
美 [aɪ]英 [aɪ]
  • n.眼睛;眼光;眼力;视力;目;注目;视力;观察力;眼睛;注目;视觉;眼光
  • v.观看;偷看;注视;在…打眼;观看;偷看;盯着看;在…打眼;注视;审视;细看
  • 网络眼部;眼神;眼睛颜色

复数:eyes 过去式:eyed eying 过去式:eyed eyeing 过去式:eyed 现在分词:eyeing

left eye,greedy eye,blue eye,brown eye
rub eye


n. v.

身体部位part of body

1.[c]眼睛either of the two organs on the face that you see with

2.有…眼睛的;有…只眼的having the type or number of eyes mentioned

视力ability to see

3.[sing]视力;眼力the ability to see

眼光way of seeing

4.[c][ususing]眼光;视角a particular way of seeing sth

衣服on clothes

6.[c]风纪扣扣眼;金属环眼a small thin piece of metal curved round, that a small hook fits into, used for fastening clothes


be all eyes

极注意地看;留神地看;全神贯注地看;目不转睛to be watching sb/sth carefully and with a lot of interest

before/in front of sbs (very) eyes

当着某人的面;就在某人的眼皮底下in sb's presence; in front of sb

be up to your eyes in sth

忙于;埋头于;深陷于to have a lot of sth to deal with

cast/run an eye/your eyes over sth

用眼光瞥(或扫);匆匆查看;粗略地看一看to look at or examine sth quickly

clap/lay/set eyes on sb/sth

看见;注意到to see sb/sth

an eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth)

以眼还眼;以牙还牙used to say that you should punish sb by doing to them what they have done to you or to sb else

sbs eyes are bigger than their stomach

(表示贪吃)眼大肚皮小,眼馋肚饱used to say that sb has been greedy by taking more food than they can eat

for sbs eyes only

只供某人读(或看)to be seen only by a particular person

get your eye in

能进行准确判断(球的速度和方向)to practise so that you are able to judge more clearly how fast and where the ball is going

have an eye for sth

对…有鉴赏力(或识别力、眼力)to be able to judge if things look attractive, valuable, etc.

have eyes in the back of your head

脑后长眼;眼光敏锐;什么都能觉察到to be aware of everything that is happening around you, even things that seem difficult or impossible to see

have (got) eyes like a hawk

洞察一切;眼尖to be able to notice or see everything

have one eye/half an eye on sth

做另一件事的同时(悄悄)注意to look at or watch sth while doing sth else, especially in a secret way so that other people do not notice

have your eye on sb

密切注视;盯住;监视to be watching sb carefully, especially to check that they do not do anything wrong

have your eye on sth

想得到;想买到to be thinking about buying sth

in the eyes of the law, world, etc.

从(法律、世人等)的观点看;就…而言according to the law, most people in the world, etc.

in sbs eyes

按某人的意见;在某人眼里;依某人看in sb's opinion or according to the way that they see the situation

keep an eye on sb/sth

照看;留神;留意to take care of sb/sth and make sure that they are not harmed, damaged, etc.

keep an eye open/out (for sb/sth)

密切注意;提防;警觉to look for sb/sth while you are doing other things

keep your eye on the ball

眼睛盯着大事;密切注意关键问题to continue to give your attention to what is most important

keep your eyes peeled/skinned (for sb/sth)

留心;注意;仔细查找to look carefully for sb/sth

look sb in the eye(s)/face

(坦然或问心无愧地)直视某人,正视某人to look straight at sb without feeling embarrassed or ashamed

make eyes at sb|give sb the eye

向某人送秋波;向某人抛媚眼to look at sb in a way that shows that you find them sexually attractive

my eye!

(表示不相信)used to show that you do not believe sb/sth

not see eye to eye with sb (on sth)

与某人看法不一致(或意见不尽相同);与…不敢苟同to not share the same views as sb about sth

not (be able to) take your eyes off sb/sth

目不转睛地盯着;始终注视着to find sb/sth so interesting, attractive, etc. that you watch them all the time

one in the eye (for sb/sth)

失败;挫折;失望a result, action, etc. that represents a defeat or disappointment for sb/sth

only have eyes for/have eyes only for sb

只钟情于某人;只爱某人to be in love with only one particular person

see, look at, etc. sth through sbs eyes

从别人的角度看to think about or see sth the way that another person sees it

shut/close your eyes to sth

(对…)视而不见,熟视无睹,置若罔闻to pretend that you have not noticed sth so that you do not have to deal with it

take your eye off the ball

不再关注重要问题to stop giving your attention to what is most important

under the (watchful) eye of sb

在某人的密切注视下;在某人的监视下being watched carefully by sb

what the eye doesnt see (the heart doesnt grieve over)

眼不见(心不烦);眼不见为净if a person does not know about sth that they would normally disapprove of, then it cannot hurt them

with an eye for/on/to the main chance

瞅机会捞一把with the hope of using a particular situation in order to gain some advantage for yourself

with an eye to sth/to doing sth

着眼于;目的在于;试图with the intention of doing sth

with your eyes open

明知后果如何;明知有问题;心中有数fully aware of the possible problems or results of a particular course of action

with your eyes shut/closed

轻车熟路;毫不费力having enough experience to be able to do sth easily


维多利亚·贝克汉姆_百度百科 ... 身高( Height) 眼睛Eyes) 深褐色( dark brown) ...


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魅惑的眼神(Eyes),惹火的肉体,娇滴滴的舞步女人味具备? 那么,咱们11月的Sun Girl无敌的芳华,不要在朋友面前炫耀自己 …


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Beautiful Eyes_百度百科 ... dream about your eyes【 魂牵梦萦的你的双眼】 eyes双眼】 beautiful eyes【 美丽的双眼】 ...


