log=speak ,说 56,lun=moon 月亮 ...


英语动词大全_百度知道 ... 137. sound 听起来;似乎 138. speak 说话;讲话 140. stand 站;立 ...


发字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 发芽〖 germinate;sprout〗 发言speak;makeaspeech〗 发言〖 statement〗 ...


英语常用动词_百度文库 ... smell n. 气味, v.嗅, 闻到, speak v. 说话, 谈话, 说明事实, spell nv. 符咒, ...


七年级仁爱上册英语单词表_百度知道 ... song n. 歌曲 speak v. 说,说话,演说 speak to 对…讲话,同...交谈 ...

Finally, however, Miss Glover decided to speak with him on the subject that distressed her. 不过,格洛弗小姐终于决定和他谈谈这个搅得她心神不宁的问题。
Speak Don't happy all tell you, want to let you know my everything. 想不开心时全部告诉你,想让你知道我的一切。
I can only speak of attempts to throw light on psychic facts that obscure to me, of efforts to overcome therapeutic difficulties. 我只是试图聚焦一些平时自己感到费解的心理现实,努力去克服心理治疗中的难题。
Different status of the parents, their children's education should speak with one voice, or easy to let children be abused and lead. 不同身份的家长,对孩子的教育都应该口径一致,否则容易让孩子钻空子。
I have been a sailor for five years and I can speak fluent English, French, Spanish, some Japanese, and a little German. 本人曾任五年水手,并精通英、法、西语,略通日语及德语。
Have I not described a pleasant site for a dwelling, when I speak of it as bosomed in hill and wood, and rising from the verge of a stream? 我在说这个地方掩映在山林之中,坐落在溪流之畔时,不是把它描绘成一个舒适的住处吗?
and I shall have to watch and see whether I cannot have a laugh at your expense, when you might speak in peace. 但是我不得不监视你看看在你或许平和地演讲时,我没有嘲笑你。
An old gardener who was dying sent for his two sons to come to his bedside, as he wished to speak to them. 一个老园丁快死了,叫人把两个儿子叫到床边来,因为他想要对他们说话。
The company's Maestro tools have also been upgraded to let their NFC chips speak to a device's Bluetooth and WiFi radios. 同时公司的Maestro工具软件也得到升级,可以让其NFC芯片和其它设备的无线及WiFi频率适配。
She ought to be better able to speak French than you are, because she was born and bred in France. 她应该比你会说法语才对,因为她是在法国出生、长大的。
As the country has no manufacturing base to speak of, most items have to be imported, which pushes prices up. 这个国家没有生产基地可言,大部分商品都需进口,从而致使物价上涨。
In his preface he claims an "anxious desire to speak the unvarnished truth" . He equips the story with a map, and adds documentary chapters. 他在序文里说“急着要把丝毫未加渲染的实际情况叙述出来”。他在那部小说里插印了一幅地图,还加了一些记实性章节。
Now Wang Qiong Telecommunications Bureau in Wuhan to work colleagues have called her a "beautiful did not speak. " 现在的王琼在武汉市电信局工作,同事们都称她为“美丽不说话”。
We must communicate with you through a stammering intelligence in that small fraction of our language that you yourselves can speak. 我们必须通过我们语言中一小部分结结巴巴的智慧与你们交流。
"If political and military leaders of western Europe do not speak out we will delude our people into a false sense of security, " he said. 他说,“如果西欧的政治和军事领导人不把情况讲明,则将使人民产生一种虚假的安全感。”
And I think he might be leaving me a message at home as we speak. 我想这会儿,他正往我家电话留言呢。
Hindu woman married to a Parsi, came to ask for my blessings for her three-year-old son who could not speak. 一个印度教女人和一个帕西人结婚,她来为她不能说话的三岁孩子求我的祝福。
My husband can't be here today, so I'm going to speak on his behalf (on behalf of him). 我丈夫今天不能来,所以我要代表他说话。(不可用standfor)
These carriages, or to speak more correctly, these wagon-loads of maskers are very familiar to Parisians. 这种车辆,或者说得更确切一点,这些满载戴假面具的人的货车,巴黎人是很熟悉的。
He had a very close relationship with a famous women and it is not clear how well he knew her, but people speak of his affair with her. 他与一个有名的女子关系非常密切,而且目前尚不清楚他有多么了解她,但人们说他与她的事情。
He opened his mouth to speak, but he only croaked. He swallowed the little saliva in his mouth and started again. 他张嘴想说话,但是发出来的只有呱呱的声音,在咽了一点口水后,他重新开始自我介绍。
I speak to you not just as a President, but as a father when I say that responsibility for our children's education must begin at home. 我们的孩子的教育的责任从家庭开始,我不仅仅是以总统的身份来说这句话,我自己也是一个父亲。
My disk now has a master boot record and I'm ready to create new partitions, called "segments" in EVMS-speak. 现在我的磁盘有一个主引导记录,然后准备创建新的分区,即EVMS行话中的“段”。
"Those things are all dealt with at the Cerberus level, and at this point in time I just can't speak to that, " he said. “这些事都是在Cerberus层面解决,此时此刻我还不能透露这一点,”他说,并称“公司还会存在.我们不会破产。”
'But Ellen, 'she cried, staring horrified at him, 'how dare he speak to me like that! He must do as I tell him! ' “可艾伦,”她嚷道,反感地瞪着他,“他怎敢那样对我说话!他得照我吩咐的去做!”
If they are unable to speak, trying to clear their throat, or coughing weakly, stay with them and carefully monitor their breathing. 如果他们不能说话且尝试清理喉咙,或微弱的咳嗽,则需陪护并细心监管他们的呼吸。
I didn't need to speak. I could lay thoughts out in his mind like they were a sheet. 我不用跟他说话。我能把所想融入他的思想,就好像有一张纸写在那。
If she gets mad with him, she will not speak to him for days. 她对他一生气就会很多天不和他说话。
If I were to see him, I would speak to him about it. 如果我见到他,我会跟他谈这个问题。
To speak without emotion: just to tell you, not talking to you, do not generally speak of a question and answer, for a cover feature. 说话不带感情:只是在告诉你,而不是和你谈话,也没有一般人说话时一问一答、一来一往的特性。