
  • 网络文档类型定义(Document Type Definition);文件类型定义;文档类型声明(Document Type Declaration)



文档类型定义(Document Type Definition)

文档类型定义DTD)包含未终止的元素 元素名称 的内容模型规范。SQL16121NXML 文档包含对于名为 实体名 的实体未终 …


2006年1月5日 随笔档案 - Luben Park - BlogJava ... 4.Declaration( 声明) 5.DTD( 文件类型定义) 1.Schema( 规划) ...

文档类型声明(Document Type Declaration)

新的文档类型声明(DTD) 新增的HTML5标签 删除的HTML标签 重新定义的HTML标签 崭新新的页面布局兄弟连HTML5(3)HT…

Many current DTDs incorporate ways to deal with some of these issues, but the breadth of the issues leads to more than just a DTD. 许多当前DTD合并了处理这些问题的方法,但这些问题所涉及的范围往往超出了DTD。
These helpers make your work a whole lot easier in trying to conform to a DTD (or in developing one). 这些帮助程序让您在尝试遵循DTD(或开发DTD)时更容易。
With a good framework of base classes in place, you can basically copy a DTD directly into a set of class definitions or initializations. 有了一个优秀的基类框架,基本上,您就可以将DTD直接复制到一组类定义或初始化中了。
When parsing XML, UAs do not always read the DTD, and thus may not know what the ID of an element is. 当解析XML时,浏览器不会总去读取DTD,因此可能会不知道一个元素的ID是什么。
The biggest problem with this was that a naive processor is likely to load that DTD URL, which might be an unwanted network operation. 这样做的最大问题是新型的处理器很可能加载此DTDURL,而这可能是一种不必要的网络操作。
With your DTD in a format that's more easily understood by Quick, you're almost ready to move to the next step. 现在,DTD的格式更容易被Quick理解了,您就要准备继续下一步了。
In an XML-based DTD, a new set of elements simply needs to be internally consistent and well-formed to be added to an existing DTD. 在基于XML的DTD中,新的元素组只需要内部一致并且格式良好,就可以添加到现有的DTD中。
When an XHTML document is created, the DTD to which it conforms is declared at the top of the document. 在创建XHTML文档时,在该文档的顶部声明了它应符合的DTD。
Each information type is defined in its own DTD module, which defines only the new elements for that type. 每种信息类型都在自己的DTD模块中定义,其中仅定义该类型的新元素。
Use parameter entities to pull external declarations into your DTD, or to create in-DTD macros to improve readability. 参数实体用于将外部声明拖到DTD中,或者用于创建DTD内部宏来改善可读性。
So your first step in trying to compare two XML documents is to formulate a DTD for both. 所以,在尝试比较两个XML文档时,要首先为两者阐明DTD。
In the same way, any DITA element can be extended into a new element whose identifier gets added to the class attribute through its DTD. 同样,任何DITA元素都可以扩展成一个新元素,其标识符通过DTD增加到class属性中。
With discipline and ingenuity, some of the benefits of topic information sets can be provided through a book DTD. 原则性和灵活性结合,主题信息集的一些优点可以通过图书DTD体现出来。
A variety of such complexities has made it difficult to express in a general way which attributes are meant to have ID semantics. 各种复杂性使DTD很难以通用的方式表示哪些属性应当具有ID语义。
However, the case for dynamic data in a DTD is not always so easily understood. 然而,在DTD中使用动态数据的理由则并不总是那么易于理解。
And, as I believe this case study shows, the resulting implementation is much like any other XML engine and specific DTD-based application. 正如我相信在这篇实例研究中所显示的那样,最终结果实现非常象任何其它XML引擎以及特定的基于DTD的应用程序。
Also, Eclipse is able to use the SMIL DTD to control the editing of the underlying code in a SMIL context. 此外,Eclipse能够使用SMILDTD来控制SMIL环境下对底层代码的编辑。
Or you might have seen an XML DTD element defined in an EBNF style. 或者您可能见过以EBNF样式定义的XMLDTD元素。
DITA provides a rich base for specialization because of the general design of elements used in its archetype-like topic DTD. 由于在其类架构类型(archetype-like)主题DTD中使用了元素的一般化设计,DITA为专门化提供了坚实的基础。
Before an HTML file can be properly validated, a correct DTD must be added as the first line of the file. 在校验HTML文件是否有效以前,必须得有正确的DTD放置在文件的首行。
All this DTD and versioning isn't worth much unless you can ensure your documents are valid, and follow the rules in the DTD you specify. 除非可以保证文档是有效的,并且符合所指定的DTD中的规则,否则这些DTD和版本控制也就没有多少意义。
The purpose of a DTD is to define what elements, attributes and entities is legal in an XML document. DTD是用于检验一份XML文档中的元素、属性和实体是否合法。
This approach tends to encode legacy practices into the resulting DTDs or vocabularies. 这种方法倾向于在最终的DTD或词汇表中编码遗留的实践。
The purpose of those projects is to continue to validate the DITA architecture and use the DTD in a product development environment. 这些项目的目的就是继续确认DITA体系结构和在产品开发环境中使用DTD。
Also be sure to spell the URL correctly, or your validating programs won't be able to find the DTD. 还要确保正确地拼写URL,否则确认程序将无法找到DTD。
Format XML is rich enough to represent either objects or hierarchies fully, given only the right DTD schema. 格式,XML非常丰富,只要DTD模式正确,它足以完整地表示对象或层次结构。
Through building simulation linkage to simulate DTD case, the performances of these algorithms are analyzed and compared. 通过搭建仿真链路,模拟双端放声状况,对这些常用算法的性能进行了分析比较。
It is important to notice that this DTD does not contain elements with MIXED or ANY content model. 重要的是注意:DTD不包含带MIXED或ANY内容模型的元素。
The identifier in the document prolog that gives the name of a DTD or external entity. 提供DTD或外部实体的名称的文档序言中的标识符。
But, as if things aren't hairy enough already, not just any DTD will do. 但好像事情不是那么简单,不是任何DTD都可以做到这一点。