眼中(Eyes)见到耳边听到(Hear),告诉周围人,你和她已经分手,避免他们给你打报告,哪天又看见谁谁谁了。因赌钱而致家庭 …

Argus was a watchman with a hundred eyes, set in a circle all around his head. 阿刚斯是个有100只眼睛的看守,他能看到头顶上一圈的任何东西。
They looked into each other's eyes. The Girle Weaver told the poor Cowherd that she would be his wife. 两人相对而视,织女对牛郎说要做他的妻子。
"She looked at me with the saddest eyes and said, 'I had to drop out of school, '" Robinson said in a telephone interview. 罗宾森在电话采访中说:“她用无比悲伤的眼神看着我,说,‘我被迫辍学了。’”
But he brought to life after ten seconds, big eyes and was hard to believe a ground of Zheng, is grandson Chu's guess right? 但十秒钟后他就复活了,难以置信地睁大眼睛,难道孙子楚的猜测是对的?
Perhaps I can best illustrate by imagining what I should most like to see if I were given the use of my eyes, say, for just three days. 也许,如果我恩赐能使用我的眼睛,哪怕只是三天,我能通过想像最完美地说明我最想看见的东西。
Walter said, the gentle concern in his eyes replaced by an angry and disapproving look. 瓦尔特说,他温和关爱的眼神已经变成愤怒和责备。
Tears ran from both of their eyes and she drew her arms around the shoulders of her father. 泪水从他们的眼中流出,她伸出胳膊搂住了父亲的双肩。
He dug his fingers into the earth, closed his eyes, and said "Off ! " 他把手指抠进地里,紧闭双眼,然后说道:“执行!”
With your head level, hold up a finger between your eyes and the screen, with its tip centered between the stereo pair. 你的脑袋水平,举起你的眼睛之间的手指在屏幕上,与两人之间的立体中心的一角。
He opened his eyes, and his face showed the series of expressions that were now familiar to her. 他睁开双眼,脸上又掠过那种她已熟悉的表情。
No one noticed the unshed tears in her eyes as she sat there watching and feeling. 没有一个人发现坐在那里看着、感受着的她眼里含着尚未淌下的泪水。
A look of surprise came into his eyes as he read the message. 他读着条子,眼里流露出吃惊的神情。
Phoebe: You know, if you tilt your head to the left, and relax your eyes, it kinda looks like an old potato. 如果你们把头向左偏,放松你们的眼睛,它看起来很像一个老土豆。
I hurried out. In front of me stood a very thin ghost, wagging his tail slowly as he looked up at me with two dark, tired eyes. 我跑了出去,只见在我面前站着个痩鬼,缓慢地摇动着尾巴,仰着头,用两只黑洞洞疲倦的眼睛望着我。
Frances was not very tired and did not close her eyes. 法兰西不是很困,睁着眼睛望着天花板。
The old man's head was very old though and with his eyes closed there was no life in his face. 老人的头非常苍老,眼睛闭上了,脸上就一点生气也没有。
Now after these things his master's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph and said, Lie with me. 这事以后,约瑟主人的妻子以目送情给约瑟,说,你与我同寝罢。
I knew you loved me, of course. It was written in your eyes when you looked at me, a physics problem with no clear answer. 当然我知道你爱我,从你的眼神里我看得出来,这是无法用物理解释的。
His eyes glowed. There was a note of passion in his . "Did you know that you had come into the finest place in the world to buy socks? " 他双眸满是热情,声音饱含激情:“您知道您来到了世界上最好的袜店吗?”
And I got into the program and I saw the hurt in their eyes and pain and decided I just can't turn my back on these children. 后来我进入这个项目,看到他们眼中的伤痛,我决定,我不能拒绝这些孩子们。
She glanced shyly at him out of the corner of her eyes. 她羞涩地用眼角打了他一眼。
The wholesome protein sources in lams naturally provide essential nutrients and amino acids for clear eyes and a strong heart . 天然的蛋白质成份,可为猫只提供各种所需养份及氨基酸,帮助保持双眼明亮及心脏强健。
His eyes had become foggy with tears, his voice clear in the dark, but his soul was afraid. So afraid. 泪水在不知不觉中如雾一般蒙住了他的双眼,他的声音在黑暗中很清晰,但是他的灵魂很害怕,非常害怕。
when he was picked up, he kept talking about awful creatures with horrible eyes that stared at him as they led him onto a spaceship. 他被接回来时,不停地跟人讲,一些可怕的怪物瞪着眼睛盯着他,把他带到了一个宇宙飞船上。
Natasha, clapping her hands, shrieked with delight, and tears started into her eyes. But that lasted only a second. 娜塔莎拍拍手掌高兴得尖声叫喊,同时,眼里涌出了泪水,但这只过了一秒钟。
"My baby is dead, " she said, looking at me with eyes full of fear. “我的孩子死了,”她说,眼里充满恐惧地看着我。
When he spoke in his soft deep voice, his mouth and eyes and hands all spoke likewise. 说话的时候,嗓音柔和而又深沉,就连嘴巴、眼睛和双手似乎也在说话。
lift your eyes , and look the sky blue, don't you know there's a tree has already generated your wish. 抬起眼,看看天,难道不知道门前的哪棵树上已经蛰伏着你的希望。
All of the chickens in the hen house sat on perches, closed their eyes and got ready to sleep. 所有鸡舍里的鸡都站在栖木上,合上眼睛,准备睡觉。
she turned her eyes , as she rested against the cow , full of sly inquiry upon him. 把头靠在牛肚子上以后,她就满眼含着乖觉隐约的追问神气,转向他。