
美 [drɔn]英 [drɔːn]
  • adj.(因身体不适、疲倦或忧虑)憔悴的
  • v.“draw”的过去分词
  • 网络拉;画画的过去分词;谜画之塔



不规则动词表+中文_百度文库 ... throw--threw--thrown 抛,扔 draw--drew--drawn ,绘画 break--broke--broken 破碎,折断 …


守护甜心变身咒语_百度知道 ... Fantasy Debris( 梦幻碎片) Drawn画画的过去分词) Whip( 搅拌) ...


PopCap经典破解游戏合集_Felixir_百度空间 ... Azada《 阿扎达》系列 Drawn谜画之塔》系列 Dream Chronicles《 梦之旅 …


自己总结不定词--过去式--过去分词 - 豆丁网 ... drew 牵引;描绘;起草 drawn 拔出的 dream 梦想;做梦,梦见; 想到 ...


日本标准钢号表示方法_百度文库 ... P:Plate (板) ID:Drawn (拉制) H:Highyield (高屈服的) Y:(焊接); ...


... ... artfans= 艺术爱好者、艺术迷 drawn 画,绘制 making 制造 ...

If their luck had been as good as Turkey's they might have drawn against both Croatia and Germany and beaten Poland. 如果他们的运气像土耳其一样好,他们是可以打败克罗地亚,德国和波兰的。
they were drawn as they resonated with the destructive paradigm that was the result of incomplete inner-Earth ascensions. 他们是被与他们共鸣的破坏性范例所吸引的,而这是地内不完全提升的结果。
From the beginning, it was evident that this boy was to be drawn to writing and the sound of words. 这个孩子从一开始就表现出对写作和声韵的出类拔萃。
It also demonstrates that swift reform is often more effective than drawn-out and painful adjustments. 它还表明,快速改革往往比拖拖拉拉的痛苦调整更有效。
There is a lesson to be drawn from all this but it has nothing to do with cheese, moons or quarks. 从所有这些内容中确实可以学到一个教训,但它与奶酪、卫星和夸克毫无关系。
Because of your compassion and being such a good listener, people feel drawn to you and look to you for advice. 因为你的同情心,以及能做一个很好的听众,人们经常会寻求你的帮助,并征求你的建议。
When Puss had drawn the boots upon his feet and hung the bag about his neck, he told his master to be brave, and trust him for the rest. 猫把靴子套在脚上,把袋子挂在脖子上,然后告诉主人不用操心,只要相信它就行了。
Once the numbers for your chosen lottery are drawn, Ozlotteries. Com will send you an email to let you know if you have won a prize. 一旦你所选的乐透开奖,Ozlotteries.com会发给你电子邮件通知你是否中奖。
The dial on the right indicates how much power is being drawn--the motor makes out at 30 kilowatts, or about 40 horsepower. 右侧的表盘显示多大的权力正在制定-电机马克塞斯了30千瓦,约40马力。
As she slowly placed the phone back in its cradle, the two toddlers, drawn inside by the commotion, saw Anderson and started crying. 两个刚学会走路的小孩,被屋里的响声招了进来,看到安德森的摸样,吓得哭了起来。
Choose "Shared Tracks" from the main menu to send your own creations to other Line Rider fans, or to retrieve tracks drawn by other fans. 选择“共用路轨”,从主菜单送你自己的创作的路线,给其他在线莱德其它的朋友,或取出轨道牵引其他玩家。
It is to weave the cloth with threads drawn from your heart, even as if your beloved were to wear that cloth. 就是自你心中抽出丝来织布,犹如你心爱的人要穿它一般。
When it comes to human rights, too, the US seems to have drawn the conclusion it is not good policy to bad mouth its chief creditor. 在人权问题上,美国似乎也已得出结论:说大债主坏话不是上策。
We do not know what his parents called him. Moses is the name given to him by Pharaoh's daughter and simply means 'drawn out'. 我们不晓得他的父母为他起了个甚么名字,只知道法老的女儿为他起了「摩西」这个名字,意思很简单,就是解作「拉出来」。
Then it rose sharply, suggesting the desirability, whenever practical, of using blood within the first 14 days after it had been drawn. 然后,它大幅上升,这表明血液利用适用性的最佳有利时期是在血液被采集的14天以内。
An account of the meeting, known as the Downing Street Memo, is drawn up by one of the participants, but remains secret for several years. 一个关于这次会议的描述,被称作唐宁街备忘录,由当时的一个参与者提供,不过身份还要隐藏几年。
Southern Weekend reported that the case had drawn more attention than any other since the launch of the one-child policy. 《南方周末》报道说这个事件比计划生育政策开始执行时吸引了更多关注。
We have been able to outline the steps in the long drawn out process of producing present-day levels of oxygen in the atmosphere. 我们已经可以绘制出长期进化过程中产生的大气中现存的氧气水平的大致步骤。
Judging by the underlying structure, the car appears as if it will have proportions drawn directly from its 1950s forebear. 从基本结构,汽车似乎是如果将比例直接摘自其1950年的祖先。
A memorable way to think about this action whilst you are swimming is to visualise a smiley face drawn on the palm of your hand. 一个令人难忘的方式去思考这个动作,而你在游泳去想象在你的手掌有画一个笑脸。
A button on a toolbar, which has all the same features of a regular button but is usually drawn differently. 一个按钮,一个工具条,其中已全部一样的特点,定期按钮,但通常是取用不同。
13When Joshua was near Jericho, he lifted up his eyes and saw before him a man with a drawn sword in his hand. 当若苏厄走近耶里哥时,举目一望,看见一个人立在他面前,手持脱鞘的刀。
Or, on a more complex level, is there a need for an estate tax plan to be drawn up by an attorney? 换言之,从一个更加复杂的层面来看,有没有必要让律师来拟制财税计划?
More than a century of groundwater over-exploitation in Vietnam has drawn the water table down and, with it, arsenic. 在越南长达一个多世纪的地下水过度开采使地下水位下降,与此同时,砷也随之深入。
These aerosols also influence how much carbon dioxide gets drawn out of the air by plants on land and in the sea. 这些气溶胶或多或少也影响了陆地和海洋中的植物对空气中二氧化碳的吸收。
On the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence. . . 总的来说,得出这样的结论是有一定的把握的…
She married, as her mother had done at her age, and was drawn into the family business, which by this time was a chain of dry cleaners. 她结婚了,正如她母亲在她这个年龄所做的一样,她进入了家族生意,当时是一家干洗连锁店。
The general direction of the smoke will be drawn to the right, if left may be the tendency to schizophrenia. 一般人画的烟方向会向右,如果向左可能有精神分裂的倾向。
A client's action plan is drawn up, with the role of each professional made explicit, including the time of his or her involvement. 客户的行动计划制订,每一个专业人员作出明确的作用,包括他或她的参与时间。
I swear a chimp could have drawn better than some of the guys in there, but I noticed something about my pictures. 不过,我可以肯定,即便是一个黑猩猩都会比我们班上的一些家伙要画得好。