one of a kind

  • 网络独一无二;独一无二的;其中一类

one of a kindone of a kind

one of a kind


最新俚语293条(3) ... one foot in the grave 入土三尺 one of a kind 独一无二 one step ahead of you 领先你一步 ...


lie to me 第一季 第十集_看lie to me学英语... ... mask: 面具 one of a kind: 只此一家,独一无二的 reason: 理由 ...


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《欲望都市 Sex and... ... 15. One of a kind 自成一格 19. This is not some random person it's you. 不是随便什么人 而是你 ...


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《英语广场》2011年6月刊封面及目... ... A Service of Love 爱的牺牲 One of a Kind 独一无二的加索尔 Think & Grin 想一想笑 …

For its lucky buyer, the dress isn't only a one-of-a-kind piece of history, but will also prove to be a solid and reliable investment. 对这位幸运的买主来说,这件礼服独一无二,还将证明是一份坚实的投资。
From his triangle offense and reluctance to call quick timeouts , Jackson's coaching style is one of a kind. 他的三角进攻和不愿意快速地叫暂停是他执教风格独树一面的体现。
I often look for one-of-a-kind products or services so that I create a style that is all my own. 我通常会寻找独一无二的商品或服务,这样我才能塑造我自己独特的形象。
Almost every structure in the wind tunnel was a one-of-a-kind installation. 几乎所有的风洞结构是一对的一类安装。
You are one of a kind; therefore, no one can really predict what heights you might soar, even you will not know until you spread your wings. 只有你自己才了解自己,所以除了你自己,没有谁能够真正知道你能飞多高,甚至只有直到你展翅飞翔后你才知道。
I exclaimed, still not knowing that this poster was not advertising for a one-of-a-kind product. 我寻思着,始终不能排除这张海报是在鼓吹一种非善类的东西。
He was one of a kind -- he could move faster and hit quicker than anybody else I ever saw. 他的动作快,他打击对方的速度比我所看到的任何拳击手都快。他真是非常。
During that time, he took more than 24, 000 digital photos from his one-of-a-kind vantage point in orbit. 其间,他借助自己独一无二的有利位置,拍摄了超过2.4万幅关于地球和太空景象的数位照片。
e. g. Look at me in my one-of-a-kind wedding gown, marrying the love of my life. 看看我和我只此一件的婚纱,和我一生挚爱结婚。
They descend upon the little London mews store selling one-of-a-kind Japanese bowls that no one else yet knows about. 他们下降在小的伦敦喵喵叫卖没人,知道的一样一个的日本碗的商店。
Clustering is one of a kind, cluster analysis is not aware of the number of categories of cases on sample data classification. 聚类法就是其中的一种,聚类分析是在不知道类别数目的情况下对样本数据进行分类。
And I shall call you Perla, because you are one of a kind. 我将称你为珍珠独一无二的珍宝
Tell me a bit about your designs. Are they one of a kind, do they have limited runs, or do you keep things in production at all times? 告诉我一些关于你的设计。他们是否是独一无二的,是否限量发行,或者你是否可以一直保持生产?
One breath English is truly one of a kind. It's been carefully designed. It's the result of thirty years hard research. 一口气英语真的很了不起它是精心设计的是三十年努力钻研的结果。
In neighboring Thailand my embarrassment was caused when a Bangkok tailor used "special" fabric to create a one-of-a-kind shirt for me. 在邻近的泰国,一位曼谷的裁缝为我特意用一种“特别”的布料,做了件独特的衬衫,使我陷入了尴尬的境地。
Now a new study finds that the Milky Way and its companion galaxies are an unusual combination, but they're not one of a kind. 现今,一项新的研究发现银河系及其卫星星系是不同寻常的组合。但也不是独一无二的。
This one-of-a-kind Vienna Group performs on instruments made of fresh vegetables. 这只独一无二的维也纳乐队使用新鲜蔬菜制作的乐器进行表演。
This story focuses on the application of agility in a complex, one-of-a-kind project, tailored for specific customer needs. 这个故事是关于一个复杂的、独一无二的项目,该项目是为客户特定需求专门定制应用程序的敏捷项目。
True love is hard to find, special one, one of a kind. I know because it appeared to me on a strange day I met you. 真正的爱,很难找到,尤其是善良。我知道是因为当我在一个神奇的一天遇到你时!
Polaroid has such an expressiveness to the colors and creates unique one of a kind images every time. 宝丽来胶片对图像色泽的表现非常好,并且每次都能提供很棒的照片。
The stunning fireplace is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece and testament to impeccable stone selection, design and craftsmanship. 绝美出色的壁炉是一件独一无二的杰作,是完美无瑕的石材选料、设计和工匠艺术的明证。
I think phone first is a very important communication tool, is one of a kind of communication tools. 我觉得移动手机首先是一个非常重要的一个沟通工具,是人与人的一种沟通工具。
This is a one-of-a-kind mixture of milk chocolate with honey and almond nougat and has a unique triangular shape with its special peaks. 它独一无二地将蜂蜜、奶油、杏仁跟牛奶巧克力融为一体,拥有独特的“峰峦迭起”的三角造型。
"She is a vibrant individual, one-of-a-kind. She has a commitment that runs from Oklahoma to Baghdad, " he said. 他说:“她是一个充满活力,与众不同的人。她的任务是从俄克拉荷马州调到巴格达。”
Early CPUs were custom-designed as a part of a larger, sometimes one-of-a-kind, computer. 早期的CPU是定制设计的一部分较大,有时一的一类,计算机。
Each is truly a one-of- a-kind piece of art that is sure to be treasured for years and generations to come! 每个人都是真正的艺术品之一的一类作品是肯定在未来几年和今后几代人珍藏!
The result is a truly elegant motorcycle, a one-of-a-kind custom where restraint in design has yielded a rare kind of visual beauty. 这些部件的融合使得最终呈现在你眼前的这辆摩托车如此高贵,她就是那种为了外观而生的美人。
You now have control over liquid shapes, color, lighting and camera position to create one of a kind (and royalty-free) imagery. 您现在有超过液体的形状,颜色,灯光和摄像机位置控制,创造是独一无二的(和免版税)图像。
Cape Kidnappers's enjoys a one-of-a-kind dramatic setting as the holes play along side soaring cliffs. 拐子角的享有的一个独一无二的戏剧性设置的球洞沿悬崖一侧飙升。
Either way, the "Brainwave Sofa" is clearly a one-of-a-kind piece of furniture. 不管怎样,脑波沙发都是一件独一无二的家具。