
美 [aʊt]英 [aʊt]
  • adv.出去;外出;离开;出于
  • n.出路;回避的方法;托辞
  • prep.〈美〉通过(门,窗等)而出;〈美口〉沿着…而去
  • adj.已公开同性恋身份的
  • int.〈古〉表示“愤慨”“谴责”等
  • v.揭露
  • 网络输出(output);开出;出局

第三人称单数:outs 现在分词:outing 过去式:outed

get out,take out,sort out
find out,wipe out


1.~ (of sth)(从…里)出来away from the inside of a place or thing

2.~ (of sth)不在家;不在工作地点;外出away from or not at home or their place of work

3.~ (of sth)出去;离开(某地)边缘away from the edge of a place

4.~ (of sth)远离(某地或陆地);离(某地或陆地)a long or a particular distance away from a place or from land

5.~ (of sth)除掉;清除used to show that sth/sb is removed from a place, job, etc.

6.~ of sth/sb(表示来源)从,用…制作used to show that sth comes from or is obtained from sth/sb

7.~ of sth没有;缺少used to show that sb/sth does not have any of sth

8.~ of sth(表示不在原状态)脱离,离开used to show that sb/sth is not or no longer in a particular state or condition

9.~ (of sth)(表示不再参与某事)脱离used to show that sb is no longer involved in sth

10.~ of sth(表示原因)因为,出于used to show the reason why sth is done

11.~ of sth从(某个数目或集)中from a particular number or set

12.不在图书馆;已借出not in the library; borrowed by sb else

13.在退潮期;退潮at or towards its lowest point on land

15.开放fully open

16.公开;发行available to everyone; known to everyone

17.大声地clearly and loudly so that people can hear

18.(informal)已公开同性恋身份having told other people that you are homosexual

19.出局if a team or team member isout , it is no longer their turn with the bat

20.出界if the ball isout , it landed outside the line

21.~ (in sth)错误;不准确not correct or exact; wrong

22.不可能;不允许not possible or not allowed

23.过时not fashionable

24.熄灭not or no longer burning or lit

25.结束at an end


28.到底;完全地to the end; completely


be out for sth/to do sth

试图得到(或做)to be trying to get or do sth

out and about

病愈后能外出走动able to go outside again after an illness

out of here

走;离去;离开going or leaving

out of it

(觉得自己是外人而)不是味儿sad because you are not included in sth


一般输出out)比输入(in)信号要高,这个与放大器增益和你的调试有关,br口是分支输出(不是检测口,一般放大器另有 …


开出大号数目偏多,估计这一期(1)大号码开出(Out)的数目还会维持在2 –3个,要点关心2个大号的奖号开出(Out),对比看好的 …




人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... late 晚 out 在外 talk 谈论 ...


或是出去(Out)跑跑步也是很好的采选,固然有工夫打打网球就更好了。女生做什么事之前都会化妆–购物、给植物浇水、倒垃圾 …


七年级英语单词表 ... late 晚;晚于通常时间 out 在外;向外 talk 谈话;谈论 ...

