
美 [tæɡ]英 [tæɡ]
  • n.标记;标签;标志;标牌
  • v.给…加上标签;把…称作;给…起诨名
  • 网络标签(tags);热门标签;关键词

复数:tags 现在分词:tagging 过去式:tagged

latin tag


n. v.

1.[c]标签;标牌a small piece of paper, cloth, plastic, etc. attached to sth to identify it or give information about it

2.[c][ususing]称呼;诨名a name or phrase that is used to describe a person or thing in some way

5.[c](外国语的)语录,引语,格言,谚语a short quotation or saying in a foreign language


标签(tag)的历史远比互联网,甚至比计算机都要悠久得多得多,刚有畜牧业的时候古人 就知道在牲口身上打tag了。在Web 2.0 …


标记列表可以有任意多的标记(tag)。在嵌入式Linux系统中,通常由U-Boot设置的启动参数有: ATAG_CORE、ATAG_MEM、…


剪发吧 www.cuthairbar.com ... 图片链接 rss.php?auth=0 热门标签 tag.php 在线会员 member.php?action=online ...


关键词(Tag): 释义:河南省高级经济师 资格申报、评审条件 158.371.859.81 阅读1500次 评论 个人主页 扔小纸条 郑州精品自 …




首页-台湾睛品眼镜-- 淘宝网 ... SWAROVSKI 施华洛世奇 TAG/ 豪雅 TOM FORD/ 汤姆福特 ...


  XML 中的标志(TAG)是没有预先定义的,使用者必须要自定义需要的标志,XML是能够进行自解释(SelfDescribing)的语言。 XM…


文本标签关键词Tag):买房移民 拉脱维亚移民 欧洲移民 移民拉脱维亚优势 独特的拉脱维亚 拉脱维亚文化和教育 在线咨询 …

You can use a negative statement and a positive question tag to ask people for things, or to ask for help or information. 由否定陈述句加肯定简短问句构成的反意疑问句可用以提出请求,要求帮助或寻求信息。
By default, the tag name matches the name of the JSP that you created, but the two do not have to be same. 默认情况下,这个标签名称与您创建的JSP名称是相匹配的,但是这两者不完全一样。
Should you want a designer gown but the price tag is more than what you'll be able to afford, search for a designer-inspired dress. 如果想要一条独家设计的礼服,而价格要超出你承受范围内,那么找找有创意的礼服。
Mathematical formulae must be represented in plain text , which is the only format supported in the body of a JSP tag . 必须用纯文本表示数学公式,纯文本是JSP标记主体中唯一支持的格式。
The basic idea is that you can add any tag you want -- however, it's very easy to add elements that have multiple meanings. 基本的思想是您可以增加需要的标签——但是,增加带有多种含义的元素太容易了。
Due to the constraint that only one tag can be identified at a time slot in the system, many relevant researches have been proposed. 此技术受限于只能在同一时间内辨识出一个标签,因此许多相关研究被提出。
"We have to surprise people by showing them big pieces come with a low price tag, " he said. 他说:“大件首饰,而价格却很低,我们一定让人们吃惊不小。”
It is similar to a custom tag you might find in JSPs, at least in terms of its syntax. 它与JSP中的定制标记相似,至少在语法方面是相似的。
Within an hour, Flash had a new license tag and was being treated by a veterinarian who knew better than to ask questions. 一个小时后,“闪光”有了新的牌照,得到了一位不至于蠢到去发问的兽医的治疗。
When you enter a second-hand shop, do not care about the price tag , it often show the owner is prepared to negotiate . 当你到一家二手商店时,不要在意价签。那通常表示着店主准备和你砍价。
He'd text me while hanging out with friends he'd told and ask me to tag along. I'd decline. I honestly didn't want things to end with him. 他跟朋友在外面玩的时候他给我发短信让我也一起过来,但是我拒绝了。
Referring to children that happen to be named @ in SXML is no different than the filtering on any other tag name. 在SXML中引用刚好命名为@的子女与筛选任何其他标签名没有区别。
Similarly, the body is passed into the tag as a closure, so I call it the same way I'd call any other tag. 类似地,body也以闭包的形式传递给标记,所以调用它的方式与调用其他标记的方式相同。
The sisters considered him, united in disapproval, both holding on to one of the swing poles, as though it was the safe place in tag. 姐妹俩以同样不满的目光审视着他,两人都抓着一根秋千柱子,好像那是捉人游戏中的安全地带。
In the case of the time-stamp tag, our needs are pretty simple: we want a simple tag that outputs the last-modification date of a page. 对于时间戳标记,我们所需要的很简单:只要一个能够输出一个页面的最后修改数据的简单标记。
In this case, the file is just in a simple XML format that has an tag with a set of tags in it that hold the URL for each image. 这是一个简单的XML文件,它有一个标记,其中包含一组标记,在这些标记中保存有每个图像的URL。
In the case of the tag, it may contain either character data or a sub-element or a sub-element -- or any combination of each of these. 就标记而言,它既可以包含字符数据,也可以包含一个子元素或一个子元素―或这几个的任意组合。
The price tag was a reasonable $135 and I decided to pay cash and buy her the dress as a present. 裙子的标价为135美元,还算比较合理,因此,我决定付钱买下这件连衣裙作为礼物送给她。
If you were more than a few minutes late, the other person would have visions of you lying on a gurney with a toe tag. 那时候,如果你晚了仅仅几分钟,对方就该想象你脚上挂着标签躺在轮床上的情景了。
This aggregation tag library enables you to render the portlet content within a window frame or to aggregate multiple portlets onto a page. 这个聚合标记库允许您在窗口框架内呈现Portlet内容,或将多个Portlet聚合到一个页面上。
notes, posted reminders, labels There was a tag on the door that told us it was a gentleman's bathroom. 在门上有一个标记,告诉我们这里是一位绅士的洗手间。
Using just a couple of lines of code, with this module, you will extract the title tag and print it out for each page you visit. 使用这个模块,您只需要两行代码就可以提取所访问的每个页面的title标记,并将其打印输出。
At the bottom of the designer window, click the tag to which you want to move. 在[设计工具]视窗的底端,按一下您要移动的标记。
If insiders are to be believed, Nintendo's new console could arrive earlier and with a cheaper price tag than expected. 如果内部人员的消息属实,任天堂的新主机将会比预期的发售日期来得更早,而且更便宜。
The inflated price tag is due to rare and expensive materials used for the handle and screws, all made of platinum. 高昂的价格主要源于制造手柄与螺丝的稀有昂贵材料,螺丝都是铂金的。
The second ui: define tag lets you specify the body of the page, which in the template page has no default content. 第二个ui:define标记让您指定页面主体,在模板页面中没有默认内容。
The locale is usually identified by an language tag as defined in IETF Best Current Practices (BCP) 47 (see Resources for more information). locale通常由一个在IETFBestCurrentPractices(BCP)47内定义的语言标签标识(更多信息,参见参考资料)。
Tag- body in the Weblog occurs near the others , the block of stuff that contains the IP address of hosts will be easy to compress . 标记体出现在另一个附近,包含主机IP地址的那块东西就非常易于压缩。
It is nicknamed "Fort Atari" on account of its embrace of a new technology that first appeared as a Star Trek-themed toy: laser tag. 它被昵称为“阿塔力城堡”,因为它使用的技术此前首先出现在《星际旅行》主题玩具:“激光标记”中。
The length. tag file (shown in Listing 12) is another validator that verifies the length of a request parameter. tag文件(如清单12所示)是另外一个验证器,可用来验证请求参数的长度。