
美 [drɑp]英 [drɒp]
  • n.滴;下降;下跌;减少
  • v.减少;放弃;送;停止
  • 网络丢下;落下;被丢弃

复数:drops 现在分词:dropping 过去式:dropped

sharp drop,big drop,sudden drop,dramatic drop,rapid drop
drop bomb,drop ball,drop gun,drop subject,price drop
suddenly drop,gradually drop,probably drop


v. n.


1.[i][t](意外地)落下,掉下,使落下to fall or allow sth to fall by accident

2.[i][t](故意)降下,使降落,使落下to fall or make sth fall deliberately

3.[i](informal)累倒;累垮to fall down or be no longer able to stand because you are extremely tired

变弱;减少become weaker/less

4.[i][t](使)变弱,降低,减少to become or make sth weaker, lower or less


5.[i][t]your eyes/gaze ~.~ your eyes/gaze垂下(眼睛);垂视to look down

向下倾斜slope downwards

6.[i]~ (away) (from sth)急剧倾斜而下to slope steeply downwards


7.[t]中途卸客;中途卸货to stop so that sb can get out of a car, etc.; to deliver sth on the way to somewhere else

8.[t]~ sb a line/note寄,送,写(信)to send a short letter to sb

略去leave out

9.[t]~ sb/sth (from sth)遗漏;省略;不予考虑to leave sb/sth out by accident or deliberately


10.[t]~ sb不再与(某人)往来;同(某人)断绝联系to stop seeing sb socially


11.[t]~ sth停止;终止;放弃to stop doing or discussing sth; to not continue with sth


drop the ball

犯错;处理失当to make a mistake and spoil sth that you are responsible for

drop a brick/clanger

失言伤人;出言不慎to say sth that offends or embarrasses sb, although you did not intend to

drop dead

暴死;突然死去;猝死to die suddenly and unexpectedly

drop sb in it

(尤指因泄露秘密)使尴尬,使狼狈不堪to put sb in an embarrassing situation, especially by telling a secret that you should not have told

drop names

提及自己认识或见过的名人以抬高身价to mention famous people you know or have met in order to impress others

drop your bundle

突然发蒙;失态to suddenly not be able to think clearly; to act in a stupid way because you have lost control over yourself

let sb/sth drop

不再提起;放弃to do or say nothing more about sb/sth


新概念第二册课后习题答案... ... a. picked (挑选,摘), c. dropped (丢下,落下), d. clapped (拍手,鼓掌) 这3个词都不合乎逻辑 …


媒体英语_BBC英语教学_中国教育在线外语频道 ... had in mind 心里想的 dropped 放弃 Chin Up! 乐观使人受益 ...


杨澜ted演讲的单词列表_百度文库 ... Engels coefficient 恩格尔系数 dropped 下降 indicating 说明 ...


新概念英语第二册课后答案 -... ... a. picked( 挑选,摘), c. dropped( 丢下,落下), d. lifted( 提起)这3个词都不合乎题目意思。 ...


禁止的 内容会被丢弃dropped) 并且纪录。 如果该封包是 HTTP、 FTP 或 SMTP 通讯协定形 式, 则档案与附件会被送到获 …


三星口试看图说话动词词组及短语_ ... Stoppeddoingsth 停止做某事 Dropped 掉落 Fell 摔倒,掉落 ...


拖放 - Android中文Wiki ... 保持 Continuing 放下 Dropped 结束 Ended ...

