earn money

  • 网络赚钱;挣钱;利用爱美之心赚钱

earn moneyearn money

earn money


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至於人与金钱的关系,最重要是让孩子们认识到,人与金钱的关系不止是赚钱earn money)和花钱(spend money)那麽简 …


图3 5. 赚取收益(Earn Money) 如果您完成了以上的步骤,您就基本上已经完成了所有的工作。接下 来您就可以稳坐家中,净 …


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问 卷--Should trading of organs in H.K... ... Health 健康 Earn money 赚取金钱 Save others lives 希望拯救生命 ...

We see them once a year and of course we miss them, but we have no choice; we have to work here to earn money. 我们一年只能见他们一次,肯定非常想,但是没办法。我们要在这里工作、赚钱。
A man wants to earn money in order to be happy, and his whole effort and the best of a life are devoted to the earning of that money. 他们想赚钱以求得幸福,于是他的所有努力和生命的精华部分都投入了赚钱的活动中。
After finishing her university career, Laura joined another group and began to earn money with her performances and songs. 大学生涯结束后,洛拉参加了另一个团体,开始用她的演唱和歌曲赚钱。
Because if I could work twenty-four hours a day for You I would do it, but I have to earn money. 因为若要我为您一天工作廿四小时,我愿意!但我必须赚钱维生。
He was to earn money, or get a position in business, and return in a year or two at most and bring her to America. 他要去挣钱,也就是去个公司谋个职位,然后在一年内或最多两年内再回来,把她带回美国。
We have all heard stories of a businessman who works hard to earn money. He works hard to be a good provider for his wife and children. 我们听说过一位商人努力工作挣钱的故事,他努力工作希望为自己的妻子儿女提供更好的生活条件。
Shia began acting to help earn money for his mother, whom he lived with after the divorce. 希亚开始表演来帮他的妈妈挣钱,父母离婚后,他就一直跟着他的妈妈生活。
STEVE EMBER: Bessie had to pick cotton and wash clothes to help earn money for her family. 史蒂夫恩伯:贝西不得不选择棉花和洗衣服,帮助她的家庭赚取金钱。
I came to understand that it was not easy to earn money. 我明白到赚钱是很不容易的。
Emma explains, I earn money from working in the hotel and that pays for my design course, but I'd love to be a fashion designer. Emma在叔叔的旅馆打工,挣了钱好去进修设计课程,但自己想当一名时装设计师。
Summer vocation has arrived, I hope to get a part-time job, trying to earn money through my own effort and preparing for my graduation. 暑期已至,我希望找到一份暑期工,尝一下用自己的努力去赚钱的滋味,并且为毕业工作做一些准备。
"When both parents are working there is no reason why children should not earn money by doing work around the house, " she said. “儿童储蓄网”创办人斯彭金博士也认为:“当父母双方都在上班,孩子完全应该做家务来赚零花钱。”
Under the hot sun, traveling about, or how much of the day earn money? 烈日下,东奔西跑,一天能赚上多少钱呢?
When both husband and wife earn money, it's really easy to build a lifestyle around the combined income. 要知道当丈夫和妻子同时赚钱的时候,围绕这些收入形成一种生活方式是很容易得,花钱的地方也多。
The children are hopeful that their parents will come back in time on New Year Eve and set out to earn money for the reunion dinner. 孩子们期待父母能在除夕前回家,于是努力工作赚钱,以准备一顿丰盛的团圆饭。
Dr. Webb says most communities value the local forests, but illegal logging is often their only way to earn money to pay for health care. 韦伯医生表示,多数居民珍惜当地的森林,但非法采伐通常是他们赚取医疗费用的唯一途径。
If your daughter is educated, she can earn money and bring in a salary and care for her mother. 如果妳的女儿受教育,她就能赚钱,带薪水回来照顾母亲。
"As long as you opened the door, you could earn money, " he says. “只要打开门,你就可以赚钱”,他说道。
Living in the courtyard of the house, the men are very busy trying to earn money to, all the women stayed here. 居住在这院里的人家,男人们都忙着挣钱去了,全是女人们在这里留守。
To a Visigoth, the quest for knowledge is useless unless it can help you to earn money or to gain power over other people. 对一个西哥特人而言,探求知识毫无用途,除非它能帮助你赚钱或者获得统治他人的权力。
I tell you to earn money just to be independent. Also we can share our wealth and our power of earning with other less fortunate people. 我告诉你们去赚钱,只是要你们独立,而且也可以把我们所赚得的财富和力量,分享给其他不幸的人。
Competition in clients are perhaps regarded to turn out to be considered n impressionive way to earn money. 商业竞赛被以为是一种挣钱手段。
Even under drought conditions, trees can often provide food and a way to earn money until the next growing season. 即使在干旱情况下,树木也常常能提供食物和挣钱的途径,直到下一个生长季到来。
She hopes to go back to work once her child reaches school age, but wants to earn money as a writer and not as a factory worker any more. 等女儿开始上学,她就要重新工作,但她不想再到工厂打工,而是希望以写作挣钱。
You can't earn money from all source just as you can't accept work of all kinds. 不是所有的钱都可以挣,不是所有的事都可以干。
People trying to earn money also must be aware of being ripped off. 尽管知道这些支票应该被撕掉,人们还是试图取些钱,,
Could it be that only those things are considered worthy of being pursued with which one can indeed earn money and prestige? 有些东西确实能使人扬名发财,但难道只有这些东西才值得人们去追求吗?
As a teenager, Marian Anderson worked at low-paying jobs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in order to earn money for her singing lessons. 玛丽安.安德森在十多岁的时候就在宾州费城打工赚取微薄的薪资,以负担歌唱课程的费用。
Mother often worked out of her ability to earn money for my education. 为了挣钱供我上学,母亲经常超负荷工作。
In the next six weeks, your focus will swing to your earnings, cash flow, what you do to earn money, your job, and even your possessions. 接下来的六周,你会关注你的薪水、现金流转、你是怎么挣钱的、你的工作,甚至你的财产等。