olympic games

  • n.奥运会;奥运会
  • 网络奥林匹克运动会;北京奥运会;雅典奥运会

olympic gamesolympic games

olympic games


1.奥林匹克运动会;奥运会an international sports festival held every four years in a different country


本次奥运会(Olympic Games)在我国实行,原本是个上风,但假如统治欠好,也会褰㈡垚包袱。由于敌手会有一种越是在你家门 …


奥林匹克运动会 (Olympic Games) ào lín pǐ kè yùn dòng huì 国际奥林匹克委员会领导的国际社会运动。以奥林匹克主义为指导 …


北京奥运会(Olympic Games)闭幕式上,如果让你免费旅游世界一圈,条件是扯掉一只美丽蝴蝶的双翼,你愿意做吗?或者条件 …


至于对雅典奥运会(Olympic Games)比赛成绩的浸染,读书永远步恨其晚,晚,比永远步读强。由陈忠和去费头脑好了。


奥林匹克竞技会(Olympic games)以及另外三个后起的泛希腊竞技会(Pytho、Isthmus、Nemea)是希腊文化的一大瑰宝,体现了古 …

For the first time, the only international sporting event to rival the Olympic Games in popularity will be taking place in Asia. 第一次,这项唯一能与奥运会的受欢迎程度相匹敌的国际运动赛事在亚洲举办。
The allegation that China is cracking down on dissidents before the Olympic Games is totally unfounded. There is no such a thing at all. 所谓在奥运会之前抓捕异见人士,纯属无中生有,完全是不存在的。
Swimming races have always been a highlight of the Summer Olympic Games. 游泳竞赛一直是夏季奥运会的一项重头戏。
To that end, North Korea's determination to weightlifting Olympic Games in Beijing as an opportunity to stand up to fight a battle. 为此,朝鲜举重选手决心以北京奥运会为契机打一个翻身仗。
Some people took delight in comparing the opening ceremony of the Guangzhou Asian Games with that of the Beijing Olympic Games. 有人喜欢拿广州亚运开幕式与北京奥运开幕式相比较。
The Modern Olympic Games might have remained just a part of history without the dream of one Frenchman, Pierre de Coubertin. 如果没有法国人皮埃尔•徳•顾拜旦的梦想,现代奥林匹克运动也许只能是段历史。
Officials said the train should be in service in time for the start of the 2008 Olympic Games. 有关官员说,新型列车将赶在2008年奥运会开幕前投入运行。
He made a his son and him that he would take him to the2008 Beijing Olympic Games if he worked hard. 他和儿子讨价还价后答应他:如果孩子努力学习,他就会带他去2008年的北京奥运会。
You know many factories have to stop their production (shut down) during the Olympic games period, what do you think about it? 你知道有很多企业在奥运期间暂停生产,你怎么看这个问题?
You know, for the Olympic Games, learning English has been a vogue. 你知道为了迎接奥运会,学英语已经成为一种时尚了。
Now every night I have to look at the Olympic Games. China did not expect such a terrible, really played a somewhat unusual. 现在每天晚上我都在看奥运,没想到我过会这么厉害,还真有点超常发挥了呢。
From now, in each Olympic Games hold, at the closing ceremony to be able to hear this melodious ancient Greece music. 从此以后,在每届奥运会的开、闭幕式上都能听到这首悠扬的古希腊乐曲。
With the money you save you could help pay back some of the deficit, help pay for the Olympic Games or help the elderly'. 把这笔钱省下来,你们好歹可以填填你们的财政赤字,拿去支办奥运会的钱,或者去救助老人啊。
No one recorded what he said about this black man who ran faster and jumped farther than any man of any color at the Olympic games. 没有人记录了他对这个黑色的人,谁跑更快,更远的比任何人在奥运会上的任何颜色跳说。
"There" s much to do to get the Olympic Games. The reality for Rio is that this Pan Am Games opens the door for a good bid. 还有很多工作要做,以使奥运会。现实里,为的是这泛美运动会开幕门口有一个良好的愿望。
But following the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, he said, 'there's been a lot more blocking going on. ' 但他说,在2008年北京奥运会过后,“屏蔽多了很多”。
The Chinese team held a meeting for a all day ago setting out for Barcelona for the Olympic Games. 中国Chinachina队在去巴塞罗那参加奥林匹克运动会之前开了一整天的会。
Right from the venue, volunteers, and other aspects , we can see how much efforts we had put in the Olympic Games. 从比赛场地,志愿者等个方面可以看出我们为这次奥运会出了多少力。
She told me that she was attracted by Beijing through the Olympic Games. 她告诉我她通过北京奥运会被北京所深深吸引。
He said that all preparation work for the Beijing Olympic Games is going on in an intense but orderly manner. 他说,北京奥运会各项筹备工作正在紧张有序地进行。
He said the Olympic Games is about the Olympics itself and the spirit of athletics, not politics. He added that everyone should support it. 他说,奥运关乎奥运本身和体育精神,不应涉及政治,所有人都应该支持。
With a year to go until the Olympic games open in London, we highlight the dramatic physical effect they have had on east London. 离伦敦奥运会开幕还有一年,我们重点报道奥运会给伦敦东部带来的实际(有待商榷)影响。
If you cannot catch up with him in routine training, chances are that you will not take part in the London Olympic Games. 如果你在常规训练时不能赶上他,很可能就会失去参加伦敦奥运会的机会。
With the opening of the Beijing Olympic Games, entered the countdown, the entire Chinese nation has never been like this, morale high. 随着北京奥运会的开幕日进入倒计时,整个中华民族从来没有像今天这样意气风发,斗志昂扬。
To be at the Olympic Games again, wearing the U. S. uniform, that would be the climax of everything. 身穿美国运动服再次参加奥运会,这将是我生命的颠峰。
At her first Olympic Games in 1984 in Los Angeles, Pauline was the flag-bearer for her country at the Opening Ceremony. 1984年戴维斯在美国洛杉矶第一次参加了夏季奥运会,她也作为巴哈马队的旗手出席了开幕式。
Write how much things have changed since you began to watch or follow the Olympic Games. 写一些自你开始关注或追随奥运时事情的改变情况。
We aren't as concerned about the Olympic Games as we were a week ago. China's Olympic slogan still rings true today: "One World One Dream" . 我们对奥运的关注也不再像一个星期前那样强烈了,今天中国的奥运口号“同一个世界,同一个梦想”还在耳边回响。
His dream was that the Olympic Games would make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully side by side. 他的梦想是奥运会将使得各个国家和人民和平共处。
BC 776, from the beginning, performing in the form of a competition, people this year as the beginning of the ancient Olympic Games. 从公元前776年开始,表演以比赛的形式出现,人们把这一年当作古代奥林匹克运动会的开始。