
美 [edʒ]英 [edʒ]
  • n.边缘;边沿;刀刃;利刃
  • v.渐渐移动;给…加边;略为增加(或减少)
  • 网络棱;优势;艾吉

复数:edges 现在分词:edging 过去式:edged

competitive edge,sharp edge,outer edge,northern edge,southern edge
give edge,sharpen edge,gain edge,get edge,take edge


n. v.

1.[c]边;边缘;边线;边沿the outside limit of an object, a surface or an area; the part furthest from the centre

2.[c]刀口;刀刃;利刃the sharp part of a blade, knife or sword that is used for cutting

3.[sing](尤指灾难的)边缘the point at which sth, especially sth bad, may begin to happen

4.[sing](微弱的)优势a slight advantage over sb/sth

5.[sing]锐利;敏锐;尖锐a strong, often exciting, quality

6.[sing]尖刻的声调;愤怒的语气a sharp tone of voice, often showing anger

7.有…边的;有…棱的;有…锋的having the type of edge or edges mentioned


be on edge

紧张不安;激动;烦躁to be nervous, excited or bad-tempered

on the edge of your seat

异常兴奋;极为激动;有浓厚兴趣very excited and giving your full attention to sth

take the edge off sth

减弱;使变钝;挫伤…的锐气to make sth less strong, less bad, etc.


符文之语_百度百科 ... Dream( 梦境) Edge边缘) Faith( 信心) ...

数学常用英文词汇_百度文库 ... diameter 直径 edge face of a solid 立体的面 ...


参观工厂英语对话Visiting A Factory ... performance (机器等)工作性能 edge 优势,优越之处 automated 机械化的,自动的 ...


上周五艾吉Edge)出现在了Smackdown的节目中,因此有人猜测他与WWE签约了……2012-09-25 查看全部 艾吉现身SD后 …


新概念第二册单词表(附音标)_百度知道 ... language 语言,语言课 edge 边缘,边沿,刀口 college 学院;学会,社团 ...


jQuery EasyUI 1.3 中文文档--基本[base] ... maxWidth( 最大宽度) edge边界) total( 总数) ...


