
美 [lɔ]英 [lɔː]
  • n.法律;规律;法学;定律
  • 网络法则;法学院


obey law,break law,enforce law,violate law,make law
english law,applicable law,japanese law,british law,German law



规则体系system of rules

1.[u]法律(体系)the whole system of rules that everyone in a country or society must obey

2.[u]法规a particular branch of the law

一条法规one rule

3.[c](针对某项罪行、协议等的一条)法律,法规a rule that deals with a particular crime, agreement, etc.


4.[u]法学;法律学;律师业the study of the law as a subject at university, etc.; the profession of being a lawyer


5.[sing]警方;法律机构used to refer to the police and the legal system

机构;活动of organization/activity

6.[c]规则;规章;条例one of the rules which controls an organization or activity

良好的品行of good behaviour

7.[c]良好行为的准则;(某地或某场合下的)行为规范a rule for good behaviour or how you should behave in a particular place or situation

商业;自然;科学in business/nature/science

8.[c]规律;法则;原理the fact that sth always happens in the same way in an activity or in nature

9.[c]定律a scientific rule that sb has stated to explain a natural process


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常用物理英文词汇 - 豆丁网 ... laser 激光,激光器 law 定律 law of conservation of angular momentum 角动量守恒定律 ...


猷字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 计划;谋划〖 grandplan〗 道;法则law〗 猷 yóu ...


同样的 如果你去的是法学院law)那么则以LSAT成绩代替GRE成绩也就是说 GRE GMAT LSAT 这三种 是互替的 看你的专业 …

Still, depending on how the offers were pitched, it is possible that there were technical breaches of the law. 尽管如此,白宫仍有可能在技术层面上存在违法行为,而这要取决于它开出的条件。
John Law' s face was red. ' No! ' he cried. He began to walk up the hill to the village. 'Go back to your dirty family! ' 约翰·劳的脸涨红了。“不!”他喊道。他开始上山往村里走去。“回到你那肮脏的家里去吧!”
b. A new country is being established by breach of international law. It's better to call it a fake country. 一个新国家正在违犯国际法,蕴酿形成中,宁可称其为假国家。
The rule of law versus the rule of men is not the delimitation of two distinct places or times. 法治与法治的男子并非是两个不同的划分地方或次。
Whether to handle affairs according to the law is often determined by relations, i. e. , personal relations. 很多时候,照不照法律办事,关键在于关系,也就是说在于人情。
The law did not yield many inventions, but it did send a crucial signal that government would be friendly to private start-ups. 该法律并没有导致很多发明,但它发出了一个重要信号,即政府将采取对私营新建企业有利的政策。
Hyundai Motor said it expected the creditors to deal with the matter fairly, in accordance with law and bidding regulations. 现代汽车表示,期待债权人依照法律和竞购规定,公正处理此事。
But when the time had come, God sent out his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. 要把律法以下的人赎出来,叫我们得着儿子的名分。
A few years ago a good friend was asked to make a cake for her mother-in-law's father's 90th birthday. 几年前,有人要从我的一位好朋友那里定制一只生日蛋糕,用于其岳父的90岁生日。
Swiss court sided with the hedge funds, which had sued under a debt-collection law, but was overruled by an appeals court on a technicality. 对冲基金按照债务催收法提起诉讼,得到一家瑞士法庭支持,不过被上诉法庭以一个无关痛痒的细节为由驳回。
For the law of the spirit of life, in Christ Jesus, hath delivered me from the law of sin and of death. 因为在基督耶稣内赐与生命之神的法律,已使我获得自由,脱离了罪恶与死亡的法律。
It might have been when I found out that because of the law in Washington, the wine would take at least ten days for delivery. 也许就是从那时起:我发现由于华盛顿的法律,葡萄酒至少需要十天才能送到。
The water and soil conservation programme shall be drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of this Law. 水土保持方案应当按照本法第十八条的规定制定。
It was the shared background of these influential torch bearers of the new legal science that consolidated the civil law tradition. 这就是那些巩固了大陆法系传统的新法学的重要传播者的共同背景。
Several years ago, her mother-in-law was diagnosed with cancer and was told she had six months to live. 几年前,她的婆婆被诊断出患有癌症,并被告知只剩六个月的寿命。
It could almost be said to be a law of physics, a principle that reigns over all created multitudes, whether they have genes or not. 它也可以说是由物理学和创新的东西组成的,无论它们是否有基因。
"Divination" is to predict future developments, and "I Ching" is the theory of summing up the law books of these projections. “卜筮”就是对未来事态的发展进行预测,而《易经》便是总结这些预测规律理论的书。
However, the book said not Luanchenzeizi, sea pirates, but because ordinary people do not know the law enforcement is the court. 不过,本书说的不是什么乱臣贼子、江洋大盗,而是普通老百姓由于不懂法律被法院强制执行的事。
It is really confusing and we just want the Minister of Health to tell us when the law is in action, " said the owners of the Sushi Bar. " 这真是让人困惑,我们只是希望卫生部长告诉我们,这项法律什么时候开始生效。
There was no statistically significant correlation between the demographics of respondents and level of risk perceived in law. 各人口学变项与法条方面危险知觉程度无统计上显著相关。
The law created a strong presumption that government documents requested by a member of the public would be turned over. 这个法律创造了一个强大的推断这让任意的公众都可以要求政府资料公开。
You will never know how much grief you are being spared if you live by God's law. 如果你依照神的律法过日子,你已避免了很多烦恼。
Series of civil law system, which declares the concept of private law autonomy is enough to prove its fundamental position. 民法上一系列制度对私法自治理念的昭示足以证明其基础性地位。
Once there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (cowboy). He was driven out of home by his sister-in-law. 很久以前有一个诚实善良的人叫牛郎,他被嫂子赶出了家门。
Regulation A law or rule used to control the conduct of an individual or company, which is usually enforced by a government authority. 规定用来控制个人或公司行为的法律或条例,通常由政府强制执行。
But candidates need not have been judges at home; one Japanese member of the court has been a law professor and diplomat. 但候选人不需要在本国担任过法官;法官中有一位是日本的法律教授与外交官。
A year later, he was dead, he was looking at the small daughter-in-law door closed her eyes. A handful of loess, conceal a romantic story. 一年后,老爹死了,他是看着小儿媳的进门合上了双眼。一把黄土,掩盖了一个风流的故事。
The murders of her mother in law and husband affected Gandhi tremendously. 婆婆和丈夫被暗杀给甘地造成了巨大的打击。
The Code is not intended to cover every applicable law, rule or regulation or to provide answers to all questions that may arise. 本准则无意取代任何相关的适用法律、条例、规章,也不可能解决所有可能出现的问题。
That's it! The law says that you cannot touch, but I think I see a lot of law-breakers up in this house tonight. 好了!法律规定你们不能伸手摸我但是我觉得今晚在这屋里有很多违法之徒啊