
美 [dræɡ]英 [dræɡ]
  • n.令人厌烦的人;乏味无聊的事;累赘;拖累
  • v.(使劲而吃力地)拖;缓慢而费力地移动(或行进);生拉硬拽
  • adj.女穿男服的;〈美俚〉男穿女服的
  • adv.〈美俚〉带有女伴
  • 网络拖曳;拖拉;拖动

过去式:dragged 第三人称单数:drags 现在分词:dragging

investigation drag,case drag,war drag
atmospheric drag


v. n.


1.[t](+ adv.prep.)(使劲而吃力地)拖,拉,拽,扯to pull sb/sth along with effort and difficulty

缓慢移动move slowly

2.[t][i]缓慢而费力地移动(或行进)to move yourself slowly and with effort

劝人走persuade sb to go

3.[t]~ sb/yourself + adv./prep.生拉硬拽;劝人勉强来(或去)to persuade sb to come or go somewhere they do not really want to come or go to

时间of time

4.[i]过得很慢;拖沓地进行to pass very slowly

触到地上touch ground

5.[i][t](使)在地上拖着移动to move, or make sth move, partly touching the ground

在河中搜索search river

6.[t]~ sth (for sb/sth)用网(或钩)搜索(河或湖底)to search the bottom of a river, lake, etc. with nets or hooks


drag your feet/heels

故意拖拉;故意延迟(作出决定)to be deliberately slow in doing sth or in making a decision

高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... swallow vt 咽;淹没;吞没 drag vt ;拖曳 pull sb up 把....往上曳 ...


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... swallow vt 咽;淹没;吞没 drag vt 拖;拖曳 pull sb up 把....往上曳 ...


高中英语单词表 ... drawer n. 拖曳者 drag n. 拖,拉 v.拖;缓慢地移动;故意拖延 dozen n. 一打,十二个;十来个,十几个 ...


photoshop 3D工具基础指南-Part01 | 设计箱 ... 旋转操作( Rotate) 拖动Drag) 3d缩放工具( Scale) ...


Unity 脚本类总索引 ... detectCollisions 碰撞检测 drag 阻力 freezeRotation 冻结旋转 ...

字典中 拽 字的解释 ... (1) 短桨。一说船舷[ short oar] ◎ drag haul pluck pull (2) 携带[ bring] ...


