
美 [drʌm]英 [drʌm]
  • n.鼓;滚筒;(装油或化学剂的)大桶;鼓状物
  • v.打鼓;击鼓;连续敲击…使发出咚咚声;不停地击打
  • 网络鼓手;爵士鼓;架子鼓

复数:drums 过去式:drummed 现在分词:drumming

drum business,bang drum,drum interest,drum support,beat drum


n. v.

1.鼓a musical instrument made of a hollow round frame with plastic or skin stretched tightly across one or both ends. You play it by hitting it with sticks or with your hands.

2.(装油或化学剂的)大桶a large container for oil or chemicals, shaped like a cylinder

3.鼓状物;(尤指机器上的)鼓轮,滚筒a thing shaped like a drum , especially part of a machine


beat/bang the drum (for sb/sth)

(为…)竭力鼓吹,摇旗呐喊to speak with enthusiasm in support of sb/sth

模拟人生3_百度百科 ... None 无 Bass,Drums,Piano 贝司,,钢琴 Late Night 夜店人生 ...


鼓手Drums):Eguchi Nobuo 江口外号是“色鬼”(因为名字)哈,非常恋家的一个人,从02年的体育馆开始首次出现的DANC…


指的就是爵士鼓Drums)、电贝司(Bass)、键盘(Keyboard)和电吉他(Guitar),这四个乐器在电声乐队中的重要程度 …


西边祠杂谈_北京人文论坛_西祠胡同 ... (561字) jieyou01 架子鼓 drums (333字) 1milycom ...

  “”(drums)、“琵琶桶”(barrels)、“木桶”(casks)及“小桶”(kegs)均为同义的用语;(1966年第17号法律公告)  “处所”(premises)包括 …


但在过 去, 这个词 也指磁鼓drums)和数据单元( datacell)等 等。什么是数据单元?


mings589_新浪博客 ... “gulls 海鸥声”……) “drums 鼓声”、 “rain 雨声”、 ...


火炬之光2表情命令分享_游迅网 ... /despair 绝望 /drums 打鼓 /facepalm 摸脸 ...

