
美 [ˈoʊɪn]英 [ˈəuin]
  • n.【姓氏】欧文;【男名】男子名



Michael Owen has angrily denied a report he has already decided to call time on his Newcastle United career. 关于迈克尔欧文已开始为他在纽卡的职业生涯倒计时的报道,欧文愤怒地否认了。
A scoreless opening period would have been well received by Ferguson. Owen's goal made it a perfect opening 45 minutes. 弗格森接受了一个未得分的阶段。欧文的进球创造了完美的45分钟。
Plus Owen has Jermain Defoe in front of him at the moment and in terms of form, fitness and goals the Tottenham striker is miles ahead. 另外,在欧文的前面还有一个伟大的迪福啊,这位在身体条件和进球上面都甩肥欧几十条长安街呢。
With the rugged Owen Stanley Mountains supplying an almost impassable backbone, the body of New Guinea was one vast jungle. 新几内亚岛上覆盖着大片的丛林,难以逾越的欧文.斯坦利山脉蜿蜒崎岖在岛上。
Ferguson certainly did not regard Owen's links with Liverpool as a concern when it came to signing him in the summer. 夏天和他签约的时候弗格森当然不会担心欧文和利物浦的关系。
He left Cambridge for Shrewsbury a few days later and spent some time at Woodhouse, the home of his former girlfriend, Fanny Owen. 几天后,他离开剑桥去什鲁斯伯里,在伍德豪斯待了些时间,那是他前女友范尼欧文的家。
MICHAEL Owen's feet didn't touch the ground after he bought a romantic stay in a treehouse as a Christmas present for his wife. 迈克尔欧文买了一个浪漫小窝给自己的妻子做圣诞礼物,为此他忙的不可开交。
Johnny knew that Owen had started the fight, but he was afraid to say so; he did not have the courage of his convictions. 约翰尼原知道开头打架的是欧文,可是他不敢说出来,他没有勇气按照自己的信念来行事。
He sat down at his desk and looked carelessly at the drawing that Owen handed to him. 他在桌旁坐下,漫不经心地看着欧文交给他的图样。
Irish keeper Given admits it has been a season of toil for Owen, but claims the forward is now much more upbeat. 爱尔兰国门吉文表示欧文这个赛季的却很郁闷,但现在的前景将非常好。
Owen flew back to England with his wife Louise Bonsall - who broke down in tears after seeing him crawl off the pitch in agony. 欧文与他的妻子路易丝本索一起乘飞机回到英格兰,她看到他受伤痛苦时忍不住哭泣。
"It's a no-brainer for me, Michael Owen's got to be in there, even now, " Beasley said on The Sunday Supplement. 这对我来说是个傻瓜都知道的问题,即使是现在,欧文也应该在名单内。
Owen: Well, most of my family are back in Beijing, and I'd really like to visit them at least once a year. 欧文:我大部分家里人都在北京,我想至少一年去看他们一次。
Owen Hargreaves is determined to prove to his detractors that he merits a place in England's World Cup squad. 欧文哈格里夫斯坚持要证明给他的诽谤者看,他在英格兰世界杯阵容中具有一席之地。
I made the point some weeks ago that Owen's training performances have improved steadily. I have had no worries about him. 几周前我就说欧文的训练表现稳步上升,我一点都不担心他。
Martins revealed the prospect of teaming up with Owen was one of the main reasons he joined Newcastle. 马丁斯还透露说能和欧文搭档是他来纽卡的主要原因。
When asked where she would like to go on holiday, Michael Owen's four-year-old daughter Gemma 's answer is always the same: Dubai. 当被问到想去哪度假时,欧文四岁的女儿杰玛的回答总是只有一个:迪拜。
Owen's record with Heskey is brilliant. Owen will no doubt conclude it must be something he said. 欧文跟赫斯基搭档的记录是辉煌的,欧文自己也肯定了这一点。
In an era when machinery was the driver of industrial success, Owen switched the spotlight on to the human machines behind the machines. 在一个机械装置作为工业产出的推动力的时代,欧文却把机械装置背后的人力作为关注焦点。
Owen, especially given the explosive nature of his position, is a sudden snap or strain waiting to happen. 欧文,特别是考虑到他位置的特点就别作梦了。
"I am going to be out for a few weeks but once I get back, it will hopefully be for some important games, " Owen said. “我将缺阵几周,但一旦我回来就希望参加重要的比赛,”欧文说。
But there will be a lot of focus on Michael Owen and we have got to be mindful of that. 但是,会有很多的焦点在迈克尔欧文身上,并且我们会小心这些。
Owen, who picked up his injury playing for England at the 2006 World Cup, said he was ready to step up his rehabilitation. 欧文是在去年为英格兰参加世界杯时受伤的,现在他正在逐步恢复。
Interestingly, given how they were once a fixture for England, Rooney and Owen did not play together in any of United's six games. 有趣的是,尽管鲁尼和欧文一度是英格兰国家队的固定拍档,但两人还不曾在曼联的六场比赛中联袂出战过。
infinity of space, Owen wondered what manner of Being or Power it was that had originated and sustained all this. 远望那深不可测浩瀚无垠的太空,欧文感到茫然,真不知是什么样的上帝或神力创造并维系着这宇宙的一切。
One day Crass, who was one of these upholders of the existing system, scored off Owen finely. 有一天,现行制度的拥护者之一克拉斯把欧文大大奚落了一番。
Owen Wilson would be trying to deliver his lines, and a dog would jump up and give him a big wet kiss. 欧文。威尔逊则试图按照狗的路线来走,而这狗却突然跳了起来,给了他一个大湿吻。
Owen said the company wanted to be sure the translation was acceptable in all markets that would use that material. 欧文说公司需要肯定翻译结果在所有要用到该材料的市场都能够被接受。
Owen, who underwent a hernia operation little more than a week ago, says he feels fit and raring to go for the big clash. 欧文一周多以前刚刚做过疝气手术,但是他说他感觉身体恢复得很好,急切渴望投入激烈的战斗中去。
I told you right from the start that Michael Owen would be a winner for United and that's exactly what he was on Sunday. 我一开始就告诉你欧文会是曼联的制胜武器,周日应验了吧。