
美 [dʌɡ]英 [dʌɡ]
  • n.(哺乳动物的)乳房
  • v.“dig”的过去式和过去分词
  • 网络挖;挖掘;探究




托福TPO阅读词汇_百度文库 ... replenish( 补充) dug) necessitate( 迫使) ...


动词过去式和过去分词大全_百度知道 ... come came 来 dig dug 挖掘 do did 做 ...


初中牛津英语七年级B 词汇 Unit 4... ... 21. medium adj. 中等的;中号的 dug 挖,掘土,探究 n. 铺盖.覆盖 ...


...欢卡尔;接着两人又遇到了第二个朋友——会说话的狗“道格”(Dug),说这只狗会说话并不确切,实际上是狗脖子上戴的项圈 …


《虚空使者》第六章:虚空使者_南方战士... ... Yavin 4, 雅文4号卫星 Dug达格人 Duro, 杜罗人 ...




大纪元 - 看新闻学英语:搁浅幼鲸被救回大海 ... 2. humpback: 座头鲸(又叫大翅鲸) 3. dug: 挖的过去分词 4. channel: 水道 ...

Departmental Undergraduate Groups

除了课程学习之外,各个系有支持本科生活动的“DUG”(Departmental Undergraduate Groups),每年可以得到1千美金的资助。 …

He dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest vines. He built a watchtower in it and cut out a winepress as well. 他刨挖园子,捡去石头,栽种上等的葡萄树,在园中盖了一座楼,又凿出压酒池。
They went about poking sticks into the sand, and when they found a soft place they went down on their knees and dug with their hands. 他们用树枝往沙子里戳,戳到软的地方,就跪下来用手挖。
So for the moment, China finds itself in a $2 trillion hole it has dug for itself over the last decade. 因此目前,中国忽然发现在过去十年中为自己挖了一个2万亿美元的大坑。
Often the messages contained the location of natural water sources or of the well which had been dug previously. 这些信息往往是告诉后面的华工水源的位置或已经挖过的井。
Do not know a good writer to Ukraine in the other home-dug graves when properly examined whether the ancestors of his brilliant masterpiece. 不知道好来乌编剧在挖别人家祖坟时是否好好研究过这本自己祖上的光辉名著。
She had not, however, been named a National Merit finalist, dug a well for a village in Africa, or climbed to the top of Mount Rainier. 诚然,她没有当选为国家荣誉学者决胜者,没有为非洲的农村挖过井,也没有攀登过瑞尼火山。
Kino raised the sleeping mat and dug up his pearl and put it in front of him and stared at it. 奇诺掀起睡席,把珍珠挖出,搁在面前呆呆地看着。
Eventually, they dug away the final pieces of rubble - and a woman was carefully lifted out and rushed on a stretcher to a nearby doctor. 最终,营救人员先挖出碎砖,然后将该妇女轻轻地抬出来。迅速用担架送往附近的医生处。
The dugout was a room dug in the side of a hill. A few rails or posts were used to make a door frame and, possibly, a window. 窝棚是在小山坡上挖成的一间屋子,用几根栏木或柱子搭门框,的话,再搭窗户。
An old coin was dug up in the garden. 在花园里挖出了一枚古硬币。
Silver , as quick as a monkey , was on top of him in a moment . Twice he dug his knife into that poor body . 西尔弗像猴子一样灵巧地蹿到汤姆身边,在他身上狠狠捅了两刀。
When the first boy didn't see a tiny sprout after the second day, he dug up the seed to see if it had sprouted. 第二天,第一个男孩见种子还没有发出芽来,便将种子从土里掘出来,看看它到底有没有发芽。
Archaeologists say they have dug up a woman skeleton dating to the 10th century B. C. in an ancient necropolis in the heart of Rome. 意大利考古学家5月30日表示,他们在罗马中心区域的一个古代墓地中发现了一具女性骸骨。其历史可以追溯至公元前10世纪。
With the stones he built an altar in the name of the LORD , and he dug a trench around it large enough to hold two seats of seed. 用这些石头为耶和华的名筑一座坛,在坛的四围挖沟,可容谷种二细亚。
The little mole simply dug a hole like an entrance of the well seemed to be the funniest thing. 小鼹鼠很简单地挖一个像井口似的洞就让我念念不忘。
He began to pull the mud away with his hands. But more mud fell into the hole he dug. 他开始用手将泥刨开,但这样以后,更多的泥又落进了他刚挖开的窟窿里。
She dug into the scoop of her ice cream that floated in the glass to take her mind off the fact that he will not come to meet her. 她挖出一勺浮在杯中的冰淇淋,力图把他没有来赴约的事实抛之脑后。
So the next day Jimmy began to dig. He dug until the hole was deep and the dirt pile was high. 所以第二天,吉米开始挖.他一直挖,直到坑很深了,挖出的土堆得很高了。
At the back of his wagon he set a little anvil, and out of an oily tool box dug a small machine hammer. 他在马车的后面支起了一个铁砧,然后从一个油乎乎的工具箱里鼓捣出一个小机锤。
That's the equivalent of every ounce of gold dug up by every gold miner in the world for the next five years. 这相当于全球所有黄金开采商未来五年的全部黄金产量。
He said to me, "Son of man, now dig into the wall. " So I dug into the wall and saw a doorway there. 他对我说:“人子啊,你要挖墙。”我一挖墙,见有一门。
When he reached the ledge, there was no sign of the skeleton, the chest of money, or the hole he had dug the night before. 当他到达了壁架,没有他以前开掘了夜的骨骼、胸口金钱或者孔的标志。
Hereupon he thought that where the key was, the lock must be also, and dug in the ground and found an iron chest. 他想,既然钥匙在,锁也一定就在附近,便往地里挖,挖出了个铁盒子。
The Coast Guard said the plane is to be dug up and the men's remains repatriated. 海岸警卫队表示,他们将会挖出这架飞机,并将遗体送回美国。
She discovered that this boy was as black as a piece of coal just being dug out from a mine, while as solid as a stone statue. 她发现这个男生,黑得像刚从煤窑里挖出来似的,结实得像尊石雕,却带着海涅的诗集。
Each night for a week, he took a shovel and dug in the monastery gardens, searching for the priests treasure. 每晚一个星期,他采取了铁锹并且在修道院庭院里开掘了,搜寻教士珍宝。
A women is dug out of her collapsed apartment block after being trapped for 10 hours. She calls out for her mother, who was injured. 一名妇女在她的公寓倒塌后,被困在废墟之下达10小时。她被救出后,还哭喊着为她受伤的母亲求救。
He felt that Dobby deserved just as grand a funeral, and yet here the elf lay between bushes in a roughly dug hole. 他觉得多比应该得到和那一样隆重的葬礼,可是现在,小精灵只是躺在灌木丛中一个勉强挖好的洞里。
Up to 20, 000 tonnes of coal a week is dug at the site and the bulk of it goes to the Aberthaw power station, near Cardiff. 每周矿井出产高达20000吨的煤,并散装运到Cardiff附近的Aberthaw电站。
They did not like to talk about what had happened to their loved ones, and it was only with great difficulty that I dug stories out of them. 人们一般不愿意勾起亲人被害的伤心事。我要费很大的劲儿才从他们那里打听到一些情况。