do the best

  • 网络做到最好;努力去做;无限完美

do the bestdo the best

do the best


我要奋斗 努力!!跪求 大家 给我几句... ... [口语]加油- -Go it! -- obstare ita 做到最好- -do the best! -- operam dare ut ...


我命中注定要做你的妈妈,我也不知道为什么,但我尽自己最大的努力去做do the best)了。所以你也要以上帝赋予你的一 …


深睡森林 专辑歌词 大无限乐团 ※ ... 黎明曙光[ Break Of Dawn] 无限完美[ Do The Best] 深睡森林[ Deep Forest] ...


... + est 是「Zynet」奈雷特要求最高品质及做到最好的决心(Do the best),「Zest your need, Enjoy together!”」对我们来说不 …


...Technique,并坚信此乃公司生存之本,故取其首字母合并而得公司名--百思德BEST。 “做最好的”(DO THE BEST)乃百思 …


lost 第一季 第二集_看lost学英语... ... rescue: 救援 do the best: 尽力 dude: 伙计,兄弟 ...


  传统的以太网采用的是一种尽力而为( Do the best)的网络机制。它们强调的是用户接入的方便性,实现的是网络资源和信息的 …

In my class I dare not to say that I was the best, but I work hard and strive to do the best. 在我的班里我不敢说我是最优秀的,但我很努力,努力做到最好。
And he's trying to work it out, I mean he's really trying to do the best he can in a tough situation. 他试图使事情有好结果,我指的是,他确实是在一个困难的环境中尽了最大的努力。
"What I'm trying to think of, " he says, "is how to do the best conference for the beginning of the 21st century. " 沃曼说:“我在构想的是如何在21世纪初做出最好的会议模式。”
D: sure, but my teachers always encouraged me to do the best that I could and that helped me a lot. When are your final exams? 没错,不过我的老是总是鼓励我让我尽力而为,这帮了我不少忙。你们的期末考试是什么时候?。
At this point, many of your items are going to be nothing more than estimates, but do the best you can. 在准备阶段,很多数字可能都是估算的,但请做到尽你所能的精确。
But I kept working hard, and when I got my chances on the pitch I tried to do the best I could. That's the only thing you can do. 因此我保持努力训练的态度,并且我会抓住每一次在场上机会,这是球员们唯一能做的。
No one understanding of our world, we are always trying to do the best. 没有人理解我们的世界,我们一直都在努力做到最好。
You may be able to do the best job in the world, but if it is not the one your boss wants, it will hold no value. 或许你有能力做出世界上最为出色的工作,但如果并非老板所需要的它便一文不值。
"Each one has his own point of view. He is the manager and I try to do the best with what he tells me, " Alonso added. “对于去年的转会仁者见仁智者见智,他是主教练,我尽全力做到他所吩咐我的最佳状态,”阿隆索说道。
If this competition is to do the best for both of our peoples and for people everywhere, there must be a free exchange of ideas. 如果要做到使这场竞赛有益于两国人民,以及全世界其他人,那么我们需要彼此自愿的交换意见。
A stress and worry free one where you may be able to concentrate to be able to do the best that you can. 找一个能让你舒适和无忧的环境,这样能帮你集中精力,全身心投入到最佳状态。
However, when there is nothing to do, the best plan is usually to do nothing. 然而,当没有什么可以做时,最好的计划通常是什么也不做。
Mother isn't sick, only very tired, and she says she is going to stay quietly in her room all day, and let us do the best we can. 妈妈没生病,只是非常累。她说要在自己房间里静养一天,让我们自己好自为之。这真奇怪,一点都不像她平时的作为;
When he can't keep up his own way, good Lord, She's got to do the best that she can, yeah! 当他无法跟上自己的方式,好耶,她有做的最好的,她可以,是啊!
You've just got to get on with your own job, do the best you can, play well and keep your place. 你只是必须做好自己本职工作,尽你所能做到最好,打好比赛,保持你的状态。
The one thing Morello drove home again and again was that the best innovators don't try to do the best with what they've got. 有一件事是Morello反复强调的,那就是最好的创新者不会在已有的基础上竭尽所能。
DB: I always try to develop and be better than before. My goal is to do the best for the team until the day I retire. 我一直试着挖掘自己的潜力,试图让自己做得更好。我现在的目标,就是为了球队全力以赴至我退役那一天。
I was trying to do the best I could as always . . . it was not enough. 我总是尝试着做到最好……但不够。我没有信心拼得更狠了。
Avatar brought me to a place where I could do the best work of my career, and as such, I hold for Jim a floating mountain of gratitude. 头像给我带来了一个地方,我可以做我职业生涯中最好的工作的作用,因此,我对吉姆举行感恩浮动山。
Looking forward to your support and instruction, trying to do the best in every work procedure in the future. 期待您的支持和指导,务求日后每一个工作环节都能够做到尽善尽美。
And he said, I know, but we have to do the best with the time that we have. 而他说,我知道,但我们只有在我们所有的时间里做到最好。
Is the house structure and the quality, do not buy these water leakages the house, very difficult to do, the best rainy day has a look. 然后就是房屋的结构和质量,千万不要买那些漏水的房子,很难搞,最好雨天去看看。
Dr. Pope said the computer models aren't perfect but do the best humanity has for predicting future climate. 波普博士说计算机模型不是完美的,但为人类预测天气做出最大的努力。
Here, it is the desire to quench an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, a desire to do the best that we can and a desire to be happy. 这里的“欲望”是指你想去平息你对知识永不熄灭的渴求,想去追求卓越,想去追求幸福与快乐。
Make no mistake -a retrograde planet is a weak planet, so you've had to do the best you could without much planetary support. 不要犯下错误-这逆行的行星是弱的星体,所以在没有大行星支持下,你已经做到你的最好。
I try to do the best job I can in a positive way on and off the court. 我尽我的最大努力以积极地方式工作。
Just expect your kid to help out at home and do the best she can in school and other activities so she'll learn to be self-reliant. 仅仅在家里帮助你的孩子解决难题,在学校和其它活动中尽力而为,这样,她将学会自力更生。
If you do not agree with and I exchanges, okay, but I do the best portal, best friend! 如果你不同意和我交往,也没关系,不过我门要做最好,最好的朋友!
If you have not reached your goal, do not lose heart, continue to work hard, you will be able to do the best. 如果还没有达到你的目标,不要灰心,继续努力,你一定可以做到最好的。这个暑假但愿你能过得开心。我最大的愿望是希望你能够幸福。
Go about your daily activities and do the best you can with whatever is before you. Whatever you do, do not focus on fear, scarcity or lack. 无论面对什么,在你每天的活动中尽自己所能做到最好,不要专注于恐惧和缺失,你生活在一个丰裕的宇宙。