that is it

  • 网络就这样;就是这样;就是它

that is itthat is it

that is it


Desperate Housewives绝望主妇 第五季... ... flaw: 瑕疵 that is it: 就这样 take a message: 捎口信 ...


...ckson)生前最后一次演唱会彩排盛况的纪录电影《就是这样》(That is it)在全球进行了同步首映。


在他死后制作的电影“就是它”(That is it)放入了他为伦敦O2场馆表演的舞蹈排练片段,估计票房收入达到2.61亿美元。在他死 …


...(Free Ride)打榜。出自同一张专辑的歌曲《那就是它》(That is It)只获得了榜上第91 位的成绩。在这短暂的些微成功之后,他 …


这些话用英文... ... 7.就是这个(或这里)。 that is it. 1.我想我们遇到麻烦了。(情景是麻烦就在眼前) i think we are in trouble. ...


会美语或者英语口... ... hit it 开始 that is it 仅此而已 you will never know if you don't try 如果你不试那你永远都不会知道 ...


英文学习完全手册 ... That might help 那样也许有用 That is it 这就是了! That sounds easy 听起来蛮简单的 ...


... No! 骗人 That is it! 闹够了! Would whoever is making that flapping sound quiet down?! 是谁在那儿拍拍打打 快给我安静 ...

You're the second person to ask me that. Is it so hard to believe that I might have grown up a little bit in the last few years? 你是第二个这么问我的人了。我在过去的这几年里也稍微成熟了一些,难道这就那么难以置信吗?
Student: That is it sir. The link between man &God is FAITH. That is all that keeps things moving &alive. 学生:先生,这就是了。人和上帝之间的连接就是信心。这就是让所有事物持续并有活力的原因。
The point is that is it a need to do that? Nobody would deny the independence of foods, houses, security, health and education. 但问题是,我们有必要这么做吗?没人会否认食物、居所、防护、健康与教育的不可或缺性。
That is, it always initiates parallel execution (unless it has just a single outgoing sequence flow, of course). 也就是说,它总是会发起并行执行(当然,除非它只有一个流出序列流)。
8 That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are accounted as the seed. 罗九8这就是说,肉体的儿女不就是神的儿女,唯独那应许的儿女才算是后裔。
that is, it is believed able to simulate any physical computing device with an increase in computation time of at most a polynomial factor. 即,用在最许多的多项式原素的计算时间的增加类比任何物理计算设备被相信能够。
Before going to bed, I take my bath, fix my bed, dry my hair, brush my teeth, get my things ready foe tomorrow. That is it. 睡觉前,我洗澡铺床弄干头发刷牙把明天的东西准备好,就这样。
That is, it's as if China were simultaneously subsidizing its exports and placing a protective tariff on its imports. 那就好像中国对出口进行补贴的同时,对进口征收保护性关税一样。
The portlet must be coded such that it anticipates a cache miss; that is, it must not rely on the fact that cached information is available. 必须对Portlet进行编码,以使其能够预期缓存未命中;即,不依赖于缓存信息可用这一假设。
That is, it allows economists to strike a sympathetic chord with non-economists, while maintaining an air of professional sophistication. 也就是说,它使经济学家能够引起非经济学家的共鸣,而又保持一种高深的专业风度。
They just take a patient with arthritis, rheumatism or insomnia, teach him a few exercises and that is it. 他们仅仅把病人视为关节炎、风湿病或失眠症患者,然后教授他们一些锻炼方法,仅此而已。
A cerebral haemorrhage is an intra-axial haemorrhage; that is, it occurs within the brain tissue rather than outside of it. 大脑出血是一种内轴(翻者:这个不太确定,可能是某种专业名词)颅内出血,也就是说,它发生在大脑组织里面而不是组织外部。
Matter is usually electrically neutral, that is, it has as many protons, as electrons. 物质通常是不带电的,就是说,它的质子和电子数量是相等的。
That is, it's a way to avoid distributing traffic too widely, especially across long distances, or to appropriate computers. 也就是说,它是一种方式,以避免网址流量分布太广,特别是对适当的计算机远距离传输。
Dream jobs are made, not born -- that is, it's almost unheard-of for a dream job to be posted on a company website or anywhere else. 理想职业是创造的,而不是天生的,这就是说几乎没有听说过有哪个理想职业是公开在公司的网站或其他地方招聘的。
Vector; that the Collection contains objects of type Category; and that it is required (that is, it cannot be null). 该Collection含有Category类型的对象;并且它是required(即,它不能为空值)。
This "law" and the power of the law will have different characteristics, that is, it will not be one person to control and force changes. 这种“法律”与权力意志的法律有不同的特点,那就是它并不会受到某个人来控制和强制修改。
That is, it's easy to write down straight away that dG with respect to temperature at constant pressure S is minus S. 这就是说,可以很简单的写出dG在,恒定压强下对温度的偏导数,是负。
That is, it's not imperative that all roles in an organization get involved for the method to have benefit, although that's the ideal case. 也就是说,它对组织中所有的角色不是强制性的,虽然所有的角色都使用这个方法是理想的状况。
Portugal is a "PIG" , that is, it's one of the small herd of the eurozone's most troubled members - Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain. 葡萄牙是“黑猪四国”(即欧元区几个陷入麻烦的国家:葡萄牙、爱尔兰、希腊和西班牙)之一。
though japan is now an economic giant , it has one vital weakness , that is , it lacks the raw materials necessary for its industry. 尽管日本现在是个经济大国,但是它有一个致命的弱点,就是它缺少工业发展所必需的原材料。
Thinking deeply again and again, I got a conclusion: that is, it is short of Humanistic Spirit to view the Concept of Life and Death. 反复思考,我得出了一个结论,就是,缺乏用人文精神看生死观。
That is, it has no event horizon surrounding it. 也就是说它没有被视界包围,这违背了宇宙监督假设。
Ask a question that is it like the long weapon in Qing dynasty? 问一个问题,这不象清代的长兵吧?。
That is, it was the peak of Apple's prior research and development on portable, slate-like (tablet) computers. Newton是经典,是苹果对便携板式(平板)电脑超前研究与开发的尖峰之作。
That is , it is better to err on the side of the allowance being a little too large, rather than a little too small. 也就是说,宁可使备抵账户出现略微偏大的差错,也好过略偏小的差错。
That is, it is the result of the huge accumulated losses, internal and external factors that stimulate the rally in the dual. 也就是说,它是由于累计亏损巨大导致的、有内外双重因素刺激的反弹行情。
SMTP stores messages in the queue in two states: opened (that it, it keeps a handle open) or closed (that is, it closes the handle). SMTP以两种状态在队列中存储邮件:已打开(即,使句柄处于打开状态)或已关闭(即关闭句柄)。
But insofar as any one sentence can sum up the elaborate division of labour that has evolved between these vast economic blocks, that is it. 但要是有任何一句话就能够概括这种衍生于这些巨大经济体的精细的劳动分工的话,那上面那句就是。
Relatively to the other industries, the estate industry has its particularity, that is, it has a dualism reflects consumable and asset. 相比较其他行业而言,房地产行业具有一定的特殊性,即它具有消费品和投资品的双重性质。