
英 [diz]
  • n.英语字母表的第 4 个字母
  • abbr.民主党人;民主党的
  • 网络取代度(degree of substitution);直接序列(Direct Sequence);唐氏综合征(Down syndrome)



1.英语字母表的第 4 个字母the fourth letter of the English alphabet

3.(学业成绩)第四等,差the fourth highest mark/grade that a student can get for a piece of work, showing that it is not very good

取代度(degree of substitution)


直接序列(Direct Sequence)

直接序列DS)CDMA因远近效应,需要一致的功率控制或额外的增益,与TDMA 相同,其信道正交化也需共同的定时参考, …

唐氏综合征(Down syndrome)

唐氏综合征DS)是一种先天性染色体异常,他是由于在减数分裂的后期,21号染色体未分离所致即所谓的21染色体三体。一 …

数据段(data segment)

数据段(DS)中EDX寻址的字节单元的内容与DH相加,结果放到该单元中;把数据段中EAX寻址的字节单元的内容与CL相加, …


... 直接序列扩频的应用 直接序列扩频通信的概念 所谓直接序列扩频DS),就是直接用具 有高速率的扩频码序列在发端去扩 …

黑暗贤者(Dark Seer)

2009DotA第一视角教学 黑暗贤者(DS)第一视角2009DotA第一视角教学 猴子第一视角 2009DotA第一视角教学 弧光守望者第一 …

硫酸皮肤素(dermatan sulfate)

硫酸皮肤素(ds)elisa kit human dermatan sulfate,ds elisa kit 96t fa01367b 人硫酸类肝素(hs)elisa kit human heparan sulfate...

双人竞速(Dual Slalom)

