
美 [drɔ]英 [drɔː]
  • v.吸引;拉;得出;提取
  • n.抽奖;平局;抽签;和局
  • 网络画;绘制;绘图

过去式:drew 过去分词:drawn 第三人称单数:draws 现在分词:drawing

draw line,draw conclusion,draw picture,draw map,draw water
away draw


v. n.

绘画make pictures

1.[i][t](用铅笔、钢笔或粉笔)画,描绘,描画to make pictures, or a picture of sth, with a pencil, pen or chalk (but not paint)


2.[t]~ sth/sb + adv./prep.拖(动);拉(动);牵引to move sth/sb by pulling it or them gently

3.[t]~ sth拉,拖(车)to pull a vehicle such as a carriage


4.[t]~ sth拉(窗帘、帘子)to open or close curtains, etc.


5.[i]+ adv./prep.(向某个方向)移动,行进to move in the direction mentioned


6.[t][i]~ (sth) (on sb)拔出;抽出;掏出to take out a weapon, such as a gun or a sword , in order to attack sb


7.[t]吸引;招引;使感兴趣to attract or interest sb

引起反应get reaction

8.[t]产生,引起,激起(反应或回应)to produce a reaction or response

使人说话make sb talk

9.[t][oftpass]~ sb (about/on sth)使说出;使吐露to make sb say more about sth


10.[t]~ sth (from sth)获取;得出;推断出to have a particular idea after you have studied sth or thought about it


11.[t]~ sth进行,作(比较或对比)to express a comparison or a contrast


12.[i][t]抽(签、牌);抓(阄)to decide sth by picking cards, tickets or numbers by chance


13.[i][t]以平局结束;不分胜负to finish a game without either team winning


14.[t]提取;领取;支取to take money or payments from a bank account or post office


15.[t]~ sth (+adv./prep.)抽出;吸出to take or pull liquid or gas from somewhere


16.[i][t]抽(烟);吸(气)to breathe in smoke or air


draw a blank

无回音;无结果;无收获to get no response or result

draw blood

使流血to make sb bleed

draw breath

停下来歇口气to stop doing sth and rest

draw sbs fire

(为掩护他人)吸引…的火力,转移…的视线to make sb direct their anger, criticism, etc. at you, so that others do not have to face it

draw a line under sth

到…为止;就…打住to say that sth is finished and not worth discussing any more

draw the line (at sth/at doing sth)

拒绝做;给…定界限to refuse to do sth; to set a limit

draw the line (between sth and sth)

划界线;区分(两个密切相关的思想)to distinguish between two closely related ideas

draw the short straw

抽到倒霉签;被派做苦差事to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task

draw straws (for sth)

抽签(决定某事)to decide on sb to do or have sth, by choosing pieces of paper, etc.

求翻译同一篇文章中_百度知道 ... winter ---- 冬季 draws---- 绘制 have been joined by----- 已经加入了. ...


求翻译同一篇文章中_百度知道 ... winter ---- 冬季 draws---- 绘制 画 have been joined by----- 已经加入了. ...

物以类聚英语怎么说,... ... flock n.羊群,(禽、畜等的)群,大量,众多 v.聚结 draws ,吸入,抽取;名词 like n.爱好,同样的人(或 …


王陆807词汇升级版_百度文库 ... entertainment 娱乐 draws 绘图 phone-in 打入电话 ...

... junior n. 年少者, 晚辈, 下级, (年龄、职位等)较低者, 大学三年级学生 draws v. 拉, 曳, , 画, 绘制, 拖曳 debbie n. 黛比 ...


HKSSF.ORG.HK ... 报名表 Entry Form 抽签结果 Draws 对赛表 Order of Play ...

