
美 [di:'ju]
  • na.“Du Bois”的变体;“Du Maurier”的变体
  • 网络杜;十二指肠溃疡(duodenal ulcer);贫铀(depleted uranium)



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十二指肠溃疡(duodenal ulcer)

分为十二指肠溃疡(DU)和胃溃疡(GU) .临床上十二指肠溃疡(DU)较胃溃疡为(GU)多见. 常发生在十二指肠球部,可见于任何年龄, …

贫铀(depleted uranium)

所以贫铀(DU)可以做装甲夹层,而钨合金不行. 楼主你的建议还不如改为"用钛合金来做复合装甲的中间层",那样我们的坦克可能重 …

磁盘使用(Disk Usage)

Disk Usage (DU)  v1.33(2008 年 12 月 10 日)  按目录查看磁盘使用情况。EFSDump  v1.02(2006 年 11 月 1 日)  查看加密 …


十二指肠球部溃疡DU)48例,胃溃疡(GU)27例,慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)18例,慢性清表性胃炎(CSG)96例,复合性 …

what du you think are the main differences between the youth of today and the older generation? 你认为1。年杜之间最大的不同是当今的年轻一代,大吗?。
Mr Du was one of the three "relationship mangers" whose principal role was to "help us pitch and win the deal" , Mr Jarayam told the court. 贾亚拉姆告诉法庭,杜军是三名“关系经理”之一,其主要角色是“帮助我们推销并赢得交易”。
And if your mother wants to be shocked by something, DU, it ought to be that her son-the-grad- student had $5K to plunk down on a sex toy. 你妈非要觉得惊讶的话,DU[2],应该是她的研究生儿子居然买得起五千美刀的性工具这一点吧。
Through the use of find, you can even use du to find out how much space specific users are using. 通过使用find,您甚至可以使用du来查找指定用户所使用的空间。
Insulted, Du Fu left the city to the outskirts and lying on the ridges of the field, poured out his sentiments towards Heaven. 杜甫蒙受羞辱,就出城到郊外,仰躺在田埂上对天浩叹。
"Do not take care of him not, the old mendicant isn't me . . . . . . my companion. " The Du Du glimpses an answer way. “不,不去管他,老乞丐不是我……我的同伴。”嘟嘟瞥了一眼回答道。
a week later , marguerite had taken possession of the house in the country and i was installed at the point du jour. 一星期以后,玛格丽特搬进了乡下那座房子,我就住在曙光饭店。
Then, writing means of Chun and Qiu was always used in Du Fu's poetry, is one of the important reasons of his poetry was named poem history. “春秋笔法”的大量使用,也是杜诗获得“诗史”称号的重要原因之一。
Du Bois'foreign trips were the highlight, not the ----, of his travels; he was habitually on the go across and around the United States. 杜波伊斯的海外旅行是其旅行生涯中最突出的部分,而非全部;他总是习惯性地在美国各地并环绕着美国到处周游。
If I listen to an old woman, feeling deeply realize licking of her and the son Du, no one and must up. 我听老妇的话,深深体会到她跟儿子的舔犊之情,没有人及得上。
She let her hair down in "The Merry Widow" , and squeezed herself into a too-tight uniform to sing Marie in "La Fille du Regiment" . 她在唱“风流寡妇”的时候不拘小节,在唱“战场上的女孩”玛丽的时候,把自己丰满的身体塞进一个紧绷的制服里。
There was also an oversupply of programmers, which had been the hot job du jour. But you rarely hear about programmers going hungry. 在就业市场上,曾一度极为热门的网络程序员也出现了供大于求的情况,不过你很少听说网络程序员会没饭吃。
Du was one of the favorites in the 10-meter air rifle last Saturday, but she finished a shocking fifth. 上周六,杜丽是10米气步枪最被看好的选手之一,但令人吃惊的是她只获得了第五名。
The 21-year-old girl told Du she was standing at the edge of a dorm roof and if he did not show up in five minuets she would jump off. 这位21岁的女孩说,她站在杜的边缘,如果他宿舍屋顶上并没有出现在五分钟内,她会跳下车。
Riad Kamal, chief executive of Arabtec ARTC. DU, said he had no doubt about Dubai's commitment to settle its debt. DU执行长RiadKamal表示,对于迪拜清偿债务的承诺他毫不怀疑。
"As it turns out, it was a hoax, " admitted the author in a statement posted on the website of his magazine, La Regle du Jeu. 莱维在他的杂志「游戏规则」网站发表声明,坦言「如同众人所见,这是个骗局」。
She liked dropping into a kindergarten on Nguyen Du street to see children playing, when she went selling steamed glutinous rice. 当她卖蒸糯米时,她很喜欢到nguyen路上的幼儿园去看孩子们玩。
Du Rhode said he was trying to stay calm. He believes France is undergoing a period of major change - and he is for that. DuRhode说道他一直试着让自己保持镇静。他相信法国正经受着一段重大的变革时期,而他对此表示支持。
MaJingPing trying to DuTieYing communication, I wish du and tough, but don't overdo do not get the essential effect. 马靖平试图和杜铁英沟通,但愿杜不要过火严厉,却没有获得本质性效果。
The first stop of his visit was Chengdu and he made a special visit to the Thatched Cottage of Poet Du Fu. 他此次来访第一站是成都,专门去参观杜甫草堂。
"Louis de Pointe du Lac would see a ghost now, " she said, musing, "as if his suffering isn't enough. " “现在的路易看起来像个鬼魂,”她说,又自言自语道:“就好像他的痛苦还远远不够似的。”
Chen Du - xiu had been pursuing socialism before he degraded himself into a Trotskyite . 社会主义是陈独秀蜕变为托派以前矢志不渝的追求。
Hillary asks: "That piece of scrip that on behalf of me then husband overcomes Lin Du is in which. " 希拉里问:“那代表我老公克林顿的那张纸片在哪呢。”上地说;
But how much warmth does the intimate du convey? 但是,更私人的“你”这个称呼究竟能传达多少暖意呢?
Nearly every driver who passed during several recent traffic sessions smiled, seemingly thrilled to see that Du Du was there and in charge. 几乎每个司机在经过最近几个交通高峰时期时都是微笑的,似乎是因为他们兴奋地看见杜杜在那儿,而且很好的控制着局面。
As for the hideous vision of the Barriere du Maine, Cosette had not referred to it again. 至于上次在梅恩便门遇见的那种奇丑绝恶的景象,珂赛特没有再提起过。
I had been told that it would lead me to the maker of the wine I had liked at lunchtime, a white C'tes-du-Rhone. 据朋友们说,这条小路通往一家专门制造罗讷河白葡萄酒的酒窖,而这种白葡萄酒恰是我午餐时的最爱。
In this way a reign of terror becomes universal, and the state acquires everywhere something of the character of the comite du Salut Public. 这样一种恐怖的统治,已变为世界性的,而国家在任何场合都带有“公安委员会”的某些性质。
When Ying Chen asked Du Xuan how he got so seriously ill, Du told him he drank the wine with a snake in his cup the other day. 过了几天,应郴有事到杜宣家中,问他怎么会闹病的,杜宣便讲了那天饮酒时酒杯中有蛇的事。
Du was purged for his reformist positions as the head of the General Administration of Press and Publication after the 1989 protests. 年抗议示威事件之后,时任新闻出版总署署长的杜导正因其改革派立场遭到整肃。