take one

  • 网络拿一个吧;拿取一个;要一个

take onetake one

take one


提出要求_旺旺英语教学网 ... I don't want it.( 我不要。) Take one.( 拿一个吧。) I really don't want it.( 我真的不要。) ...


VISUAL C++... ... 3.5.8 Shakes( 蛇入迷宫) 3.5.9 Take One( 拿取一个) 3.5.1 Air Strike( 空袭) ...


Simon Phun of Kajang 加影潘西满:... ... My Video 我的生活录影 Take one 要一个 Free one with mustache 多给一个有胡子的 ...


从汉语中学英语--新疆周末4_wave_新浪博客 ... 韩佳没有没有免费品尝 Han Jia,they are all free to taste. 来一个 Take one. ...


听美剧学英语 老友记第四季423&424... ... Emily. 艾蜜莉 take one. 第一次… -Well,it's getting late. -Here we go. 咱们去上床 ...


?• Various Artists • cdtrrracks ... 夕德煇黄拉阔创作人音乐会 Disc 2 大制作 TAKE ONE 女人心事 2 Disc 2 ...

Hu waited and watched, hoping to see the Buddha take one of the bananas piled in front of him. 他等啊看啊,希望看到佛从他面前的香蕉堆里拿起一个来。
One night, as luck would have it, Kepi asked me if I wouldn't take one of his clients to a whorehouse nearby. 碰巧,一天夜里凯皮问我愿不愿带他的一个顾客去附近一家妓院。
If we stop to take one of these breaks that you think you so desperately need, people die. 如果我们停止利用这种你认为你很需要的机会,人们就会因此而死。
Yes, I see. Go home to bed and take one of these pills every three hours. 是的,我知道了。回家休息休息,这些药品没三个小时吃一片。
In this case, you might take a few days at a time rather than take one month all at once. 在这种情况下,你可以防几天假而不是一下子放假一个月。
Being a student can be very hard, you've got to take one test after another. 当学生真苦,要应付接踵而来的考试。
I plan to take one off every week depending upon how much time this would take. 我计划每周花一天来决定每件工作要花的时间。
When I said I might not be able to take one if I ran for President, Chelsea replied, Then Mom and I will go without you. 我说如果竞选总统的话,我可能哪儿也去不了;切尔西回答:“那么妈妈和我自己去玩,不带你。”
Someone might have assigned you to a special project, or you might have chosen to take one in an effort to impress a VIP. 有人可能会将你指派到一个特殊的项目,或者你可能会选择去取一分之一给VIP的努力。
pensioners ready to die firing a shotgun at the enemy "as long as I take one with me" . 退休的老人拿着鸟枪向敌人开火,「只要能杀一个陪葬」就死也甘心。
Take one more step, and you'll never be able to get off the path you're on, and you'll regret your misspent youth for the rest of your life. 再走一步您就会陷入泥坑不能自拔,一辈子都会为青年时期的失足而后悔。
"Hey, Edward, " I said with admirable indifference. "Take one of me and my dad together. " “嘿,爱德华,”我说,语气是令人钦佩的漠不关心。“给我和我爸爸拍张合影。”
If you sprint across a street, you know if you take one round you could be a dead man. 如果你跑过一条街,你知道被击中一枪就会成了死人。
"That would be fantastic but we have to take one game at a time and try to get the three points, " he said. “这也许有点难,但是我们必须要在这场比赛上拿三分,”弗里德尔说。
"Now, " said the father, "untie the bundle and each of you take one stick and try to break it. " 父亲说:『现在把这捆棍子松开,每人各拿一根棍子,并设法把它折断。』
What do I get when I take one of this, plus 2 of that, I do get that of course. 当我取一倍的这个,加上两倍的那个我会得到什么呢?我当然会得到那个。
in the truth of the matter , the guru may take one ' s karma , good and bad , and give it to another. 确切的事实是,古鲁会将一个人的业力无论好坏而转移给别人。
Please tell me how much it would cost to take one page of your newspaper for the ads and how should I proceed? 在此我想请问你,如果我们需要在你们报纸购买一个版面,用来刊登相关的报道,费用是多少?应如何办理?
"Let me take one of you kids, " Charlie suggested. I knew he was just trying to shift the camera's focus from himself. “来,我给你们照一张。”查理提议。我知道他只想让相机镜头从他身上移开。
If you could take one player along with you to South Africa at all costs, who would it be? 如果你可以不惜一切代价带一名球员去南非,你会选择谁呢?
We want you to take 50 million of us as seriously as you take one reporter from The Wall Street Journal. 我们只希望你能像重视一位来自华尔街日报记者的那样,认真对待我们中的五千万人。
Its body a bit of a bamboo pole as the clothing to take, one of a, near the roots of the festival more and more dense. 它的全身有一点像晾衣服用的竹竿,一节一节的,靠近根部的节越来越密。
And with a certain order, each generation will take one character from the sentence as a common part of their names. 以特定的顺序,每一代人会拿这个句子里的一个汉字,作为他们名字里共用的一个部分。
After all, this could be an interesting disagreement that might entice me to take one side or the other. 毕竟,这也许会是一场有趣的争执,而且也许会让我站在他这一边或者另一边。
"The agent was also to smoke one of the cigarettes and would take one of the real aspirins from the tube, " said the MI5 report. “这个特工也得抽这样的烟,然后从小瓶子里吃一颗真的阿士匹灵。”英国陆军情报局5处的报告提到;
"I'm not sure if it will take one week or one month, but definitely the levels will go down below the regulation limits, " he said. 他说:“我不知道到底需要一周还是一个月,但辐射水平肯定会低于法定上限。”
Go home to bed and take one of these pills every 6 hours. You will fine soon. 根据检查结果,你得了重感冒。需回家卧床休息。这些药片每六小时吃一片。过几天就康复了。
Take one body half and, starting at the bottom of the valve, work the end flap of the elastomeric seat into the opening of the body. 拿起一半阀体,从阀门底部开始,将弹性材料阀座的边缘放入阀体的开口处。
A function cannot be its own argument, whereas an operation can take one of its own results as its base. 一个函项不可能是它自身的主目,然而一个运算的结果可以成为该运算自身的基础。
That is all I am prepared to do. Take one training session at a time and do my best and give my all every time. 那就是我现在要做的一切。参加训练,竭尽全力,付出我全部的时间。