草图的拖拽drag)操作不能用于以下的( )操作。 proe中键不能旋转 汽车设计方面有哪些前沿的研究技术 开放来源 问题状 …

The aerofoil of a wing creates more lift than drag, but exactly how much depends on its design and the speed of the air passing over it. 飞机上的机翼制造升力超过阻力,但具体取决于机翼的设计和当时经过的空气流动速率。
The stone I would have used in an attempt to drag back those who are at peace, rather than to enable my self-sacrifice, as you did. 对那块石头,我是想把那些长眠者硬拽回来,而不是像你那样,帮助自己实现自我牺牲。
WebSphere Studio enables you to easily drag the Web service onto a portlet page in the form of a JSF Web service client component. WebSphereStudio使您能够轻易地以JSFWeb服务客户端组件的形式将Webservice拖动到portlet页面上。
Staring at the statue-still figures around the fire, Simon again felt the weight of his fear drag at him. 注视着篝火周围,这些雕塑般静止不动的人影,Simon再一次感到了恐惧。
I don't wanna work with him for he is such a drag. 我不想和他一起工作,因为他太无聊了。
You want me to go back to that house? Forget it! Wild horses couldn't drag me within 50 miles of that place again! 你想让我重回那间屋子?休想!就算是野马也不能把我拽到离那间屋子50英里内的地方。
"Financial stress has been and continues to be a significant drag on the recovery, both here and abroad, " he said. “财政压力之前一直对复苏构成重大拖累,这情况也会持续下去,无论是在美国还是其他国家,”他说。
You do not need the field Region in this case. Drag it out of the layout area. 这时你若不需要地区字段,将它拖出布局区域即可。
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the housing slump will continue to be a drag on U. S. growth into next year. 做为名词,有累赘,拖累的意思。美国联邦储备委员会主席伯南克认为,房屋市场的不景气会继续成为美国经济成长的绊脚石。
Just drag it out to a random size in the top viewport. 只要将它以一个随机的前视口的大小。
The drag caused by this low-density gas is enough to cause the Earth to drift inwards, and finally to be captured and vaporised by the Sun. 由这个低密度大气所产生的引力足够使地球向内漂移,最终被太阳捕获,然后蒸发。
Paragraph Drag the Mikogo program into the Applications folder, or to another location of your choice. 拖动Mikogo文件到应用程序文件夹,或者你选择的另一个地方。
He believes that the consensus view on Wall Street is still that the U. S. will drag the rest of the world into a global recession. 他相信华尔街上多数人的意见仍然是美国将把全世界拖入全球衰退。
From the Fields available for this view section, drag any other fields that you want onto the main form. 从“可用于此视图的字段”部分,将您需要的其他所有字段拖动到主窗体上。
Cutting corners can be a false economy; a cheap handbag, one expert argues, can drag down the rest of a woman's outfit. 在降低价格调低档次并是一个错误的做法:一名专家指出,一个低档的手提包将会拖累整个女性商品的系列。
You can do it for a few days, but you soon run out of energy, and it becomes a drag to do it. 也许你能坚持一段时间,但不久你会耗尽精力,无法完成既定的目标。
You can also click on a folder and drag it onto another folder to make it a subfolder. 您还可以点击一个文件夹并将其拖到另一个文件夹上,以使其成为一个子文件夹。
This beam was to be shot at one of the republic ships and drag it into a Hammerhead-class capital ship, destroying both. 这种光束被射向一艘共和国战舰,并拖拽它撞上了一艘锤头级主力舰,两艘飞船都被摧毁。
The fire is gone now and I ' m horrible cold. I really ought to drag myself outside, but then there'd be the sun. 火已灭,我很冷,我实在该把自己拖到外面,不像这儿,那儿有阳光。
All that Edmond had been able to do was to drag himself about a dozen paces forward to lean against a moss-grown rock. 爱德蒙所能做的也只是把自己向前拖了十几步,靠在一块长满苔藓的岩石上。
The review, destined to again drag the agency onto the front pages, is expected to last at least a year. 此次审查预计将持续至少一年,这无疑会让中情局再次登上各家报纸的头版。
I don't wanna hang out with her. She's such a drag. 我不想和她在一起,她这人很无聊。
Even if the south has no chance of winning the oil back, it may drag out legal proceedings to satisfy its hot heads at home. 即使南部已经没有机会再赢回油田,它也可以通过法律程序的拖延来抚慰过激的人。
Okay, so the hungry leopard goes out and kills yet another impala and is trying to drag it up the tree. 好的,那么饥饿的豹子再出去杀死另一只黑斑羚,并试图把它拖上树。
If it is already selected, Access will assume you are trying to drag the row to a new location. 如果已经选中,则Access将假设您要尝试将该行拖动到新的位置。
After two years of stimulus, federal government spending has now joined state and local budgets as a drag on growth. 政府的经济刺激计划实施两年后,联邦政府开支与州及地方预算一起成为经济发展的阻碍。
The drag handlers are uninstalled, leaving the original onmousedown handlers behind, ready to start the next drag-and-drop sequence. 这个拖动处理程序将被卸载,只留下最初的onmousedown处理程序,准备好开始下一轮的拖放过程。
It is hard to judge how this will end, but it looks as if it will drag on and on. 目前还难以判断这桩丑闻会如何收尾,但看起来似乎会无限期地持续下去。
Produce a drag-and-bad because of a blade and a printing plate between the impurities, and extends to the ground knife back. 爆发拖恶的来因是刮刀与印版之间有杂质,而且蔓延到不天刀背。
He looked over and inclined his head, which meant that he was ready to leave and wanted me to drag him away. 他向上看并歪着头,这意味着他准备离开,并希望我把他拖走。