
美 [stroʊk]英 [strəʊk]
  • n.中风;笔画;钟声;抚摩
  • v.抚摩(动物的毛皮);轻抚;轻挪;轻触
  • 网络行程;冲程;描边

复数:strokes 现在分词:stroking 过去式:stroked



n. v.

击打动作hitting movement

1.击球(动作)an act of hitting a ball, for example with a bat or racket

2.(打、击等的)一下,一击a single movement of the arm when hitting sb/sth

游泳;划船in swimming/rowing

3.划水动作;划桨动作any of a series of repeated movements in swimming or rowing

4.游泳姿势a style of swimming

抚摩gentle touch

6.[ususing]轻抚;抚摩an act of moving your hand gently over a surface, usually several times

笔;刷子of pen/brush

7.一笔;一画;笔画a mark made by moving a pen, brush, etc. once across a surface


8.~ (of sth)(成功的)举动;(高明的)举措;(巧妙的)办法;(成功的)事情a single successful action or event

钟of clock

9.钟声;鸣;敲each of the sounds made by a clock or bell giving the hours


10.中风a sudden serious illness when a blood vessel (= tube) in the brain bursts or is blocked, which can cause death or the loss of the ability to move or to speak clearly


at a (single) stroke|at one stroke

一下子;一举with a single immediate action

put sb off their stroke

扰乱某人;使某人乱了方寸to make sb make a mistake or hesitate in what they are doing


可以加速中风(stroke) 病患语文记忆及专注力的恢复 (Sarkamo et al., 2008)。 何谓音乐治疗 是人与人之间的互动过程,专业 …


水利工程专业英语 - 河林的日志 - 网易博客 ... spigot, 套管,止口 stroke行程 valve, 阀门 ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... stripping pressure 弹出压力 stroke 冲程 toggle press 肘杆式压力机 ...


AE中英文对照 ... Gradient Overlay→ 渐变叠加 Stroke描边 Group Shapes → 形状编组 ...


脑卒中(Stroke)是脑中风的学名,是一种突然起病的脑血液循环障碍性疾病,又叫脑血管意外。是指在脑血管疾病的病人,因各 …


catti全国翻译资格考试高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... Chinese character 汉字 stroke (汉字) 笔画 radical 偏旁部首 ...