Bed gravity is an irresistible force that draws you back to bed, or toward any mattress, couch, or other soft horizontal surface. 床重力是一股让你难以抵抗的力量,能将你拉回床、床垫、沙发或者其他一切软的可以平躺的物件上。
The message he draws from "Rome and the Barbarians" seems to be: a new class of Barbarians is back, but don't be anxious. Be nice. 他从“罗马人和野蛮人”中得出的结论似乎是——新的野蛮人又将出现,但是这次不要着急,耐心等待就好。
There was a sequence where a boy draws a picture, and I thought to myself, 'It would be so satisfying if they started animating the fantasy. 记得有那么一个片段:一个小男孩正在作画,然后我心想,‘如果他们能绘制魔幻式的动画场景就更令人满意了。’
Putting on a show and having official carbon auditors isn't really necessary, he said, but it draws attention in a different way. 他还说,给一场演出配上碳排放审计员的做法并不是完全必要,但却能够以另一种方式引起人们的注意。
Due to the alarm, the inmates from Psych Ward filter out into the dark yard. Michael peeks up as a herd of white jumpsuits draws near. 由于警报响起,犯人们慢慢从精神病区走出,来到漆黑的院子里。Michael从井下偷看,一队穿着白色病号服的犯人走到了附近。
That is one of the main draws of terrariums, she said: they are good for people who love plants but do not actually enjoy gardening. 她说:“这是水晶球盆景吸引人的主要因素,这对那些喜欢植物而又不精通园艺的人来说是个好消息。”
I cannot think of any place I would rather be as Election Day draws close than running an underdog campaign in the state of New Hampshire! 在选举日即将来临的时刻,我除了来到新罕普什尔之外,不可能会想到任何其它地方去开展处于劣势的竞选!
Mr Liu draws a parallel with the early days of the Eurobond market in London, describing some of the transactions that now become possible. 刘先生对此与早些天在伦敦的欧元市场做了比较,并描述了一些现在已经成为现实的交易。
She plays this wild woman who draws Ben Stiller out of his shell " someone who's very loose, which is not the way Rachel is at all. " 她扮演了一个将本。斯蒂勒(的灵魂)抽离出躯体的疯狂女人,这种人非常放任散漫的,与瑞秋根本是不同的。
It took more energy to start spinning with her arms extended, so as she draws them in, that extra energy is converted into faster spinning. 如果他展开双臂来开始旋转这会耗掉她很多力气。因此,她把手向上伸,这样额外的能量会转化为更快的旋转。
He cups his hands over his mouth, draws a breath, and makes a low, lonesome moan that rises to a fierce cry. 阿尔瓦雷斯把双手放在嘴边,做成扩音的样子,深深地吸一口气,发出低沉、孤独的呜咽声。
Paolo Silvio Mazzoleni will be the referee in Fiorentina-Milan. With him in charge, Milan have never lost (5 wins, 3 draws). 马佐莱尼将在佛罗伦萨与米兰的比赛中执法。他过去和米兰在同一块球场的比赛中,米兰保持不败(5胜3平)
THE NEEDLE The long thread draws its breath as she sews him a shirt more like a surplice. 针她为他缝制一件更像白袈裟的衬衫时长长的线牵扯着他的呼吸。
No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up in the last day. 若不是差我来的父吸引人,就没有人能到我这里来;到我这里来的,在末日我要叫他复活。
Although none of his series has been top-ranked in and of itself, collectively speaking, he's one of my bigger draws. 尽管他的系列文章没有进入排行榜的前列,但他是我最多产的作者之一。
Morrison draws on all of these styles to create a rich tapestry of backgrounds and experiences for her distinctive characters. 莫里森利用了所有这些风格创造丰富多彩的背景和经历,她独特的字符。
Draws an arc representing a portion of an ellipse specified by a pair of coordinates, a width, and a height. 绘制一段弧线,它表示由一对坐标、宽度和高度指定的椭圆部分。
However, as the next century draws near, it is time to ask: What does choice really mean to us young people? 但是,随着下个世纪的脚步越走越近,我们是该们心自间了:选择,对于我们青年一代,到底意味着什么?。
Chapter one, the part of the introduction draws the question, expounds content and method that this paper studies. 全文共分为六章,文章的第一部分引出问题,阐述本文研究内容和方法。
Such a strong sense of social responsibility is what draws many of the CAS-ASPIRE scientists to the work. 正是如此强烈的社会责任感让科学家们不远千里,来到青少年身边,从事这项科普工作。
he performs jugglers tricks , draws red , orange , yellow , green , blue , indigo and violet silk handkerchiefs from his mouth . roygbiv. 他变起魔术,从嘴里拽出红橙黄绿蓝靛青以及紫罗兰色的丝帕。
At stake is the relevance of the IMF at a time of uncertainty as the boom of four years draws to a close. 在4年繁荣接近终点之际,这关系到国际货币基金组织能否在一个充满不确定的时机跟上时代。
Changfeng draws back his sight, closes his eyes for a little while, then opens, looked like he is trying to rinse the shadow off his mind. 长风收回了目光,闭了一下眼睛,又睁开,仿佛在洗刷着自己内心的阴暗面。
She draws inspiration from her deep love for the Earth as she shares her vision of the awakening of peace in every heart. 在和每颗心分享她唤醒和平的视野时,她也从对地球的热爱中取得灵感。
As it draws to its end, interpretation is directed towards desire, with which, in a certain sense, it is identical. 当解释完毕后,它被导向欲望。在某个意义上,解释是跟欲望一模一样。
But as the Fed's second round of "quantitative easing" (QE) draws to an end this month, he gave no hint a third round was in the offing. 联储的第二轮“数量宽松”本月就将结束,但他还一点没有要开始第三轮的意思。
It draws on a variety of evidence, not limiting itself to the results of randomised trials, as if they are the only route to truth. 它没有局限于随机试验的结果,而是选择了各类证据相佐,这样可以避免把试验奉为通往真理的唯一途径。
To make a lithograph the artist draws with a special waxy crayon onto a fine-grained limestone block or a specially grained zinc plate. 使随即艺术家以一种特殊的吸引到一个细糯蜡笔或特殊粒石灰岩块锌板。
A game of Bingo draws smiles. Some look carefully for the numbers, while others require a bit of help. 宾果游戏让爷爷奶奶露出笑容,有人认真的找号码,行动不方便的也有人来帮忙。
What we marvel at him, above all, is the ease with which he adjusts himself to new concepts and draws all possible deductions from them. 最使我们敬佩不已的是他能够很容易地使他自己适应新的观念,并尽可能从中得出所有的推论。