old granny

old grannyold granny

old granny

She heard the neighbor, an old granny, standing beside her bed sighing: "Alas, poor little girl, how come to be scalded like this? " 她听到邻床的老太太站在床边叹息,摇头说,“唉,可怜的孩子,怎么烫成这样?”
The girl ran up to the old woman, took the basket from her2 and said, "Old granny, let me go with you to your son's home. " 这个小女孩跑到老奶奶跟前,接过篮子说:“老奶奶,让我送你到你儿子家去吧。”
When the bus stopped smoothly, an old granny with a stick got up. It's seems that her eyes is not well. 车子停稳后,上来一个拄着拐杖的老太太,好像眼睛还不大好使,弓着背。
He said his father laid mighty sick once, and some of them catched a bird, and his old granny said his father would die, and he did. 他说,他父亲当年病得很重,有人捉了一只小鸟,他年老的妈妈说,父亲会死去,后来他果真死了。
Now 104-year-old Granny Haguaidi Clark of the United States is the world's only over the age of a hundred millions of rich woman. 现年104岁的美国老太哈古埃蒂·克拉克是目前世界上惟一年龄超过百岁的亿万富婆。
The old granny's singing takes us back to that era, the singing is filled of nostalgia, and with the sound and feeling of that time. 老奶奶的歌唱把我们带回到那个年代,她的歌充满着怀旧之情,充满着那个时代特有的韵味。
Now, the old granny has stayed away of danger and the police have got in touch with her family about her accident. 目前,老人已脱离危险,民警也已联系到老人的家属。
Old granny sings so well and speaks even better, I send you heartfelt wishes for a long life of a hundred years! 老奶奶唱得好,说得更好,我衷心祝您长命百岁!
Call me an old granny, but I love Epsom salt baths and their surprising health benefits. 叫我老奶奶,但我喜欢泻盐浴和它们令人惊喜的健康福利。
The robber's threats terrified the old granny into handling over her purse. 歹徒的恐吓吓得老太太赶紧把钱包交出来。
I was very bored when suddenly I saw an old granny standing at the turning of the street. 我相当无奈。便在这时,我瞅见一个老婆婆站在街上的转角处。
When the old granny first came to the city, she goggled at the size of the buildings. 当老太太初次进城时,她瞪大眼睛盯住那一座座高楼。
But the 89-year-old granny fought back and gave as good as she got. 但这位89岁的老奶奶奋起反击,双方打了个平手。
My old granny always used to edge her table-cloths with lace. 我的老祖母过去总是用花边给她的桌布镶边。
The old granny took the little girl by the hand. 老奶奶拉着那小女孩的手。
Look, the old granny dropped her basket and the apples went everywhere. Let's go and help her pick them up. 瞧,一位老奶奶弄翻了篮子,苹果滚得到处都是,我们过去帮她拣起来。
I dreamed of an amiable old granny in coarse clothes. 我梦见一个和蔼的老奶奶,身穿粗布上衣。
In the flat for old people, the old granny is demanding to look after child for others even if when she is sitting in a wheel chair. 山东济南老年公寓里,老太太坐在轮椅上还嚷着要给人带孩子。
Liming take good car of this old granny. 黎明和他的同学精心照顾这位老奶奶。
Millie helped the old granny out off danger. Millie帮助老奶奶摆脱了危险。