
美 [ˈɜrliər]英 [ˈɜː(r)liə(r)]
  • adv.提前;提早;在早期;在初期
  • adj.早期的;初期的;早先的;早到的
  • n.厄利
  • 网络早的;早些;早前



1.早期的;初期的;早先的near the beginning of a period of time, an event etc.

2.早到的;提前的;提早的arriving, or done before the usual, expected or planned time


an early bird

早起者;早到者;赶早者;捷足先登者a person who gets up, arrives, etc. very early

at your earliest convenience

尽早;尽快as soon as possible

the early bird catches the worm

捷足先登;捷足先得the person who takes the opportunity to do sth before other people will have an advantage over them

its early days (yet)

为时尚早;言之过早used to say that it is too soon to be sure how a situation will develop


英语常用单词 - 豆丁网 ... early ad.&a. 早 形容词比较级 earlier a. 早的,初期的 earliest a. 早的,初期的 副词比较级 ...


本年早些(Earlier)时分,英格兰人在WGC-埃森(Essen)哲宇宙比洞赛上击败马丁-凯梅尔博得了冠军。其它一个则是李-维斯特伍 …


早前(Earlier)澳门《市民日报》报道,缘分叵测,我们无从得知下一刻会发生一些什么。何鸿燊号令澳门地产(Estate)商「对这 …


跪求1000个最简单常用的英语单词_百度知道 ... 更远的 farther 更早的;更早地 earlier 工厂 factory ...


先的五笔... ... 先期〖 earlieron;inadvance〗 先前〖 before;earlier;previously〗 先遣〖 besentinadvance;advancedtroops〗 ...


英汉Visual Studio.NET 术语表A-G(二) ... document/view architecture 文档/视图结构 earlier 以前 face color 表面颜色 ...

Indeed, in earlier cycles, private equity firms have been aggressive about trying to reform ailing financial groups. 实际上,在此前的经济周期中,私人股本公司一直对改革境况不佳的金融机构持激进的态度。
Earlier it had been agreed that Andry Rajoelina, who led a coup overthrowing his rival, Marc Ravalomanana, would remain head of state. 早些时候达成协议,发动政变推翻其对手拉瓦罗马纳纳的安德里·拉焦林纳将继续担任国家元首。
Earlier this year it seemed that the Bank of England's next move might be a rise in interest rates as inflation was taking off again. 今年早些时候,英格兰银行的下一步行动可能是提高利率,因为英国通胀在次显现。
But hopes earlier in the day of an imminent deal to end six weeks of crisis appeared to have been dashed. 但是在当天早些时候,以一场即将到来的交易来结束六周的危机的希望好像已经破灭。
Trying to get an aspect of MRM to work before earlier steps in the setup process have been completed. 在设置过程早期步骤完成之前尝试运行MRM的某一部分。
An earlier California test that had been used determine the range for electric vehicles produced an exaggerated figure in many cases. 先前加州一次测定电动车行驶里程的测试在很多情况下得出了夸大的数据。
He notified Buckingham Palace earlier to expect a call from Chretien, not an unreasonable possibility at a time like this. 早些时候,他曾通知白金汉宫等候克雷蒂安的电话,这在当时的情况下,是可能的事,并非不合情理。
I found a few quotes and also a channeling from the earlier days of Cloverleaf called BALANCE YOUR LIGHT. 我发现少数引证并且来自更早的时期一个通灵称为平衡你们的光。
It was the wreckage of one of their cars, an SUV that had been blown in half earlier in the week. 在这周早些时候,一辆SUV被炸成了两半。
I'd try to get up 15 minutes earlier each day to run, and the running would leave me very tired but I still had a day ahead of me. 我每天早上提早15分钟起床去跑步。跑完步我已经觉得很累了,但是一天的工作才刚刚开始呢。
He promised me that he'd help me, but he seemed to be going back on what he said earlier. 他向我允诺要帮助我,可他似乎背弃了他早先说的话。
Ms Liu at Foxconn can now save at double the rate used to, and plans to marry a year earlier. 如今,富士康员工刘丽萍每月存的钱是以往的两倍,并计划提前一年结婚。
For testing purposes, I recommend that you add a trace statement to the beginning of each of the interface methods I discussed earlier. 出于测试目的,建议在前面讨论过的每个接口方法的开头添加跟踪语句。
As stated earlier, pauses are placed throughout the code for you to be able to check how the database is affected by the application's code. 如前所述,代码中很多地方都穿插了对pause方法的调用,以便观察应用程序的代码对数据库的影响。
D---When a participant chose the earlier reward, there was an increase in the activity of his limbic system. 当一个参与者选择了先期报酬时,他的大脑边缘系统活动增强了。
Thus, they see the sun rise later and set earlier than it does for a horizon without obstruction, she said. 因此,相较于毫无遮挡的情况来说,他们看到太阳升起的会晚一些,而落下的会早一些,她说。
On Wednesday, however, he was able to leave work a little earlier, so he trained in the evening, which always felt easier. 然而,在星期三,他可以提前一点下班,所以他在傍晚的时候训练,这使他感觉比早上训练要轻松。
But it is not impossible that it (or its ancestor species) might have lived during earlier time periods in the European archipelago. 不过它(或其祖先物种)不可能在更早的时间在欧洲群岛生活。
Nine months earlier, he'd handed Harrington, a longtime friend, a container of his sperm to take with her to a fertility doctor. 九个月前,亨德里克斯交给哈林顿——一个他认识了很久的朋友一小罐精子,让她带去给医生进行人工受精。
At the hotel he found Joe, too busy all day with the laundry to have come to him earlier. 他在旅馆发现了乔,乔成天忙于洗衣店事务,设工夭早来。
This book is one of their earlier publications and is a must-read for any Java programmer who wants to be good at writing unit tests. 这本书是他们的早期作品之一,它是每一个想要很好的编写单元测试用例的Java程序员的必读书籍。
If the doctor had come a little earlier last night, he would not have had a high fever. 如果昨晚医生来得早一点他今天就不会发高烧了。
The last figures, for June, showed Chinese copper imports running at almost quadruple their rate of a year earlier. 最新数据显示,今年6月,中国铜进口量几乎是去年同期的4倍。
It also reminded me of what I'd noted in the supermarket a few days earlier as I was looking for lotion for dry skin. 这又让我想起几天前在超市里看到的事:我去超市是想买适用于干性皮肤的护肤霜。
In an earlier press release issued on February 6, the Ministry of Defense said the vessel's sonar dome had been damaged in a collision. 早在二月六号法国媒体声称,国防部说潜艇的声纳罩在碰撞中损坏。
Yemen said at the time that it was the last shipment from an earlier missile purchase and would not be repeated . 也门说当时这是最后一次由于先前的同北韩的导弹购买交易而运送武器,以后不会再有。
Osirak was a lone, poorly guarded, and inoperative nuclear plant that had a year earlier been damaged by an Iranian airstrike. 奥西拉克只是一座孤立的、守卫不严的、不起作用的核工厂,早年还被伊朗空袭破坏。
As noted earlier, a large project is often broken into smaller sub-projects. 就像之前提到的,一个大型的项目通过被分解成多个小项目。
But I wasn't in the mood, not after repeatedly getting lost while trying to cycle out of Vienna earlier that day. 但是那天上午我骑车离开维也纳时几次迷了路,变得一点没有情绪。
Compared with his earlier painting works, this series carries with it a feeling of ease though accompanied with a sense of self-mockery. 与他之前的绘画作品相比,这一系列作品虽然带有自嘲,却携带着一股轻松自在的情绪。