The war drums are beating once again between Russia and the USA, just as they seem to do every 45 years. 战争桶殴打再次俄罗斯与美国,正如他们似乎做的每45年。
BFD2's easy to use interface is redesigned from the ground up to give you more power and control for shaping your drums than ever before. BFD2易使用的接口从新被重新设计给您塑造的您的鼓更多力量和控制。
Look what I have done to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple bullets. 你看,我就用几桶汽油和一些子弹就把这城市搞得乱七八糟。
Every time Tokyo makes a hesitant attempt to begin acting like the great power it should be, China beats the drums about the war. 每当日本没有表现出它应该有的大国风范时,中国就拿战争说事儿。
the drums are not equalized and the mix is notably bass-heavy (black metal is often criticized for its lack of bass). 击鼓的方式不是很平衡,贝斯的部份更加沈重(黑金属通常被认为缺少贝斯)。
Of musical instruments and drums relatively easy to get started, kids are not prone to frustration, can increase children's self-confidence. 且鼓类乐器相对而言上手容易,孩子不容易产生挫折感,可提高孩子的自信心。
Do not buy bags or drums have been turbid liquid bag of ready-to-eat products jellyfish. 不要购买已鼓袋或袋内液体已混浊的即食海蜇产品。
requires a little sense of victory, a roll of the drums, to call his powers into full exercise. 他需要谬论供他批驳,需要错误让他嘲笑,更需要一点胜利的气氛,一阵鼓声,以便最大限度发挥他的本事。
I thought when the drums started it would keep up forever. I expected to see people fall out of the boxes or throw their hats away. 我以为鼓一旦敲响便会一直响下去,我期望看到人们从包厢里跳下来,或是把帽子扔掉。
The pressure on his ear-drums was a pain, and there was a buzzing in his head. 耳膜上的压力使他疼痛,头也嗡嗡地响了起来。
Kim Bo war: Gaocheng Kim Bo is a war drums , gongs for the accompaniment to dance gold cymbals for a group of men Arts Plaza. 金钹战鼓:藁城金钹战鼓是一种以大鼓、铜锣为伴奏,以金钹为舞具的男性群体广场艺术。
When he drums and chants in a certain sequence, some of his listeners are lulled into a trance. 当他以某种规律击鼓吟唱时,一些听众会受其引导而出神。
By the time the sky began to lighten the sound of drums had faded away, though warhorns were heard thrice more, each time a little closer. 当天空开始泛白,鼓声也渐渐消失,但是战号声又吹响了三次,一次比一次接近。
Disc brakes are not immune to any of these processes, but they deal with heat and water more effectively than drums. 盘式制动器并非免疫任何这样的过程,但他们处理的水热更能有效地鼓。
I can play drums, but I haven't played for a while. I'm not sure I'd be good enough to play in a band. 我可以打鼓,但我没有一段时间的作用。我不知道我是有足够的实力在一个乐队。
Since the dawn of humanity in Africa, drums have provided the pulse of our history. They continue to help us celebrate our common humanity. 自人类在非洲起步以来,鼓就成了我们历史的脉搏,至今仍在协助我们欢庆共同的人类。
I wasn't yet back playing drums with my band, nor was I a podcaster (since there was no podcasting, nor an iPod for that matter). 我没有成立自己的乐队当一个鼓手,我也不是一个播客(因为我即没有播客也没有iPod去做那些事)。
"We will be able to break into the steel drum business with our plastic tight-head drums, " he said. “我们将能够打入钢桶业务与我们的塑料紧头鼓,”他说。
Yellow drums done up to look like nuclear-waste containers are stacked by the door. 做成核废料集装箱样子的黄色大鼓堆放在门口。
she began playing drums at the age of 18, right about the same time that she was drafted into the Israeli Defense Forces for two years. 她18岁就开始打鼓,这时她已经应征入伍以色列自卫队两年了。
The moving body may have at least two cylindrical drums and an endless belt connected between the drums. 运动件可具有至少两个圆柱形滚筒以及连接于该滚筒之间的环形带或链。
Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. 想想看,不过是用几桶汽油和一些子弹我就把这座城市搞的鸡飞狗跳。
Guitar completely replace the voice of the drums appeared to the final has not heard a drum, only guitar gently stirring. 吉他的声音彻底代替了鼓点,好像到最后也没有听到一声鼓,只有吉他轻轻的激荡。
When I pressed the ignition button, a cloud of smoke shot down and the engine came to life like the sound of a thousand African drums. 当我按下点火钮时,一团烟雾向下喷射,发动机启动了,那声响犹如千面非洲鼓在齐鸣。
Even as he spoke, drums thundered from both sides and flames shot upward. Cao nearly fell from his horse. 说犹未了,两边鼓声震响,火光竟天而起,惊得曹操几乎坠马。
This also enables the unit to be used for smaller ensemble performances as a main speaker for the V-Drums. 这也使得该单元也可以作为V-Drums的主扬声器而用于较小的合唱性能。
So he's out early beating the drums for himself, trying to raise campaign money and find groups to support him. 所以他赶早开展宣传为自己大吹大擂,尽力募集竞选资金并寻觅支持他的团体。这里的beatingthedrumsfor意思也是为作宣传。
By dawn Lord Guan and his commanders, waving flags and beating drums, were bearing down in large ships. 比及平明,关公及众将皆摇旗鼓噪,乘大船而来。
Today, while at my mom's birthday dinner, I started to pretend to drum with one hand, using my left leg as the drums. 今天在老妈的生日宴会上,我用左腿当鼓,向大家秀了一把单手鼓技。
Gongs and drums to see awe-inspiring in its shape when seen, as early as the sound heard plants, andru lei guan er , extraordinary. 看威风锣鼓,在未见其形时,早闻其声厂,而且如雷贯耳,非同凡响。