
美 [ˈekoʊ]英 [ˈekəʊ]
  • n.回声;回音;回响;反响
  • v.回响;重复;回荡;模仿
  • 网络标准回波数据;共鸣

复数:echoes 现在分词:echoing 过去式:echoed



n. v.

1.回响;回声;回音the reflecting of sound off a wall or inside a confined space so that a noise appears to be repeated; a sound that is reflected back in this way

2.映现;暗示;启示;反响the fact of an idea, event, etc. being like another and reminding you of it; sth that reminds you of sth else

3.共鸣;附和;重复an opinion or attitude that agrees with or repeats one already expressed or thought


西尔德斯神话吧_百度贴吧 ... DaKsha《Ascendent 盛势》 Chandeen《Echoes 回声》 F.R.E.U.D.《Time Passengers 时间乘 …


英语名词改复数的方法_百度文库 ... reef—reefs (礁), , echo—echoes (回音), potato—potatoes 马铃薯, ...


虚幻勇士 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... Fight To The Finish 战斗到底 Echoes 回响 Cortex 皮质层 ...


声波时差与孔隙度的关系? -自然科学-天涯问答 ... MPERM 核磁共振渗透率 Echoes 标准回波数据 TPOR 总孔隙度 ...


英语中不规则名词复数_百度文库 ... zoo → zoos 动物园 * : * echo → echoes 回声, 反响 * embargo → embargoes 禁运, 禁运 …


生物医学工程专业英语词汇_百度文库 ... target 目标 echoes n. 回声;共鸣;反响 (echo 的复数) ...

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. ---Mother Teresa. 友善的话语简短易讲,但是它们的反响确是无尽的---特蕾莎修女。
His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration. 如果他仅仅听见自己思想的回声而不发现另外的灵感,他的头脑回收缩。
He flips a switch. A "rat-a-tat-tat" sound, like that of a staple gun, echoes through his helmet, and fatigue abruptly flees his mind. 他打开一个开关,一阵「拉搭搭搭」好像打钉枪发出的声响在他的头盔里迴荡,疲劳则迅速从他的脑子远去。
The deep thud of a 155-millimeter howitzer echoes off the mountains as what looks like an artillery shell speeds from the gun barrel . 155毫米榴弹炮低沉的炮声在山间迴荡,有个很像炮弹的东西从炮管中加速冲出。
Each time she steps upon this magic land, her love for her motherland echoes even louder in her heart. 每次踏上这片神奇的土地,她对祖国的眷恋都更加强烈地在回荡在她的心中。
The vertical nature of these items echoes the incessant expansion of the urban space - constantly under construction. 这些货物的垂直高度仿佛是对城市空间不断扩张的一种呼应——总在建设之中。
then , among the advancing echoes , there was the tread of her tiny feet and the sound of her prattling words. 于是,在前进的回音之中又有了孩子那小脚的脚步声和她的牙牙学语声。
The echoes of what someone else has said about you keeps repeating over and over in your head. You can't seem to shut it out. 别人说的话一遍又一遍地在你的脑海中回荡着,而你却似乎不能使它停止下来。
The opinion of Sinopec's Mr. Hou on Northern Gateway echoes that of many executives, investors and politicians across Canada. 侯宏斌对NorthernGateway工程的看法和态度显然与加拿大本土的高管、投资人和政客相同。
Your response might be to imagine flying around in the dark, seeing the world in the echoes of high-frequency sounds. 对此,你的反应也许是想到:能在黑暗之中自由飞翔,籍由高频音波反射看清世界,如此等等。
Mother Teresa had it right when she said, "Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. " 特雷莎修女赋予言语权利当她说道:“和蔼的话语可能是简短和易于表达,但是它们引发的共鸣却是无止境的。”
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. 亲切的语言,可能非常简短而且容易说出,但它们的回声是无穷尽的。
"Hai Bao" in the name easy to sing, but also, and his body color echoes, in line with the principles of Chinese folk auspicious title. “海宝”的名字朗朗上口,也和他身体的色彩呼应,符合中国民俗的吉祥称谓原则。
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless. 善良的话语很简短,也很容易说出口,但是它却有着无穷无尽的回声。
The old grey tiles in play long long rainy day music, as if in the distant depths of echoes, fuzzy and clear, penetrating in the moist air. 老屋灰色的瓦总在雨天奏出绵长绵长的音乐,仿佛在遥远的深处回响,模糊而真切,渗透在潮湿的空气里。
Signals with sinusoid modulated phase is the general form of micro-Doppler signals in radar echoes from targets with micro-motions. 正弦调制相位信号是微动目标雷达回波微多普勒信号的一般形式。
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes don't stop. 善意的话简短易说,但是它的回音却是无穷的。
When winds are blowing hard, the radar echoes are fainter, giving a measure of how strong the wind is blowing over the oceans. 当风吹得越来越强时,雷达回波会变弱。这可以用来测量越过海洋的风强度。
"I don't know if I'm smart enough, " I said, suddenly feeling 15 again and hearing echoes of laughter. “我不知道自己是不是够聪明,”我说,突然之间又感到自己回到了15岁的时候,听到了那些笑声在回响。
The forecast echoes that of other chip-makers including Intel Corp. , which are also expecting sales to moderate in the fourth quarter. 与预测相呼应的其他芯片制造商包括英特尔公司,同样也预期销售在第四季度会降低。
For some time Alan volleyed upon the door , and his knocking only roused the echoes of the house and neighbourhood . 艾伦连珠炮似地敲了很久的门,那敲门声只引起房屋和附近的回音。
This echoes from its new high-fidelity machined chassis, representing the most exacting manufacturing process of any laptop made today. 这些从它全新的高保真的底板整体加工就能得到印证,它是当今笔记本电脑最严格的制造工艺的代表。
As the echoes of Connington's footsteps faded away Grand Maester Pycelle gave a ponderous shake of his head. 随着康宁顿的脚步声激起的回声也逐渐消失,大学士派席尔沉重地摇了摇头。
Second tone type of phrase echoes the Ministry, as if voices echoed in the valley, creating a come and go, pre-loaded atmosphere. 第二声部回声式的短句,仿佛歌声在山谷中回荡,营造出此起彼伏,一呼百应的气氛。
The North Korean leader's proposal echoes the offer he made Wednesday to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. 金正日星期三对俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫也提出了相同的提议。
He could hear the faint echoes of voices far above him on the mountainside, startling him after great silence. 他能够听到从远处高山上传来的说话声的微弱回音,这使他感到惊讶。
The golden cladding of the Visitor Center echoes the "solar bark" , one of the motifs depicted on the Sky Disc. 金熔覆的游客中心相呼应的“太阳能树皮”,其中一个图案描绘的天空光盘。
Indeed, most criticism of his time in the army echoes that of his first term as president: that he was too indecisive. 他在军队时受到的大部分批评与在总统任期时的批评相似:他太优柔寡断了。
The name, Hai Bao, echoes with the color of its body and is a typical lucky name in Chinese tradition. 名称宝海,其车身的颜色相呼应和在中国传统中是一个典型的幸运名称。
Duo cried out, begging the boy to stop, but his voice was drowned out by the rain and the wind; by the echoes. 迪奥哭喊着,乞求那个男孩停下来,但是他的声音再一次被风声和雨声还有回声所淹没。