eating out

  • v.出去吃;在外面吃饭
  • 网络外出就餐;外出用餐;吃馆子

第三人称单数:eats out 现在分词:eating out 过去式:ate out 过去分词:eaten out

eating outeating out

eating out


雅思口语多米诺_百度百科 ... 3.Hometown 家乡 7.Eating Out 外出就餐 14.Writing 写作 ...


edown model | Besta ... 砖块射击 BRICK - 5034 外出用餐-1( Eating Out-1) 多认识你-2( Getting to Know You-2) ...


英语作文 ... Is School Education Enough?( 学校教育够了吗) Eating out( 吃馆子) 我的家乡- My Home Town ...


BBC English ... Unit 33 Invitations 邀请 Unit 34 Eating Out 下馆子 Unit 35 Recommendations 推荐/建议 ...


《1+X脱口说商务英语口语》[MP3] - VeryCD电驴大全 ... Send-off 送行 Eating Out 出去吃饭 Playing Host 尽地主之谊 ...


大学英语听力小笔记总结... ... 10. I feel under the water (同上) 1. Eating out 上馆子(半连读) 6. tip 小费 ...


翻译词汇 ... dystrophic hyperkeratosis 营养不良性角化过度 eating out 出外用膳 eating patterns 饮食习惯 ...


趣味英语|文章|孙爱伦的教室 ... FUTURE 未来 EATING OUT 在外面吃饭 MONEY 钱 ...

Dimitrov, who died aged 31, had the mobile with him when he was shot while eating out with a beautiful model. 狄米特洛夫死时31岁,当他被枪杀时有他的手机随身,与一个漂亮的模特儿出外吃东西。
There was also plenty of restaurants nearby for eating out in what seems to be a very safe and upmarket area of the city. 附近还有很多餐馆,这些餐馆看起来都很安全卫生,是城市的高档消费区。
He got profits soaring, only to encounter a historic recession in which Americans said the first expense they were cutting was eating out. 他实现了公司利润的激增,结果却又碰到了历史性的经济衰退,美国人开始缩减开支,而外出用餐首当其冲。
The Bottom Line Eating out is a way of life in Asia, and can be a wonderful pleasure. 外食是亚洲生活的一部分,而且也可能是一令人惊奇的快乐。
The king had his subjects eating out of his hands. 国王让他的臣民听任摆布。
I was only teasing you. You see, we have our clients eating out of our hands now. Both Mark and I are feeling on the top of the world. 我只是在逗你玩儿。你看,我们现在已经有了许多回头客了。马克和我都感到非常高兴。
She was a woman who enjoyed spending time with her family and friends, eating out and decorating her home, he said. 她非常愿意把时间花在家庭和朋友身上,比如装饰屋子,外出聚餐。他说。
Dimitrov, who died aged 31, had the mobile with him when he was shot while eating out with a model. 他当时31岁,中枪时正带着他的手机,和模特吃饭。
Encourage them to think about how much money your family saves when you eat at home instead of eating out. 鼓励他们去思考在家吃饭可以为家里省下多少钱。
A few hours shooting the breeze with the senator on the Straight Talk Express and most journalists are eating out of his hand. 坐上“直话直说快车”,和这位参议员闲聊上几小时,多数记者很快便对其顶礼膜拜。
Remember when eating out was a relaxing experience? Someone else cooked for you, served you and cleaned up after you. 还记得不记得过去外出吃饭是件宽心愉快的事情?有人为你掌勺、服务,你走后又为你收拾桌子。
The gangster had the hostage eating out of his hand to help him escape. 歹徒让人质完全服从自己的命令帮他逃走。与
He says they encounter no hostility eating out as a gay couple or picking up the children from their private school. 他说,他们以同性恋情侣的身份外出就餐或从私立学校接送孩子时没有遭遇敌意。
The biggest advantage of eating out in resturants is to save us the troubles of cooking and washing uo the dishes. 上馆子最大的好处是让我们省去煮饭和洗碗碟的麻烦。
eat out one's hand: At the end of a month, club leader had the unruly youths eating out of their hands. 服服帖帖:过了一个月,俱乐部的领导人把几个难驾奴的的年轻人搞的服服帖帖的。
We enjoy eating out a couple times and month whether with friends or just as a couple. 我们喜欢每月数次外出就餐,无论是和朋友一起或者仅仅夫妇两人。
I'll go on with my talk about food habits and eating out in the United States. 我要接着谈美国的饮食习惯和上馆子吃饭。
It also allows you to go self-catering, which means you do not have to spend money eating out every night. 而且你还可以自己做饭,意味着不用每晚花钱在外面用餐。
When eating out with family or friends, do grasp the opportunity to order some healthier dishes. 与家人或朋友外出进食时,不妨建议多点选较健康的食物。
As I am only a student, there is no way for me to splash money about by eating out everyday. So I would say it really depends. 由于我现在还是个学生,这也就意味着我不可能每天都在外面吃,所以要视情况而定。
buying food and eating out with a food allergy . 食物标准局制作了一份过敏患者购买食物及外出用餐指南,请参阅
Ordering in or eating out may seem like a way to make your life easier, but it's an expensive means of doing so. 买外卖或外出吃饭看起来可能是使你生活更轻松的方法,但是这么干也要不菲的代价。
Eating out can be expensive in Britain but on the flip side there is a wide variety of cuisine from all over the world. 在英国外出就餐会比较贵,但是另一方面也有来自世界各地的各类美食。
For lunch, if he isn't eating out for work, he buys a tuna fish sandwich from a nearby deli. 至于午饭,如果不是因为工作的缘故在外面吃,那么他会从附近的熟食店买一份金枪鱼三明治。
Some people prefer having meals at home while others prefer eating out in places like restaurants. 分析题目:此题问你是否愿意在家吃饭还是出去到饭店去吃饭。
She'll have them eating out of her hand in no time. 她很快就会让他们俯首贴耳的。
As a matter of fact, eating out becomes a greater hassle than it is worth as we attempt to avoid foods we know are bad for us. 这样的翻译是否得当:事实上,人们对在外面吃饭与我们尝试着避免那些我们所知道的对我们有害的食物是否值得之间展开了更为激烈的争论。
The Great Recession has created a newly frugal consumer willing to forsake the luxury of eating out in order to pay the bills. 大萧条催生出了一批节俭的消费者,他们为了支付各种账单而放弃了外出吃大餐的奢侈。
An important question about eating out we had better discuss right now, at the beginning, is who pays for the meal. 关于上馆子,我们现在首先应当讨论的重要问题,是谁来付帐。
While diners may be eating out less, chefs around the world are still creating dishes with unusual ingredients. 尽管如今人们外出就餐减少,但世界各地的厨师们仍在尝试用各种不同寻常的食材来制作美食。