on the road

  • na.在旅行中;〔美国〕(剧团等)在巡回演出中
  • 网络在路上;在旅途中;浪荡世代

on the roadon the road

on the road


...e Road) V3.2.4 - - 搜狐应用中心在路上 (On The Road) V3.2.4 在路上 (On The Road) 在路上 为您记录每一次旅行 足迹,拍 …


大学英语四级常用词组 ... at all risks 无论冒什么危险 on the road 在旅途中 take the road 出动,动身;走…道路 ...


浪荡世代》(On the Road),根据杰克·凯鲁亚克的小说《路途上》所拍摄的同名电影。2012年上映,由巴西、法、英、美 …


基音乐团 专辑列表... ... 5.Sovereign Light Cafe( 皇家灯塔咖啡厅) 6.On The Road( 出发上路) 7.The Starting Line( 起跑线) ...


旅途上(On the road) 是美国作家杰克·凯鲁亚克创作于1951年的小说。这部小说绝大部分是自传性的,基于作者横穿20世纪中期 …


初中英语短语大全 ... 39.rain heavily 下大雨 40.on the road 在公路上 41.not know what to do 不知道该做什么 ...


向世界出发》(ON THE ROAD)是香港TVB于2006年推出的一档旅游节目,至今已播出近百集。节目邀请不同背景的艺人 …

The last thing she wanted was to be on the road away from a support network of friends and family. She wasn't up for it emotionally. 她现在想要的不只是朋友与家人通过网络给她的支持。她在情绪上还没有准备好。
Walked, on the road to see all of a sudden there was a dry bread, to pick up Wen Wen, Hey, the fragrant bread. 走着走着,突然看到路上有一块干面包,捡起来闻闻,嘿,面包香喷喷的。
Well that album "Shine" , has evolved from "Born" , quite naturally actually, as we'd sort of been on the road together for about two years. 《Shine》这张专辑是从《诞生》演化而来,它是我们组合大约两年后自然而成的结晶。
It would have been a needless charge on the road, so I satisfied him, and he was easy enough on the score. 这使我们在路上会多一份不必要的开支,这样我们把她说服了,他也放了心。
No one else can be met on the road. The wind by the ear, the throbbing bosom and the singing of birds are all encased in a sunny sunshine. 路上往往看不到一个人,只有耳旁的风声、自己的心跳声、小鸟的欢叫声包裹在明媚的阳光里。
If you are going to be on the road, have your car checked out by a mechanic before you leave, even if you think it's not necessary. 如果您必须驾车出门,出发前一定请机械师全面检查您的汽车,无论您是否认为汽车需要检查。
Don't be sad, believe me, I'm back on the road to be the person you hope to see, and I'm gonna make you feel proud of me. 不要伤心,相信我,我在尽力地让自己变成你所希望看到的那个人,我会让你为我感到骄傲。
After it had lived on the road for awhile I decided to put it on a record to give it a home. 经过一段时间巡回演出的现场表演,我决定将它收录在专辑里,给它一个家。
On your way home from school, you see an old woman lying on the road. You try to help her. 在你回家的路上,你看见一位老太太躺在路上,你尽力帮助她。
Then we saw people young and old hastening their steps as if they were going to miss something exciting on the road next to us. 突然我们看到一群人大大小小,老老少少都加紧脚步像是赶什麽热闹似的在马路上。
If you see your brother's donkey or his ox fallen on the road, do not ignore it. Help him get it to its feet. 你若看见弟兄的牛或驴跌倒在路上,不可佯为不见,总要帮助他拉起来。
A fox and a monkey were on the road together, and fell into a dispute as to which of the two was better born. 一只狐狸和一只猴子在路上同行,并就他们两个谁出身更好的问题争论了起来。
Dear Mother, the other day, a woman lying on the road gazed at me with tearful eyes. It seems I've fallen for her. 亲爱的母亲,有一天,有个女人倒在路上,用泪水汪汪的眼睛看著我,我好像爱上她了。
Iraq had a much richer country, you look at the streets of Baghdad now, who do not scared to go on the road be terrified! 伊拉克,本来一个多么富裕的国家,你看看现在的巴格达街头,谁走在路上不心惊胆寒!
This balance is now seen as a good thing in its own right rather than just a stage on the road to full market ownership. 这种平衡现在看来对本身是好的,而不是向全市场化的过渡状态。
On the way home Mike put it down on the road and looked at it. It was made of clay and had three legs. 在回家的路上,迈克把锅放在路上看了看它,它是一口粘土制成的三条腿的锅。
So they turned round and began to go back in the other direction, on the road into the swamp. 他们转身从另一个方向往回走,他们走在通往沼泽的路上。
There are a few comforts here for the badly hurt. Just a sheet of plastic to protect them from the rain. They're left on the road to mourn. 对于那些严重受伤的人来说可以得到的安慰很少。只有一片塑料布能为他们遮风挡雨。他们被留在道路上哀悼。
We both knew she was now on the road to Zion and with all our crying and the shedding of tears nothing could stop mama's journey. 我们清楚地知道,母亲正在通往天堂的路上渐行渐远,我们无论如何痛哭,无论多少泪水,都阻止不了她的脚步。
Down on the road, Colonel Faith's column suddenly received fire from the vicinity of the friendly units across the finger of ice. 在公路上,费斯中校突然听到附近友邻部队越过指状冰山交火的枪声,他确信这来自友邻部队。
"Letters from home always mean a lot, " I said. "At least they do with me because I'm on the road so much. " “家书总是意味深长。”我说,“至少对我来说是这样,因为我已经在外面这么久了”。
Life on the road for this frequent traveler would be so much easier if these five simple things were in every hotel room. 每个旅馆房间里都有五样物品的话,那么每个经常出差人士的生活就要轻松。
"I've been talking with a wholesale liquor company, " he said. "I may go out on the road. " “我和一家酒类批发公司谈过了,”他说,“我可能出去搞推销。”
Setting out on the road, I could not help thinking of Mr Rochester's despair when he found himself abandoned. 上路后,我忍不住要想罗切斯特先生发现自己被抛弃后该是多么绝望。
For instance, if I'm out on the road with a client. 例如,如果我和客户在外面谈生意时。
Bullish investors are hoping that this is just a speed bump on the road to a stronger world economy and more market gains. 看多的投资者希望这仅是全球经济走强和股市上涨路上的减速带。
From this point forward our priorities are getting this album done, and getting out on the road touring. 从这个角度提出我们的优先事项是越来越这张专辑做的,和失控对道路旅游。
The owner of the land is now selling tickets to people who want to see the crater, reportedly to pay for wear and tear on the road. 那块田地的主人现在售票给前来参观陨石坑的人们,报道称道路都压坏了。
Occasionally, flashed twelve cars on the road, the car plot with a thin layer of snow, as if children are cold car, put a piece of clothing. 偶尔,马路上闪过一两辆车,车上积着一层薄薄的雪,好像车儿也冷了,穿上了一件衣服。
I've sold more goods this last quarter than any other man of our house on the road. 这一季度我卖出去的货比我们商号任何一个旅行推销员卖出的都多。