
美 [ˈtɪk(ə)l]英 ['tɪk(ə)l]
  • n.痒;胳肢;呵痒;痒感
  • v.胳肢;逗乐;呵痒;(使)发痒
  • 网络挠痒;使发痒

第三人称单数:tickles 现在分词:tickling 过去式:tickled



v. n.

1.[t][i]~ (sb/sth)呵痒;胳肢to move your fingers on a sensitive part of sb's body in a way that makes them laugh

2.[t][i]~ (sth)(使)发痒to produce a slightly uncomfortable feeling in a sensitive part of the body; to have a feeling like this

3.[t]逗乐;使高兴;使感兴趣;使满足to amuse and interest sb


be tickled pink

高兴极了;非常开心to be very pleased or amused

tickle sbs fancy

使觉得好玩;使开心to please or amuse sb


最有意义的英语单词 - no的日志 - 网易博客 ... 56.whoops 哎哟! 57.tickle 发痒,胳肢 58.loquacious 爱说话的 ...


最有意义的英语单词 - no的日志 - 网易博客 ... 56.whoops 哎哟! 57.tickle 发痒,胳肢 58.loquacious 爱说话的 ...


蔓藤怪_百度百科 ... 叩打 Slam 挠痒 Tickle 榨取 Wring Out ...


逗字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 逗哈哈〖 crackajoke〗 逗乐tickle〗 逗乐〖 gag;teaseforfun;amuse〗 ...


三国志11人物头像_百度知道 ... Threat 恐吓,威胁 Tickle 胳肢,使发痒 Tired 疲劳 ...


WOW能有多少表情呢?_爱问知识人 ... /threaten 恐吓 /tickle 呵痒 /tired 疲倦 ...

As he thought, the day grew warmer and the flies began to settle on his legs and tickle his bare feet. 他正在遐想的时候,天热起来了,苍蝇开始朝他腿上落,叮他的光脚丫。
So the poor thing was longing for you to tickle her and she did when you did tickle her was scratch you, why did that happen? 可怜的是她想让你逗她,当你逗她的时候她也挠你了,为什么会这样呢?
Student: but that's fine she did not want you to tickle her doesn't matter whether she realizes what you're doing or going to do. 学生:但是这很好,她不想让你,去逗她无所谓,不管它是否意识到你要做什么。
So the conclusion is if she did want you to tickle her, and you went about it in the wrong way, then you deserve to get scratched. 结论是如果她想让你去逗她,你用了错误的方式,那么你就应该被挠。
Li guang ming: she is only a girl. Just think out an idea to tickle her. Do not be the same with her. 李光明:女孩子嘛,你就想个点子逗她开心就好,别跟她一般见识嘛。
So it's not that you deserve to get scratched on its own, because you only deserve to get scratched if she did want you to tickle her tummy. 这不是你自己应该被挠,因为你应该被挠,如果她想让你去逗她。
To this day I believe "making love" is supposed to feel like "a gentle tingly sort of tickle" that causes "a special kind of wriggling. " 直到现在,我都认为“做爱”理所当然感觉就像“轻柔又刺激的搔痒痒”,外在表现为一种特殊的肢体蠕动。
Round and round the garden Like a teddy bear; One step, two step, Tickle you under there. 花园里面徜徉,玩具狗熊一样;一步两步走来,给你挠挠痒痒。
If she did want you to tickle her then you deserve to get scratched, it doesn't make any sense. 如果她想让你去逗她,那么你就应该被挠,这没意义。
So if the poor think did want you to tickle her tummy you deserve to get scratched. You see? 如果小可怜想让你去逗她,你就应该被挠,明白了?
The door to the kitchens in Hogwarts is a painting of a bowl of fruit. When you tickle the pear, the door giggles and opens. 霍格沃茨的厨房的门是一幅油画,上面画着一碗水果。当你挠那个梨子时,门就会咯咯发笑,并打开。
Press the tape tight to the ear and cut off any that sticks down in the ear itself that would tickle the puppies ear. 按下磁带紧至耳,并切断任何棍棒下来,在自己的耳朵会痒小狗的耳朵。
An Obama-Hillary ticket might tickle party regulars, but it would be a big fat minus in the general election. 一张奥巴马-希拉里的标签可能会取悦于该党的忠诚分子,但是可能会成为大选中的一个大大的瑕疵。
So the premise is she didn't want you to tickle her or she didn't realize that was what you were going to do. 前提中她不想让你去逗她,或者她没意识到你要做什么。
she didn't want you to tickle her or she didn't realize that's what you were going to do. 她不想让你去逗她,或者她没意识到你要做什么。
Today, I was cuddling on the couch with my girlfriend when I started to tickle her, she asked me to stop but I continued. 今天,我和女友躺在沙发上。我去挠她痒痒,她让我别弄,我非弄。
So if the poor thing did want you to tickle her tummy you deserve to get scratched. That's the conclusion. Okay? 如果小可怜想让你去逗她,你就应该被挠,这是结论?
Some of his recomposed songs and music videos (MVs) are so exceedingly buffoonery that they tickle yours humbly funny bone to no end. 有些已更改的歌和音乐视频(MV)是极端滑稽令本人‘笑得见牙不见眼’!
and I would jump on her couch, and she would tickle my toes to make me laugh. 我也跳上她的沙发,她将触动我的脚趾让我发笑。
What seems like the ultimate goal or dream of today, may not even tickle our fancy one year down the line. 今天的终极目标或者最终梦想,可能在多年之后甚至不会让你觉得开心。
To put the idea on a firmer footing, Dr Davila-Ross made more than 800 recordings of the tickle-induced laughter of the apes and infants. 为使这一理论更加可靠,Davila-Ross博士录制了超过800个声音样本,这些声音取自呵痒引发的猿类或者婴儿的笑声。
If the poor thing did want you to tickle her tummy then you deserve to get scratched. 如果小可怜想让你去逗她,那么你就应该被挠。
Late in the afternoon, a monarch butterfly would come and perch like a feather on my face and tickle me awake with its spindly legs. 临近傍晚的时候,蝴蝶王飞过来,像一缕羽毛停歇在我的脸颊上,然后用她纤细的脚把我挠醒。
Australia is so kind that, just tickle her with a hoe, and she laughs with a harvest. 澳洲是这么可亲,只要用锄头逗她发痒,她就会带着收获笑颜开了。
Student: You were going to tickle her the wrong way R Prof. : You were going to tickle her the wrong way, that's R again. 学生:你用错误的方式去逗她,教授:你用错误的方式去逗她,这还是。
So if the poor think did want you to tickle her you deserve to get scratched. 如果小可怜想让你去逗她,你就应该被挠。
A scientific study was recently done in England to determine whether or not people can tickle themselves. 英格兰近期做了一项关于人是否可以替自己哈痒的科学研究。
Stage one: This might tickle a bit. . . Dr Torres spray paints the model's shoulder and torso. Both wear goggles to protect their eyes. 第一步:会有点痒…托雷斯博士将液体喷在模特的肩部和上身,两个人都必须戴上护目镜,以保护眼睛。
For if we find you taking life too seriously, we will come up and tickle your funny bone to re-mind you that it is just a game. 因为如果我们发现你太严肃对待你的生活,我们将在你的胳肢窝搔痒来提醒你它只不过是一场游戏。更详细。
So if you did want you to tickle her and you went about it in the wrong way, or something like that, then you deserve to get scratched. 如果你想她让你去逗她,你就用错误的方式,或者之类的,那么你就应该被挠。