It might have been when you moved out or when you realized that you could beat your dad at table tennis. 它可能会产生于当你搬出去住,或是你在乒乓球对决中击败了老爸的时候。
Others questioned the value of spending cuts at a time when the economy is struggling to get out of recession. 另外一些人质疑在经济还在衰退的边缘挣扎时削减开支的价值。
The Daily is thinly staffed and will cost less than half a million dollars a week to put out. 《日报》的员工配置简单,那么,每周的出版成本能减少50万美元。
That's out of question. We'll supply you with an apartment of two bedrooms and a living room. When can your start to work here? 这不成问题。我们会给你一套两室一厅公寓房。什么时候你能开始工作呢?。
I am bring this up to remind us all that there is power in the words that come out of our mouths. 我这里提出这一点是提醒我们所有人从我们口中出来的语言是有力量的。
Get children to come to the front one at a time. The children should read out their sentences and the other children must guess who it is. 每次让几个学生到讲台前来。这几个学生必须说出他们的句子并,其它同学必须来猜测他(她)是谁。
In trying to search out verbal clarity they make their minds mechanical, their life superficial and very often contradictory. 在努力寻求文字清晰的过程中,他们让自己的心变得机械,让自己的生活变得肤浅并常常充满矛盾。
They're out there. Almost anywhere in the U. S. So, whatever you do, look out for that telltale red hourglass. . . 他们到处都是。几乎遍布美国。所以,无论你做什么,请当心那个警告的红色沙漏。
Snow-White put her head out of the window, and said, "I must not let anyone in; the seven dwarfs have forbidden me to do so. " 白雪公主把头从窗户里探出来说道:“我不敢让人进来,因为小矮人们告诫我,任何人来了都不要开门。”
These calculations are done in parallel, on the fly, from the bottom up, out of human control, by the interconnected network itself. 这些计算是平行进行的,是相互连结的网络在运行中,自下而上、脱离人的控制自己进行的。
faint grew the steps of the prison guard in the corridor and so he took out his book again from under the pillow . 狱监的脚步声在走廊里渐渐消失,他又从枕头下面取出了书
And whosoever will not receive you, when ye go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them. 凡不接待你们的,你们离开那城的时候,要把脚上的尘土跺下去,见证他们的不是。
If I had put my house first, my business would have gone under, and then all of us would have been out on the street. 假如当初我先顾着房子,我的公司大概就破产了,我们大家也只能流落街头。
They spoke a few words and he opened the car door for her to step out. 他们说了几句话,然后他为她打开车门。
When these cases got to the Supreme Court, the court threw out key parts of Roosevelt's program as unconstitutional . The U. S. 当这些纠纷案件最终递交最高法院审理时,最高法院认为罗斯福政府的经济计划中最核心部分违反了宪法的规定。
If it did, planetary orbits would be disrupted, causing the Earth to drop into the sun or be tossed out into deep space. 如果它做到了,就会破坏行星轨道,导致地球落进太阳或被甩进外太空。
papa sometimes would cut the heart out of a cabbage palmetto, and mama would cook it, slowly, in the black kettle. 爸爸有时会切下甘蓝菜的菜心让妈妈在黑壶里慢慢地做菜。
Standing at the edge of the smooth rolled sand you could look up in the empty stands and see old women sweeping out the boxes. 站在碾平的沙地边,你向上面空荡荡的看台望去,可以看见几个老婆子正在清扫包厢。
If I get opportunities it's up to me to make it difficult to be left out of the side. 只要我获得机会,我就会抓住它,让人很难再把我排除在阵容之外。
The rotary cutter is protected by a fixed protective cover and a part of the cutter extends out of the fixed protective cover to cut paper. 该切刀由一固定护盖保护并具有一部分从该护盖突伸出来以便对纸进行切割。
I don't want to see my boy hang out with those guys. They are nothing but party animals. 我真不想看到我儿子和这些人混在一起。他们只知道玩乐,别的什么都不知道。
It is paltry consolation that such a strike, taking out a city or two, would not cause the devastation of a nuclear war between superpowers. 一个微不足道的安慰就是这样的袭击,能毁灭一两个城市,但不会引起超级大国之间的核战争的大毁灭。
After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau's heel; so he was named Jacob. 随后又生了以扫的兄弟,手抓住以扫的脚跟,因此给他起名叫雅各(就是抓住的意思)。
However, he did not give up, Is still out to sea fishing. 但是,他没有放弃,仍然出海捕鱼。
He took out a photo and looked carefully. 他拿出张照片细看起来。
For an even better Torvalds flame, check out this post he made calling GNOME developers "interface nazis. " 一个更加男人的攻击,点开他所作的邮件,在里面他竟给GNOME的开发者做了一个“纳粹界面”。
World trade collapsed and, for five years in a row, there was no way out of the spider's web. 世界贸易体系崩溃,随后人们用了五年的时间也没能从崩溃之网中挣脱出来。
Your decision to be, have and do something out of ordinary entails facing difficulties that are out of the ordinary as well. 你的决定超出常人的范围,势必也会面临更大的困境。
The name of the horse Robert bad bet on was called out as the winner. "Ah, " he said, "that's music to my ears ! " 罗伯特押了赌注的那匹马被宣布为优胜者。“啊,”他说,“这消息真让我高兴。”
Rasmussen's visit to Ukraine has not changed between the two sides "hollowing out" of the status quo, visit a few substantive results. 拉斯穆森此次访乌并未改变双方关系“空心化”的现状,访问取得的实质性成果寥寥无几。