on more

on moreon more

on more

He said the Clinton Global Initiative has had an impact on more than 200 million people in more than 150 countries. 他说道,克林顿全球倡议影响了全球150多个国家,2亿多人的生活。
However, you might discover that some of your goals overlap, so you'll be able to work simultaneously on more than one. 然而,你可能会发现有些目标是重复的,所以你要能够同时为几个目标努力。
The IPX protocol cannot be used for dial-out on more than one. IPX协议在同一时间里只能由一个端口发送。
I'd studied this card on more than one occasion, trying to work out some depth to what he was telling me. 我不止一次研究这张贺卡,试图深入一点儿弄明白他在跟我说什么。
And that seems to produce for DARPA what many millions spent on more run-of-the-mill research projects has failed to generate. 并且那样看似将为DARPA产生花费于更多未经选拔研究项目的数百万美元尚未能产生的效益。
Once you are ready to take on more traffic or need fault tolerance, you can graduate your application to the main Heroku platform. 当准备好处理更大的通信量或者需要容错能力时,可以把应用程序转移到主Heroku平台。
It might be looked on more warmly if its members did not deluge people with invitations to join them. 如果那些会员不是总发邀请函给你的话,他们看起来会更加友好。
"Just being back in the same room with him. . . when there's no type of issues. that's what I always focus on more, " he said. “只是和他呆在同一个房间内…没有别的事情打扰我们。那是我一直想要达到的,”他说。
But not before bribing his way out of police detention on more than 60 separate occasions, taking holidays in Bali, Macau and Malaysia. 但之前曾高达六十多次行贿警察免于拘押,跑去巴厘岛、澳门和马来西亚度假。
Sticking close to home makes sense; don't push out beyond safe limits until you feel as if you're back on more stable ground. 坚持离家近有道理,不推超出安全范围,直到你觉得如果你回来了更加稳定的地面上。
She began to talk of complaints " allows you to put on more clothes you listen, now you know . . . " But the grumbling is hid with care. 她开始絮絮的抱怨着“让你多穿衣服你不听,现在知道了吧……”但抱怨声里是藏不住的满满的关心。
After a week of clumsy American-inspired attempts to shut WikiLeaks down, it is now hosted on more than 700 servers around the world. 过去的一周美国一直试图关闭该网站,手法拙劣,现在它已在全球有700多家服务器提供商。
For a real gas it depends on more than the temperature STUDENT: Are there any other constraints similar to that . 而对实际气体,这是不对的,它的内能不仅仅依赖于温度,学生:有其他,类似的约束吗?
It is often desirable to be able to use a GPG key on more than one computer, for instance at home and at work, or on a desktop and a laptop. 很多人都希望能在多台电脑上使用同一个GPG密钥而不论这些机器是台式机还是笔记本,也不管它们位于家中还是办公室。
I can understand it, but unfortunately I cannot judge him on more than I have seen and everyone has seen. 我能理解它,但不幸的是我不能比自己看到的以及每个人看到的那样做出更多的评判。
Piling on more debt while you are trying to get out of it doesn't make much sense either. 像你那种在还债的同时又欠下债的作法也同样一点也不明智。
However, there was little improvement for the company's management after these measures had been carried on more the one year. 从其后一年多的情况看,这些管理措施并没有对公司的管理带来多大的改善。
Among the children, only one was still having fever, the spokesman said, adding that tests on more samples were continuing. 发言人说其中一名儿童仍然发烧,而更多的样本正在化验中。
Well factories on eastern China coast may rise, there seems to be a never ending pull of labor ready to take on more factory work. 在中国东海岸的工厂数量将上升,这像是永无止境的劳动力的拉动作用,准备好了不再有任何工厂工作。
They had to take on more salary (and a bigger luxury tax burden) to do it, so credit Cavs owner Dan Gilbert for busting out his checkbook. 他们需要付出更多的薪金(和更大的奢侈税),所以骑士老板吉尔伯特需要看看自己的钱包了。
Brother to say that every cigarette smoking on more than a yearning for her, on more than a love of suffering. 哥哥说每抽一支烟就多了一份对她的思念,就多了一份相思的煎熬。
The result would be more stable structures superior to other cells, also able to hang on more tenaciously to any fatty acids they acquire. 这样所形成的结构比其他细胞更稳定,也能更牢固地抓住脂肪酸。
Leisurely passed on more than a decade has passed, once beautiful face a little bit of the disappearance. 闲逸的十多年转眼就过去了,曾经美丽的容颜一点点的消失。
Her team stepped up, took on more responsibility and "did it better than I would have done it, " she says. 她的团队在进步,能担当更多的责任。“他们比我过去做的还要好,”她说。
Each window displays an application, allowing you to to have more than one application visible, and work on more than one task at a time. 每个窗口显示一个应用。允许你去有更多比单应用可见,和工作在更多比单任务在同一时间。
When you're ready to take the next step or take on more responsibility, you should start doing your job at the next level. 当你准备走出下一步,或者准备承担更多责任时,你应该按照下一个更高阶段的要求开始工作。
On more than three occasions in the last month I have had to request that my pint be topped up to a full measure. 上个月就有不止三次我要酒保给我的酒要添满。
On more than one occasion Wright told me he felt Carlisle was "trying to kill" him. 不止一次赖特告诉我,他认为卡莱尔的训练过程其实是在“试图杀死”他。
I've been guilty of this one on more occasions than I wish to remember. 在一些场合我为此内疚而希望不被记住。
Sap will now work on more targets, humanoids, beasts, dragonkins, demons. "Anything with a skull and a brain inside of it" . 现在可以作用于更多的目标,人形,野兽,龙类以及恶魔----【所有有头骨和脑子的怪物】。