the mask

  • 网络变相怪杰;面具;摩登大圣

the maskthe mask

the mask


2007-03-03 变相怪杰(THE MASK)电影的问题.这东西有几部? 11 2010-09-09 求几部类似《变相怪杰》那样搞笑的电影 4 2007-…


面具The Mask)这款软件很有意思,她可以把咱们的手机变成非常有个性的能够动的“面具”!我们可以“戴”上手机,把自己装 …


类似摩登大圣( the mask)里的那种带内裤...我表哥说那就是 wedgie...是美国小孩常玩ㄉ变态游戏...我只有听过giv him a wedgie …


关于!大头!的句子,或生活中常用语句_百度知道 ... [the big head] 大脑袋 [the mask] 套在脑袋上的假面具 [the headdy] 昵称 ...


老电影-目录大全 2 ... 十九年华 AGE AT NINETEEN 假脸 THE MASK 葫芦晃悠悠 THE STORY OF THE KING TEA ...


个性钢饰-当当网... ... 【Eagle 鹰眼】潮流西德钢戒.. 【the Mask 巴洛克面具】潮流西德钢戒.. 【Skulls 水晶骷髅C】潮流西德 …


批发BD25蓝光电影!... ... 鬼来电 One missed call 变相怪杰--面具摩登大圣 The Mask 歌舞青春2毕业季 High School Musical ...

I will call Dr. Cui now to see if he can walk in sooner. But, please, at least keep the mask on to let your baby have enough oxygen. 我马上给崔大夫打电话看他能否尽快来。但请你至少让孩子接着吸氧。
In his departure, and before that she was wearing the symbol of the mask of the huge sunglasses, and she live far from true. 而在她临行之前又戴上了象征面具的硕大的太阳镜,她活得很不真实。
If I told you that I loved you You'd maybe think there's something wrong I'm not a man of too many faces The mask I wear is one. 如果我告诉你:我爱你,你可能会觉得那是假的,然而,我并不是一个多面人,我只是带着一张面具。
No one can see under the mask of me, no one can take advantage of these secrets to threaten me, destroy my life. 没有人能看到面具下的我,也没有人能够利用这些秘密来威胁我,破坏我的生活。
The usage welds the mask and the light mirror suitability, putting on the protection to protect your eyes and the body. 使用合适的焊接面罩和滤光镜,穿上防护服,以保护您的眼睛和身体。
And just as he finished saying this, he realised that he had forgotten to remove the mask and costume of the little pig! 就在他说完这话的时候,他发现自己忘了把小猪的化妆面具和演出服给换下来!
On a layer lower, picture the mask shadow with the next tool (Brush Tool) and blur it out. 在头头下面新建一层,是用画笔工具给头头画个影子,并使用滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊将影子进行一下模糊处理。
Just do not know then, when I took off the mask to wear for a year, you will not remember my original face ~? 只是不知到那时,当我摘下戴了一年的面具时,你还会不会记得我原来的那张脸~?
The mask box can be provided with a label which is in the sealing bag or stuck to the surface of the sealing bag. 所述光罩盒上可设置一个标签,该标签粘贴在封袋表面或置于封袋内。
I'll be able to take off the mask in a few days. 再过几天我就能不戴面具了。
The Joker wants to disclose the truth beneath the mask, convinced that this will destroy the social order. 小丑想要揭露面具下的真相,他深信这将毁灭社会次序。
The mask looked like the face of a withered old man with stringy white hair, so that I must have looked like an undertaker. 面具就像一位面容槁枯,白发稀少的老人,所以我看上去应当就犹如一位送葬者个别吧。
He stared at a stream of people coming from the stores, trying to pierce the mask of their serious, complacent faces. 他凝视着从商店里走出来的一股人流,想看穿他们又严肃又自满的面孔上的假面具。
Here, interference from the hair has no effect on the skin-tight fit of the mask, which remains as flat as the painter's plane of canvas. 这里,头发并没有扰乱与皮肤紧贴在一起的面具,后者是那么扁平,宛如画布一样。
To check if the mask is working OK, change the " BG " layer background to any other color but white. 为了检查一下蒙板是否正常,在背景层里更换除白色以外的任何颜色。
You said that you won't leave me no matter what i become, so I took off the mask and saw you were defeated and fled. 你说无论我变成什么样子,你都不会离开我,于是我摘下了面具,看到了落荒而逃的你。
Though barely able to speak, he ordered them to bring five different options for the mask and he would pick a design he liked. 虽然几乎无法说话,他还是命令工作人员去找5个不同款式的面罩,以供他选择一个他习惯的……
"The Mask of Zorro" pretty to look good to an old story in an imaginative way go on. 《佐罗的面具》好看就好看在把一个旧的故事富有想象力地讲下去。
No doubt, which is always wearing the mask of genius Opera is perhaps the deepest spot. 无疑,那个永远戴着面具的天才魅影,是全剧最深沉的亮点。
I'm not a man of too many faces, The mask I wear is one, That's shape of my heart. 我不是一个有着很多面具的男人,我只戴一个,那就是我的心之形。
He was the best Yapi spokesman, but now torn off the warmth of the mask to reveal the face of ferocious . 他曾是雅皮最好的代言人,但现在却撕下了温情的面具,露出凶恶的嘴脸。
You say that no matter what I become, you will never leave me. So I took off the mask to be defeated and flee, see you. 伱说无论我变成什么样子,伱都不会离开我。于是我摘下了面具,看见了落荒而逃的伱。
As an added bonus, customers can modify the ethnicity, gender, and age of the face on the mask. 此外做为附加服务,还可以帮助顾客修改面具的种族、性别和年龄。
Some of us can wear the mask. And this new album [Born This Way] is about being able to be reborn, over and over again throughout your life. 有些人戴着伪装的面具,我的新专辑《生来如此》(BornThisWay)探讨的就是能否重生,在每个人的一生中不断得到重生。
The head archaeologist said, "The mask had very firm eyes, they seemed very strong, and it shocked the archaeologists. " 考古队队长说:“面罩上的眼睛眼神坚毅、目光如炬,令考古学家震惊。”
At midnight, don Leandro opened a box and took out the mask made of my own skin. 到了半夜,唐蔺卓打开一个盒子,拿出用我的皮做的面具。
The mask window was transformed into a pair of bifocals. 面具的窗口被转变成一副眼镜的时候。
Meanwhile, the mask of the fiscal hawk is only one of several that Mr Cameron wears. 然而,财政鹰派的面具仅仅是卡梅伦戴着的几个面具之一。
Needless to say, the mask of a Jaguar Warrior often hides numerous scars earned during this perilous rite of passage. 毋庸多言,斑豹战士的面具下必然是在这生死交关的仪式里留下的无以计数的疤痕。
Property represents the total number of characters in the mask, including both the literal and editable characters. 属性表示掩码中的字符总数,包括原义字符和可编辑字符。