
美 [drʌɡ]英 [drʌɡ]
  • n.药物;毒品
  • v.使服麻醉药;用药麻醉;使服兴奋剂;(在食物或饮料中)投放麻醉药
  • 网络药品;麻醉品;麻药

复数:drugs 过去式:drugged 现在分词:drugging

powerful drug,effective drug,addictive drug,strong drug
drug take,test drug,discover drug


n. v.

1.毒品an illegal substance that some people smoke, inject , etc. for the physical and mental effects it has

2.药;药物a substance used as a medicine or used in a medicine


药物化学的研究对象包括药物drug)及与其相关联的物质和一般生理活性物质,主要研究对象是药物。药物化学(Medicinal …


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... drop n. 滴 drug n. 药,药物;毒品 drum n. 鼓 ...


英语音标知识(3) ... uncle 伯父;叔父 drug 药品;药材 such as 如此…的; 例如 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... drop n. 滴 drug n. 药,药物;毒品 drum n. 鼓 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... drown 淹死;,淹没,浸泡 drug 药,麻醉品,毒品 drum 鼓;圆桶 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... flicker vi. 闪动, 闪烁 drug n. 麻药, 麻醉药 supply n. 补给品 ...


药字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 药衡〖 apothecaries,measure〗 药剂〖 remedy;medicament;drug〗 药劲儿〖 efficacyofadrug〗 ...

His mother was a professional dancer while his father was addicted to drugs and had to be confined in the drug rehabilitation center. 拉博夫并非出生表演世家,母亲是个职业舞者,而爸爸则因沉溺毒品而不得不长期呆在戒毒所。
Days later, a new BMW X5 SUV, with a bow on top, was left outside her home by the same drug trafficker who was trying to woo her. 几天后,就是这位向她求爱的毒贩在她家门口停放了一辆全新的宝马X5SUV车,车顶上还用绸带打了一个结。
Davies told police that he had been on the roof trying to escape drug dealers he had seen and owed money to, Liverpool Crown Court heard. 戴维斯告诉警方,他来到屋顶上,是想躲避他见到且欠对方钱的毒贩,利物浦刑事法院审讯时得知。
it was obvious to see by looking at the needle marks on her arms that the young girl was a victim of drug abuse. 从她臂上针扎的痕迹来看,很明显,这位年轻女子是吸毒的受害者。
T-Nation: Does it shock you to see how much the drug use has increased and become more complicated since the 80's? 型国家:它是否冲击你看到多少药物使用增加了,而且变得更加复杂,因为是80年代的?
Taking drugs to get rid of parasites may not always work, as a drug will often drive a parasite from one organ of the body to another. 服药摆脱寄生虫不见得总是见效,这是因为药品经常驱使寄生虫从体内一个器官到另一个。
the day when a drug addict might be offered vaccination rather than opprobrium will have come a little closer. 那么离瘾君子们获得疫苗而不是羞辱的那一天又近了一步。
How much more testing will it need to win approval from drug regulators? 还需要多少测试才能获得药品监管机构的核准?
It is often associated with a drug of unpredictable liver toxicity, and may be the cause of acute liver failure in some patients. 这种情况通常出现在某些存在不可预知肝脏毒性的药物中,而且可能导致一些患者出现急性肝衰竭。
I was one of the brainwashed doctors until I saw how awful the drug scene was, and gave up private practice to start this organization. 我就曾是一个误入歧途的医生--直到看清楚药品业的景象是多么惨不忍睹,才放弃开业,创建了这个组织。
And the cost of the drug nagged at him. If it worked, how long could he afford to keep taking it? 药物花销也让他感到烦恼。如果见效的话,他又能负担得起多长时间的药物治疗?
China's top drug official, Liu Yuejin, said the plan was to bomb the drug lord's hideout in northeastern Burma using unmanned aircraft. 中国最高禁毒官员刘跃进表示,原计划是使用无人机轰炸这名毒枭在缅甸东北部的藏身之处。
In the United States and Mexico, near the border, drug smuggling has been a problem despite repeated prohibitions. 在美国和墨西哥边境线附近,毒品走私一直是个屡禁不绝的问题。
Many approaches have been used to promote the drug percutaneous absorption. 许多方法可用于促进药物的经皮吸收。
Drug therapy for the treatment of tumors is often limited by a narrow therapeutic index. 药物疗法,用于治疗肿瘤,往往限制了一个狭窄的治疗指数。
So he gave them this drug and again, this passed all the ethic reviews and was not dangerous, you know. 所以他给了她们这种药,再一次,这似乎超越了道德的约束但是并没有危害。
Officials at the Food and Drug Administration said the drug was not effective enough to merit such risks. 食品药品管理局的官员说,此药的药效不足以来冒这种风险。
Moreover, if the drug is in the anhydrous state, the rate of dissolution is usually faster than with the hydrous salt. 而且,如果药物在无水状态,溶解的速度通常快速比与含水盐。
the only pharmacodynamic effect of buspirone that changed was the subjective overall drug effect as measured with a visual analog scale. 丁螺环酮唯一改变了的药动学效果是一种主观的、综合的药物效果,通常通过一种称为形象化模拟评分法的方法来测量。
He appealed for unity in the fight against drug cartels which he said were threatening to destroy Mexico's democratic institutions. 他呼吁大家在打击毒品卡特尔的战争中团结起来。他说,毒品卡特尔威胁称要毁坏墨西哥的民主机构。
The rate of drug-induced deaths remains high in a country where drug use is relatively widespread, but at least it has fallen. 在英国毒品使用相对广泛,而今毒品导致的死亡率虽保持高位,但至少开始下降。
It is understood that this young woman had history of drug abuse, which might be the cause of her illness. 据了解,这名少妇曾有吸毒史,这可能是导致她患病的原因。
None of Japanese and American medical workers have been infected in zone, operation rooms or drug house where the system is at work. 日本美国的医护人员几乎没有感染的,传染病区、手术室、药房都采用这套系统。
The anti-war activist was not surprised at all that his primary adversary, the Admiral, had been afflicted with a drug addict for a son. 这位反战积极分子的主要对手,舰队司令因儿子染上毒瘾而十分苦恼,但他对此一点也不感到厅怪。
Luke: Oh yeah the last time I saw a doctor you went poking around like a Turkish drug enforcement officer with an attitude. 路克:上次有个医生严肃的像个土耳其反毒品检查官一样,对我东戳西戳的。
The vicious drug lord, found in an alley just around the corner with his head cutoff, and his spinal column torn from the body. 就在最近,大毒枭金·威利被发现死在小巷的拐角,头被砍掉,脊柱都被扯出体外。
The accuser's attorney, Ken Thompson, said the report of his client's involvement with a drug dealer was a lie. 原告的律师,肯汤普森表示,他的当事人与一名毒贩参与的报告是一个谎言。
She had been doing well on her drug therapy, and her fellow patients took to her as if she were their little sister. 药物治疗在她身上效果一直不错,周围的病人都把她当小妹妹看待。
new security problems are cropping up in the form of terrorism, transnational crimes, environmental degradation and drug trafficking. 恐怖主义、跨国犯罪、环境污染、毒品走私等非传统安全威胁又在迅速蔓延。
This will enable higher doses of drug to be delivered to cancer cells while minimising the risk of side effects in the rest of the body. 这样更高剂量的药物会对癌细胞穷追猛打,同时又把副作用(即对身体其它部分的影响)降到最低。