其中泥地包括:DSDual slalom),4X,DJ(Dirt jump)。DS(Dual slalom),一般在天然的下坡路线上,进行修整和改造…

But the ape's attention span was fairly short lived as she was soon enticed into giving the DS back in exchange for an apple. 但猩猩的注意力毕竟短暂,没多久她就受不了诱惑把游戏机拿去换了个苹果。
Though DS passes a signal of violence, a rashly abolition might passes sort of appeasement signal, or, compromise to heinous criminals. 死刑固然“传递的是一种暴力信息”,但贸然废除死刑可能传递的是一种绥靖信息,即对罪大恶极犯罪人的妥协。
Select the bottom-most option in the DS menu just as if you were playing a GBA game! 选择底部-在DS菜单的大多数的选项正直的好像你正在玩一场GBA游戏!
The most recent infrastructure "report card" by the American Society of Civil Engineers contains nothing but Cs and Ds. 美国土木工程协会给出的一份最新基础设施项目“成绩单”,得分不是及格就是不及格。
Lumbar DS is a major cause of spinal canal stenosis and is often related to low back and leg pain. 腰椎的退行性滑移是导致椎管狭窄的一个主要原因,并常与腰腿痛密切相关。
A DS Smith spokesman said this morning that the man was sitting up in his hospital bed and able to receive visits from relatives. 阿德尚发言人史密斯今天上午,该名男子是坐起来在他医院的病床上,并能够接受探访亲戚。
The OSGI-INF directory (along with XML files) needs to be included in the bundle, as otherwise DS won't be able to see it. OSGI-INF目录(与XML文件一起)需要被包含进bundle中,否则DS看不到它。
When he goes on the road, he travels with a laptop, iPod and sometimes a Nintendo DS and a Sony PlayStation Portable. 外出旅行时总会带上笔记本电脑和iPod,有时还会带上NDS和PSP。
This is quite a punishing workout but it makes perfect sense and, unlike the Nintendo DS, it does seem to describe a better way of life. 这是一个十足折磨人的锻炼,但却很有它的道理。另外和NintendoDS不同的是,似乎它的确给出了一个更好的生活方式图景。
The Wii is an attempt to apply the lessons of the DS to a fixed console that plugs into the television. Wii试图应用DS的经验,把自己变成接入电视的一个固定组件。
His grades fluctuated from Ds to Bs, and I had to have the old mid-semester "Do you want to drop out? " talk with him once again. 他的平时成绩总在D和B之间摇摆不定。我不得不在期中又一次找他谈话,“你是否想要退课?”
Direction of Arrival (DOA) estimation is one of the key technologies of Direct Sequence Ultra Wide Bandwidth (DS-UWB) system. 到达角估计是直接序列超宽带系统的关键技术之一。
The result of the simulation show GA is effectively speed up the convergence rate, especially in large-scale DS-CDMA cellular system. 通过仿真,发现该算法能有效地提高了收敛速度,特别是在大规模分布的用户环境下效果更显著。
And the iPhone's processing power makes it a formidable challenger to hand-helds like Nintendo DS and Sony PSP. And then some. 而iPhone进程的威力使其成为一个令人生畏的挑战者,对于那些便携式游戏的厂商,如任天堂的DS和索尼的PSP,并且远不止如此。
Now, if this young man of twenty eight was a common, ordinary yokel , I' ds ay hew as doing fine. 那么,如果这个二十八岁的小伙子是个普普通通的粗人,我得说他这样就可以了。
Sometimes, in a case of dynamic DS the vertebral slipping cannot be seen on the standard supine radiographs or MRI. 有时在动态退行性椎体滑移时,标准的仰卧位放射检查或者MRI检查可能无法发现椎体滑移。
Vector dS is a vector which points perpendicular to the surface and whose length corresponds to the surface element. 向量dS与曲面垂直,并且它的长度与面积元素有关。
DS : You re just a man. You're just a dog. You re a fucking man , all right ? You wanna fuck everything that moves. 耽:你只是个男人,你就是只狗,你是一个想要干的男人,好不好?你想干所有会动的东西。
Of these isolates, A. niger DS 1 was found to be the best citric acid producer and therefore selected for further work. 这些将a尼日尔DS1是发现最好的柠檬酸制作人,因此选择进一步的工作。
One solution to this problem is OSGi's declarative services, hereafter referred to as DS. 解决这一问题的一个方案是OSGi的声明式服务(以下称为DS——declarativeservices)。
In my big classes, ranging from fifty to ninety students, I gave two or three As and about the same number of Ds. 在我的大班上,人数介于50到90人之间.我会给两个或三个学生打A,给大约同样数目的学生打D。
Nina Luo DS and the boss said at the beginning of several would go in Shenzhen, temple that day will not necessarily come. 而老大罗徳尼娜说初几就要去深圳,庙会那天不一定会来。
As it has been determined that the DS storage will be used for AIX systems requiring a high level of performance and availability. 对于那些对性能和可用性要求较高的AIX系统将需要使用DS存储。
DS Contents in the backup copy are out of date . Try restoring with a more recent copy . 在备份副本中的DS内容过期。请用一份最新副本复位。
Double integral over a surface of F dot n dS is going to be --What are we going to do? 在曲面上做F•ndS的二重积分,会是……我们要怎么做?
It's just one of many Wii and Nintendo DS games that Nintendo holds the publishing rights to, but has refrained from bringing to America. 这只是任天堂拥有版权却禁止美国引进的众多Wii和NDS游戏之一。
The iPhone's many game apps has made the smartphone a serious competitor to stand-alone game devices like the Sony PSP and Nintendo DS. iPhone的许多游戏程序使智能手机成为了像SonyPSP和NintendoDS这样单纯的游戏设备的有力的竞争者。
We said the line integral of F dot n ds is actually the line integral of - Q dx P dy. 我们讲过,F•nds的线积分,实际上就是-Qdx+Pdy的线积分。
The blind detection, parameters estimation and recovery of spreading sequences are the main contents of DS communication counter. 直扩通信对抗包括直扩信号的盲检测、参数估计和扩频码序列恢复等内容。
FndS Well, we said that this flux would be given by double integral on S of F dot n dS. 流量将由,在S上的二重积分给出。