upside down

  • adv.颠倒;倒转;翻转
  • 网络颠倒世界;逆世界;上下颠倒

upside downupside down

upside down

1.颠倒;倒转;翻转in or into a position in which the top of sth is where the bottom is normally found and the bottom is where the top is normally found


turn sth upside down

把…翻得乱七八糟;使凌乱不堪to make a place untidy when looking for sth


我爱电影海报网 ... Revenge of the Nerds( 菜鸟大反攻) Upside Down颠倒世界(台)) Shiloh( 夏伊洛) ...


欧美新片 - 资料库 - Mtime时光网 ... 铁娘子:坚固柔情 The Iron Lady 逆世界 Upside Down 鬼玩人 Evil Dead ...


大学课程英文翻译 ... updating 更新 更新 Upside Down 倒置 上下颠倒 Validation 校验 检验 ...


大学课程英文翻译 ... updating 更新 更新 Upside Down 倒置 上下颠倒 Validation 校验 检验 ...


【资源】英语常用短语 ... until recently 直到最近 upside down 颠倒着(作状语) use up 用尽 ...


新概念英语第二册24,25,26课文章_百度知道 ... critically adv. 批评地 upside down 上下颠倒地 several quantifier 几个 ...

The Joker isn't the only villain turning Gotham City upside down in "The Dark Knight. " 小丑并不是唯一一个把纽约市搅得天翻地覆的反派。
All it takes is one misjudgment and the boat could be upside down on account of a large wave or a sharp turn. 但是只要一个错误的判断,快艇就会因为一个大波浪或者一个急转弯而整个翻过来。
There her world will be turned upside down and a perfect summer will explode into a million bewildering pieces. 那样的话她会完全颠倒并且一个完美的夏天将破碎成无数的碎片。
But her life was turned upside down when a motorist distracted by his cell phone, ran a stop sign and crashed into the side of her car. 但她的生活被转动了上部当驾驶人由他的手机分散,跑了停车牌和碰撞了入她的汽车的边。
A parrot was on a branch, hanging upside down, with its bright eyes and red beak. 一只鹦鹉落在一根树枝上,有着明亮的眼睛和红色的嘴巴,头朝下地挂在那儿。
Sometimes water drips directly to the floor, so the mineral matter builds upward, like an upside-down icicle. This is called a stalagmite. 有时,水直接朝地下滴,于是,矿物质向上堆积,像倒挂的冰柱。这叫做石笋。
the man, after looking at me for a moment, turned me upside down, and emptied my pockets. there was nothing in them but a piece of bread. 这人打量了我一会儿,便把我头朝下地倒拎起来,我口袋里的东西也就掉了下来。其实我口袋里没别的,只有一片面包。
When the audience laughed upside down when Linklater continue to watch this child to want to see that he is not try to be smart guy. 当现场的观众笑的东倒西歪时,林克莱特继续注视着这孩子,想看他是不是自作聪明的家伙。
Once, when I was about 13, my mother threatened to turn all my drawers upside down on the floor of my bedroom to teach me to keep them tidy. 在我大概13岁的时候,母亲扬言要将我的所有抽屉倒在卧室地板上来教我怎样保持抽屉内整洁。
With a Vuitton coin pouch, you know where your coins are thus you wouldn't have to flip your bag upside down looking for a quarter. 用硬币袋威登的话,你知道去哪里你的硬币是这样,你就不会翻你的袋子颠倒过来找一个季度。
The cover of this book consists of a pair of women's legs, upside down, superimposed with hearts and bubbles. 这本书的封面上印着心形和气泡图案,后面有一对倒置的女性的双腿。
I was always aware Granny loved us. It was something you could feel with your heart, even when your world was turned upside down. 我一直知道奶奶深爱着我们。即使在你的世界被彻底颠覆时,这种爱也是可以用心感受的到的。
He imagined the ship dangling upside down on the undersurface of the Earth, the giant fingers of gravity holding them firmly in place. 他想象着飞船吊在地球下面上下晃荡,巨大的引力手指把他们紧紧地抓在这个地方。
So I had to suffer as she caught it by its leg, held it upside down, and ran up the beach, where the waves would not reach. 因此我只好忍受她把它这样四脚朝天地抓着脚,带它到岸边高处去放生,因为那边没有海浪。
But Masters, that concept is something of a is a paradox, and like a face card it is upside down either way you look at it. 但是,大师们,这某种意义上是一个悖论,就像扑克牌的上下两面那样两边都一样有道理。
We are lost and can't find our way home. The world seems to have been turned upside-down and nothing makes sense. 我们迷了路,找不着路回家,好像世界翻了个儿,一切都变得莫名其妙。
He turned the shell upside down and with a shake of his head he flung it into the air and made the sky. 他转过身来,与他摇摇头,他的壳上部它扔在空中,使天空。
During another interrogation, he was hung upside down by his knees, his hands stuck, cuffed behind his legs. 在另一次审讯中,他被倒吊起来,双手铐在大腿后面。
We were just about to come to an agreement when John came in like a bull in a china shop. His rough remarks turned everything upside down. 我们正快要谈妥时,约翰像公牛闯进瓷器店似的跑进来,说话粗野,把一切都给搅坏了。
Angel's face as she let me upside down, how much I loved her, ah, but the situation unthinkable. 她天使一样的面庞让我神魂倒置,我多么喜欢她啊,可我现在的状况令我想都不敢想。
This primary containment vessel looks like an old-fashioned light bulb turned upside down and balanced on top of a doughnut. 这个主安全壳像一个被倒置的老式灯泡,在一个环状体的顶部保持平衡。
Dearly beloveds, recently thru Kibo I said I would turn the world upside down and inside out by the end of the year. 亲爱们,最近我通过Kibo说过年底之前我们要将地球的磁极进行互换以及内部能量的释放。
Then Little Nutbrown Hare had a good idea. He tumbled upside down and reached up the tree trunk with his feet. 小兔子又有了一个好主意,他倒立起来,把脚撑在树干上。
"I could say that the supply chain design is now upside down. The environment has changed, " he said. “我得说目前的供应链设计完全颠倒了。环境发生了变化。”他表示。
You know I'm doing a bowel cleanse for my colonoscopy! I'm like an upside-down volcano here. 你明知道我正在为我的结肠镜检查清肠!我现在就像个颠倒的火山。
You can even measure with a boat upside-down on the trailer as long as you keep it stable between zeroing and measurement. 只要你让它在零和测量值之间稳定,你甚至可以在船上测量船倾斜的程度。
When that wealth turned out to be ephemeral as the paper it was made of rapidly depreciated, their financial world was turned upside down. 当纸质的财富最终像纸一样不堪一击、迅速贬值时,他们的财务世界被彻底颠覆了。
Then tap with a wooden spoon as you hold them upside down, but keep them close to the bottom of the sink so they don't break. 接着把杯子倒置并用木勺轻轻地敲打,让这些热水贴紧底部就能保证碗不被打碎。
His new trick, which he began to perform in 1913, was known as the Upside Down Water Torture Cell. 他自1913年开始表演名为「倒立着进入酷刑单人牢房」的新戏法。
Often I even, in vain, desire to turn the mirror upside down and seek my own glory. 我常常甚至是徒劳地希望把镜子倒过来,寻求自己的荣耀。