击球STROKE)所谓击球是指用杆头迅速击打主球,并以主球和比赛中所有的球停止滚动和旋转为结束。(SINGL ELIMINAT…


造成脑中风stroke)最常见的原因是血管栓塞或血栓所引起之大脑梗塞(cerebral infarct)。高血压所引起的脑实质内出血是 …

A player making a stroke on the bank of a bunker hits the ball to the top of the bank. 一名球员在沙坑的堤岸上打球,他把球打到堤的顶部。
gradually after the recovery and entry phase of the arm stroke, while his head turns back pass the center line of his body. 在手臂入水阶段之后,同时头部转回至身体的中线。
Having drunken up the last swig of beer at every meal, he would sit in the sofa, close his eyes and stroke around his belly. 吃完饭,喝完最后一口啤酒,他总会坐在沙发上,闭上眼睛,用手掌轻轻地在肚皮上打圈。
Don't hesitate to turn to him in time of difficulties, and he can always solve the problems at a stroke . 有困难的时候你可以毫不犹豫地去寻找他的帮助,他总是能一下子救解决问题。
Every stroke of the quill leaves me a little poorer . . . or would, if I were not a beggar to begin with. 每用羽毛笔写下一次,我就变的越来越穷……或者将会,若我不在一开始就是个穷光蛋的话。
It is important for you to think about your kick and how it fits into the rest of your stroke. 对大家来说,如何让打腿和后面的其他技术动作衔接完美是非常重要的!
An artisan was fastening Mother Hucheloup's big straw hat on his head with a string, "for fear of sun-stroke, " as he said. 一个工人用细绳把于什鲁大妈的大草帽拴在头上,他说:“免得中暑。”
I think I babbled a little bit and said something along the lines of it being a random but wonderful stroke of luck to meet him. 我想我有点胡言乱语,说了些诸如在路上随便逛逛结果令人惊讶的好运气碰见了他。
And with your bodies meshed tight in the tub, your guy can fondle your breasts and stroke you below the belt as he thrusts. 你们的身体在浴缸里紧密接触,在插入时,你的男伴可以抚摸你的乳房,按摩你的下体。
The bottom line of all these reports was that supplements of vitamin E could not be relied upon to protect against heart disease and stroke. 所有这些报告的主要指出的是:防止心脏病和中风不能依靠服用维生素E增补剂。
She achieved this by telling the story of her own grandmother, who suffered a stroke and was unable to speak. 她通过讲述她自己祖母的故事来教育这些年轻员工,她祖母中风以后就再也不能说话了。
When his wife died of a stroke in her sixties, the 72-year-old retired professor was overwhelmed by grief. 老伴六十多岁时中风去世时,那位72岁的退休教授不胜悲痛。
The water was deep, but she lifted her white body and reached out with a long, sweeping stroke. 水深了,她腾起身子,舒开双臂长长地一划。
The cells seem to have taken Root and formed connections with her own, surviving neurons, reversing much of the damage caused by the stroke. 这些细胞似乎是被接纳了,并形成了与她自己存活神经元的联系,使因中风引起的大部分损伤都得到了恢复。
By a stroke of luck the planets that gathered together in April are still having such a good time, they decided to stay together longer! 幸运的是群星在第五宫的派对依然再为你不断注入能量,他们还会停留的更久哦!
Waiting for your affectionate, gentle stroke, as if I was a porcelain doll in your hand. 等待你那深情而温柔的抚摸,仿佛我是你手中的瓷娃娃般。
A stroke is all dangerous of test, make me stronger, more humble, my hope have no broken wing. 一次次打击,都是凶险的考验,使我更坚强,更谦卑,我的希望没有折翼。
That gives it a better sense of whether a stroke was intended to be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. 那就对一个特定笔画是否有意为水平、垂直或对角的有了更好了解。
after a lifetime of physical and intellectual vigor, Ram Dass suffered a stroke that left him in a wheelchair and slow of speech. 在经历了身体和智力充满活力的一生后,RamDass遭受了一次中风,中分令他坐上轮椅,语速迟慢。
As he played the first stroke, they all began to quiver and shake: the judge, the clerks, and the court officials. 因为他播放第一个冲程,他们全都开始颤抖和震动:法官、干事和法厅行政人员。
You can answer the comment that stroke a chord with you or just a comment of a person before you. 你可以回答那个扣动了你心弦的评论或者你之前那个人的评论。
Soft fur touches skin inadvertently, a bit itchy, a bit slippery, as if grasses stroke our skin gently. 柔软的皮草不经意地触碰一下皮肤,有点痒,有点滑,犹如小草抚摸着我们的肌肤。
Using decision trees in expert systems is nothing new, but applying that idea to a crowdsourcing model might possibly be a stroke of genius. 在专家系统里使用决策树并非什么新鲜事物,但是把这种想法和大众外包(crowdsourcing)模式结合在一起实属天才之作。
And yet such a dialogue is completely absent since Kim Jong-il's stroke. 然而,自从金正日中风到现在,还完全缺少这样一种对话。
(Benign and idiopathic ) mean there was no evidence of harm and no identifiable cause like a (growth) or (stroke). 良性和突发性意味着没有会造成伤害的证据以及没有可确认的原因,如肿瘤或中风。
Since the same process occurs in each cylinder, we will take a look at one cylinder to see how the four stroke process works. 因为各气缸的工作行程是相同的,所以我们就从一个气缸了解四冲程是怎样运行的。
At the very top and the bottom of the stroke, the moment arm becomes zero and the motor power requirement is low during these reversals. 在冲程的顶端和底端,瞬时(扭矩)臂会变成零,在这个反向过程中对马达动力的需求会很小。
It is not easy to memorize Chinese word meaning, stroke order and Pinyin as well. In fact, it is quite boring and frustrating . 这是不容易记住中文生字的意思,笔顺及拼音。事实上,这是非常乏味和令人沮丧的。
At a stroke, a rocky transition - only the second since the collapse of the Soviet Union - seems to have been solved. 普京似乎一举解决了棘手的权力交接问题——这才是苏联解体以来的第二次权力交接。
Ibsen must have had a vision of a free mother, when, with a master stroke, he portrayed Mrs. Ibsen一定有过关于一个自由母亲的远见,那时,大笔一挥,他描写了Alving夫人。