turn off

  • v.关掉
  • 网络关上;关闭;解雇

第三人称单数:turns off 现在分词:turning off 过去式:turned off

turn offturn off

turn off


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... net 网 turn off 关掉 polar bear 北极熊 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 28.turn on 打开 29.turn off 关上 30.nearly every day 几乎每一天 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... turn into 变成 turn off 关闭 turn on 打开 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... turn to 变成;求助于,借助于 turn off 关上;出产;解雇 break down 损坏,分解,瓦解 ...


英语短语大全 - 豆丁网 ... turn down 拒绝,摒斥;关小,调低 155. turn off 关掉,断开;拐弯,叉开 156. use up 用完,用光 157. ...


2011届高考英语动词和短... ... turn to ……for help 求助于 turn off 关上,解雇,避开(问题) turn on 打开;反对;依靠,依赖,取决于 ...


英语必备短语_百度文库 ... take off 脱下; 起飞 turn off 关掉;切断;取消 wipe off 擦掉;还清(债务) ...

With no hard drive, and a switch to turn off the wireless connection (not the fastest in the world), power can be conserved. 没有硬盘驱动,只有一个按钮可关闭无线链接(并非世界上最快的),这样就可以保存电量。
I told her to turn off the music but she didn't listen to me. 我告诉她关掉音乐,但是她没有听我的话。
You're actually going to have to turn off your phone and discover all that is human around us. 要想弄清楚这点,虽然我不想说,但你们得关闭手机,然后去发现我们身边的一切。
He was criticized by his manager because he forgot to turn off the air conditioning when leaving the office. 他离开办公室时忘了把空调关掉,为此受到了经理的批评。
Mum often reminds me to turn off the light before going to bed. 妈妈经常提醒我睡前要关灯。
For each field, click Yes to turn on the spelling checker for that field or click No to turn off the spelling checker for that field. 对于每个域,单击“是”以便对该域启用拼写检查器,或单击“否”对该域禁用拼写检查器。
After a while, I'd just ask Bill to turn off the lights and lock up when he was through. 过了一段时间,我索性让比尔侍弄完车之后替我关灯锁门。
Turn off the lights, take a flashlight, and guide the glow to areas of your body that you want him to lick or rub. 关掉灯,拿上一个手电筒,并把光线打到你想让他舔舐或揉搓的身体部位。
One example of a gene that we would like to turn off is an insulin receptor gene that tells fat cells to hold on to every calorie. 在此举个我们会希望关闭的基因为例,也就是让脂肪细胞吸收所有热量的胰岛素受体基因。
We've received reports that this recipe failed. We recommend that you turn off the lights and leave the kitchen immediately. 不过我们最近得到报告说这个配方失败了。我们推荐你马上关灯离开厨房。
When the water pipe burst , she was intelligent enough to turn off the water at the main . 水管裂开时,她很有头脑,连忙把总水门关上了。
With one hand reached out in front of me I moment on carefully feeling for the switch to turn off the electricity. 使用在我前面被到达的一只手在仔细感觉的I片刻开关的能关闭电。
Challenge yourself to live life fuller. . . get out of comfort routines. . . . turn off the TV for a month. . . . see what happens. 挑战自己,让生活变得更加充实…跳出舒适的常规习惯中…关掉一个月的电视…看看什么事情会发生。
Choose a safe, quiet place to meditate. Turn off the phone. Put a "Do not disturb" sign on the door. Relax. 选择一个沙发,一个宁静的地方进行冥想。拔掉电话线,把“请勿打扰”的牌子挂在门上。放松自己。
The old man for not convenient action or on cold winter days, no bed, lie on the bed to be able to open to turn off the lights. 对于不方便行动的老人或在很冷的冬天,不用下床,躺在床上就可以开关灯了。
He told her to turn off the headlights and lock the doors until he returned. 他交待她把车前灯关掉,锁好车门等他回来。
All that is left to do now is to position or size the button control as you want and then turn off design mode to test the control. 现在只需要对按钮控件进行定位或者修改尺寸(按照您的意愿),然后关闭设计模式以测试控件。
So now we're all from the side, no waste water, washing hands after going to turn off the taps in a timely manner. 所以现在我们要从身边的点点滴滴做起…,不浪费水,洗完手后要及时关掉水龙头。
The public seem to like the idea of "collaboration" in politics. Partisanship is a turn-off. 民众似乎喜欢政坛里的“通敌”思想,并且反感党派偏见。
Please turn off the TV, because the noise will make it difficult for her to concentrate on her homework. 请把电视关掉,因为噪音会使她分心,无法专心地做作业。
Similarly, says Fisk , it "doesn't make sense" to turn off Ulysses just as the Sun comes to the end of a 22-year magnetic cycle. 与此相似,此时关闭尤利西斯也“毫无意义”,因为太阳正迎来其22年磁周期的终结。
The children were unwilling to turn off the TV and go to bed. 孩子们很不情愿关上电视上床睡觉。
As I reach out to turn off the set, the strength goes out of my arms. 当我伸手去关电视,力量却从双臂中失去。
It is possible to turn off the debug heap operations for a period of time. 可以在某段时间关闭侦错堆积操作。
He's not the kind of person that would turn off his phone during the day, not even while he sleeps. 他不是那种大白天会关机的人,他甚至连睡觉都是开机的。
His mother told him to turn off TV and do his homework. 他母亲叫他关掉电视去做作业。
The way to turn off the warning light is not to smash it out, but to find the problem. 要关闭警示灯不是把它砸碎而是找到出问题的地方。
So every once in a while, turn off your phone and laptop, switch off the TV and lay your worries temporarily to the side. 因此不妨偶尔关掉你的电话,电脑和电视,把烦恼暂时放在一边,和自己(或是你的同伴)约个会,至少完整的
This option allows you to turn off the notification of events for chat windows that are on the current desktop. 此选项允许您在当前桌面上屏蔽来自聊天窗口的系统通知事件。
Since we were all in our PJ's, might as well just turn off the lights and party in the darkness. 既然是“睡衣晚会”,那就干脆关上灯,在黑暗中狂欢吧。