"You won't be able to put it down, " my friend Ann told me a few weeks ago, when she dropped it off at my house. “你简直会停不下来,”我的朋友安几个星期前在我家把这本书给我时跟我说。
Calmly, the man withdrew a small knife from his pocket and carved a mark on the boat at the spot where he dropped the sword. 那个人不慌不忙地从衣袋里取出一个小刀,在船舷上落下宝剑的地方刻了一个记号。
We're conducting a poll among the children who have dropped out of school. 我们正在退了学的学生中进行民意测验。
It said the Arctic Sea ice dropped to its second-lowest level during the melt season since satellite measurements began in 1979. 该报告说,自1979年有人造卫星开始测量以来,北冰洋的海平面在其融化季节里降低到第二个最低点。
Coming out of the bathroom, Churchill dropped his towel, and there was the PM, in all his naked glory, pacing and talking. 走出来浴室,丘吉尔下降,他的毛巾,有人时,在他的所有赤裸裸的荣耀,起搏和说话。
She said, "You think you had a bad day, you'll never believe what happened to me. This morning the milkman dropped dead on our porch. " 她说,“你以为你的一天糟糕,你永远不会相信我碰见什么事。今天早晨送牛奶的人倒在咱家的门廊就死了。”
jaw dropped when I see how much the meal have cost. 看到那顿饭要花这么多钱,我大吃一惊。
They got out of the way, and the little snake went right to the Duke's tent and dropped the pearl at his feet. 他们让开了路,那条蛇径直向侯爷的帐篷爬去,把珍珠扔在他的脚上。
In response to the increased attention, the state of Florida dropped the matter and decided to allow Miles to keep his license plate. 鉴于关注的人越来越多,佛州政府不再提此事,决定允许迈尔斯继续使用他的车牌。
Within a few minutes her eyes closed. Her head dropped to her shoulders. In spite of herself, Mrs. Conroy fell fast asleep. 没一会儿她的眼皮就开始打架了。头轻轻的靠在自己的肩膀上,很快就睡着了。
Equities, which had been flat most of the week, dropped sharply today on a raft of bad data. 股票在本周大部分时候表现平缓,今天受大量的不乐观数据影响,急剧下跌。
When he entered high school, he dropped the special education classes, but he still reads books only when forced, he said. 进入高中之后,他并没有再被列入特殊教育班,但是他说,每次阅读书籍还是需要强迫自己的意志。
His wife watches TV all day and his three teenage kids have dropped out of high school to hang around with the local toughs. 他的妻子每天只顾看电视,三个孩子都辍学了,并和当地的地痞流氓混在一起。
A user that is specified as the execution context of a module cannot be dropped until the execution context of that module has been changed. 无法删除被指定为模块执行上下文的用户,直到该模块的执行上下文被更改为止。
Confidence in the UK financial stability over the next three years dropped to its lowest since the second half of 2009, the survey showed. 调查显示对英国财政在未来3年中的稳定性的信心降到了2009年下半年以来最低的水平。
How much is appropriate blood pressure dropped, but rather to be due to people not to be the pursuit of normal blood pressure values. 血压究竟降至多少为宜,应因人而宜,不可一律追求正常血压值。
He was apparently content to let a rumour circulate that he had dropped out of circulation in shame over a homosexual affair. 而且他显然很乐意散布这种谣言:他已因耻于同性恋事件而退出社交圈。
Fellow passenger Cody Olmstead said the man "dropped the head and went back and started cutting the body. " 乘客科迪·奥姆斯特德(CodyOlmstead)说凶犯“扔下头颅,然后走到受害人身边开始切割尸体”。
South Korean authorities intervened to prop up the won yesterday after the currency dropped to a two-and-a-half year low against the dollar. 韩国当局昨日入市支撑韩元,此前,韩元兑美元汇率跌至两年半来最低点。
Former New York City mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who dropped out of the race Wednesday and endorsed John McCain, did not take part. 前纽约市市长朱利亚尼星期三退出了竞选,并表示支持麦凯恩。朱利亚尼没有参加辩论。
A bit of cream lifted and dropped on the surface will softly retain its shape. 沾起来的一点奶油落到表面上时还能保持形状。
The guy dropped a piece of the glass into a bag full of keys and shook it hard; it came out without a scratch on it! 他将这片玻璃扔进一个装满钥匙的袋子里,然后使劲摇晃;当拿出来时,它居然没有一点划痕。
Some of them have dropped on the ground, I pick up to have a look, ah, many hearts pine nuts was going to break out. 有的已经掉在地上,我捡起来一看,呀,一颗颗松子正想往外闯。
She just stared at Steve, as the class spun around for a good look. Steve dropped his eyes and carefully examined his fingertips. 她盯着史蒂夫,全班同学都转过头来看着他。史蒂夫低下头,盯着自己的指尖。
the noise dropped completely and the boat began to drift gently across the water . 不一会儿,马达声全停了,快艇开始缓慢地漂过水面。
Safety regulators initiated a probe into the issue in late 2003, but dropped the matter a few months later. 安全监管部门于2003年底调查过这一问题,但几个月后就搁下了此事。
I told him what had happened but he said he didn't want to get involved, refused to take a fare and dropped me at the top of my road. 我告诉他事情的经过,但他的回答是自己不想牵涉这样的事情,他把我扔在路边,自己却开车走了。
Conscious that she was being stared at, she dropped her eyes. 意识到有人在看她,她垂下眼睛。
If she did not resist atrophy with every cell in her body, it would creep in as soon as she dropped her vigilance. 如果她不用全身的细胞去对抗萎缩,那么只要她稍一松懈,这种萎缩将会很快蔓延到她的全身。
I glanced up at my window and he must have took that as a hint that I wasn't trying to make because he quickly dropped his hand from mine. 我看了一眼就在我的窗前,他必须把这当作是一个暗示,我没有试图让他迅速下降,因为从我自己的手。