more thing

more thingmore thing

more thing

Compliance is often seen as complex, costly, and as not contributing significantly to the bottom line -- just one more thing to do. 法规遵循往往是复杂的,代价高昂的,没有重大贡献的底线--仅仅是多做的工作。
Thank you, one more thing , how can I find out how much I have left in the bank? 谢谢,还有件事情,我怎么知道我在银行里还有多少存款呢?
Sometimes, I get so tense but I can't speed up the time. But you know, love, there's one more thing to consider. 有时,我是那么的紧张,但我不能让时间加快。但你知道,爱人,仍然还有一件事需要考虑。
We've heard a number of different examples and there's one more thing to listen out for. Listen to one of the examples again. 我们已经听过了一系列不同的例子但是我们还需要注意一点。再来听一下其中一个例子。
just one more thing. A school called me this morning to see if I could teach a few classes this weekend and I don't know what to do. 还有一件事。有个学校今天早晨打电话给我,问我愿不愿意这周末去他们那儿教几节课,我不知道该怎么办。
Mike: They're a bit tight. Could you get me a shoehorn? Oh, and one more thing, could you ask how much they are going to cost me? 这双有点紧。你能去帮我拿个鞋拔吗?哦,还有啊,帮我问问这双鞋多少钱?
" I am looking for you to have one more thing you need help. " Then he took out a cheque to her. “我找你来有一件事需要你帮忙。”说完他拿出了一张支票推到了她的面前。
There is one more thing we wish to say about this timeline of the New Earth. 关于新地球的这个时间线,我们还有一件希望要说的事情。
The bottom line: Resist the temptation to squeeze one more thing into the end of your day. 设置好底线:抵御住诱惑,不要在一天结束时再挤进一件额外的事情。
But there is one more thing the Brazilian starlet wishes to see from his teammate. 但是还有一件事情是这位巴西新兴想从他的这位队友那里看到的。
One more thing to watch for is the fact derived table is going to be materialized even to execute EXPLAIN statement. 需要考虑的另一方面是,派生表需要被显式处理,尽管只是执行EXPLAIN语句。
One more thing: eggs like juices can reduce the variety hangover for you and your guests next morning after the party. 另外一件事:象汁液的鸡蛋可能减少您和您的客人在次日上午的宿酒。
Oh, and one more thing, the same Europeans reserve the right to opt out of the alliance's combat operations. 对了,还有一件事:同样是这些欧洲人,还保留了选择退出盟国作战行动的权力。
One more thing. . . the "retry" mechanism in AIO is something you'll probably have to use. It's still getting changed around a bit though. 此外,虽然还在修改中,可能有必要使用AIO的“重试”机制。
But wait, one more thing, if i got that magic time-turner and i could go back in time, which moment would i want to return? 不过,假如我真的得到了那个时光器而能够回到过去,我会想回到哪个时段呢?
P. S One more thing: "Nissan Power 88" sounds like the name of an energy drink. 另还有一件事:“日产动力88”计划听起来有点像某种能量饮料的名字。
"For some people, it can be one more thing that makes them lean in an unsafe direction, " she said. 她说:“对于一些人而言,这还会引导他们走向危险。”
While it is possible to deal with this, it's still one more thing to deal with during a failure. 虽然这个问题可以解决,但它仍然是出现故障时需要处理的又一个问题。
After eating I ventured back out into the madness that is Amritsar's city centre. There was one more thing to do. 吃完饭之后,我富有探险精神地回到了阿姆利则市中心的狂乱中,我还有一件事情要做。
There was another silence and then Wallis began to laugh. "Can I say one more thing, Sir? " 又是一段沉默,然后沃利斯笑了起来。“我能再说一件事吗,殿下?”
It may sound a little strange, but it is one more thing that we do to try and keep the troops and their families connected. 这样做可能听起来似乎有点奇怪,然而它恰恰是我们正在试着去做的一件事情,以保持部队和他们的家里的联系。
And I would like to ask you one more thing. 我还有另一件事恳请你们。
So along with blossom, Easter eggs and hot-cross buns, we now have one more thing to get excited about this spring! 在这个春天里,除了盛开的鲜花、复活节蛋和十字面包外,我们又多了一个令人刺激的事儿啦。
And I am supposed to do this twice a day for the next four days. Yet one more thing was certain. 而这些事情在接下来的4天里我却要每天重复两次。
In me first two season, I just can saying that I sometime feeling good. This season I must doing this with me life to showing more thing. 我的前两个赛季,只能说有时候还算不错,这个赛季我必须拼命,展示更多的东西。
I just got one more thing I got to do, won't be long. 我还有件事情要去办,不会很长时间的。
Matier: There is one more thing I need to ask of you. Son of Sparda. 我得再拜讬你一件事,斯帕达的孩子。
Now before I launch into those arguments, let me say one more thing about their attitude toward theory. 在我开始那些论点之前,让我再讲些关于他们对待理论的态度问题。
One more thing: Mr. Wyly also wants his favorite pecan pie, baked by his assistant. 维利还想得到一样东西:他的助理烤制的美味核桃派。
Ya. . . there is one more thing, if you able to control it to spin clock wise or anti clockwise, then your IQ is hitting 160 and above. . . 呀。这里有更多的东西,如果你能控制它旋转的方向,那么你的IQ达到了160甚至更高…