相位,对应着数据采样是在第几个边沿edge),是第一个边沿还是第二个边沿,0对应着第一个边沿,1对应着第二个边沿。 …

and although she was a little afraid at first, she soon got warmed up and sat on the edge of the mantelpiece and began to talk. 起先,她有点儿害怕,很快就暖和起来,卧到壁炉台沿上,开始讲了起来。
It was already dark by the time they got to the edge of the wood that surrounded their property. 他们到达围着他们房屋的树林时天已经黑了。
One idea was that it reached out to "the edge of the world. " Sailors were afraid that they might sail right off the earth. 一种想法是大西洋远抵“世界的边缘”,海员们担心他们会一直航行到地球边上掉落下去。
The first one dropped nicely for me on the edge of the area and I hit it sweeter than I thought. 第一个球是在禁区边缘折射回来,我想都没想抡起来就是一脚。
Results Through comparing different methods of edge detection morphology edge detection seems to have better result. 结果各种边缘检测算子获得不同的结果,经对比讨论后,可见使用数学形态学方法的结果较好。
With her arms under Kyla's body and her fingertips gripping the edge of the pool, Cindy used her head to push the child upward. 辛迪用手指紧紧攥住池边,胳膊放在凯拉身下,用头把孩子往上推。
What did the two men try to do when Mrs. Sterling was having a picnic with her children at the edge of a forest? 当斯特林夫人和她的孩子在森林的边上野餐的时候,有两个男人想做什么?
The hotel was unprofitable and forever on the edge of failure and he wished himself out of it. 旅馆无利可图,永远濒于绝境,他但愿自己能脱却干系。
The shape of this amazing fishbowl was inspired by a water drop which was ready to flow over the edge of the surface it was resting on. 这个样貌奇特的鱼缸的设计灵感,来自于一滴即将从它正停留表面滑落的水珠。
Paradise! You can find the latest fashions, cutting edge, electronics, and beautiful jewelry. But be ready to spend. In the city. 香港是购物者的天堂!在这里你可以发现最新的时尚潮流、尖端的电子产品和华丽的珠宝首饰。
When he awoke at dawn, he saw that he was almost at the water's edge. He looked in the direction of the sea and saw the island. 他在黎明醒来时,发现自己几乎到了岸边。他向海看去,看到了那座岛。
Many of the speakers here, many of you in the audience, have that creative edge, if you know what I'm talking about. 这儿的许多演讲者,观众中的许多人身处过这种创造性的边缘,那么你会知道我所讲的是什么。
At the edge of the woods there was a pond, and there a minnow and a tadpole swam among the weeds. They were inseparable friends. 森林边有个水塘,水塘里有一条小鲤鱼和一只小蝌蚪。他们是形影不离的好朋友。
In technical terms, systems on the edge of chaos are said to be in a state of "self-organised criticality" . 专业地来说,在混乱边缘的系统被称为是在“自我组织的临界状态”。
A set of edge-triggered (or equivalent) latches which jointly store the state of a binary value through a clock cycle is termed a register. 用一组沿触发(或等价的)锁存器在一个时钟周期内共同地存储一个以二进制数表示的状态,就称为寄存器。
When he got to the edge of the field he heard what he believed to be a sound not dissimilar to static electricity. 当他来到田边时,听到一种声音,他确信是类似于静电的声音。
Now, only the biggest of them remained at the edge of the bank, staring at me. 现在,只有最大的那只公驴还留在斜坡的边上,他盯着我看。
A broad glistening muzzle showed itself above the edge of the bank, and the Otter hauled himself out and shook the water from his coat. 岸边的水里,冒出一只宽扁发亮的嘴。水獭钻出水面,抖落掉外衣上的水滴。
Moving almost silently among the dead leaves and dry twigs, he made his way toward the edge of the woods. 在满地的落叶和枯枝上走着,几乎没有任何声音,Stefan向森林边上走去。
Pricey oil is dulling the mainland's edge in manufacturing. But American industry may not be ready to seize the opportunity. 高油价正在削弱中国大陆在制造业上的优势,但是,美国工业尚未准备好去抓住这一机遇。
"But it's cold, " I complained. It surprised me when he chuckled under his breath. There was an edge to the sound. “但这儿太冷了。”我抱怨着。让我惊讶的是,他悄声地笑了起来,声音小得几乎听不见。
But he said: "If somebody already has cardiovascular disease then it might just tip them over the edge and trigger a heart attack. " 但他说:“如果有的人本来就有心血管疾病,那这就可能把他们逼到临界点,导致心脏病发作。”
Once upon a time there was a frog called Mr. Jeremy Fisher; he lived in a little damp house amongst the buttercups at the edge of a pond. 从前有位青蛙先生,他叫杰里米·费希尔,住在池塘边毛茛之间一个潮湿的小房子里。
It's the sort of climate in which people push themselves to great heights or right over the edge. 在这种情形中,人们要么把自已推向极高点,要么恰巧落在边沿。
"Going to the edge of a cliff may be exciting for some people, but it does not make sense for a way of running the country, " one man said. 一位美国男子说:“对某些人来说,临到悬崖的边缘是够刺激的。但是那在治理国家上,毫无意义。”
When Lehman was allowed to fail, financial markets froze, and for a few weeks the world economy teetered on the edge of collapse. 当雷曼兄弟未得到政府救助而破产时,各个金融市场都遭受资金流动性的冻结,而且世界经济一连好几周摇摇欲坠挣扎在崩溃的边缘。
Was opposite, allegedly CK also is to see above the travesty that I mention just begins a sword to go slant sharp edge. 对了,据说CK也是看到上面我提到的漫画才开始剑走偏锋。
The veins of the marble even follow right down over the edge to give it a seamless look. 大理石的纹理甚至跟随在接缝处给它一个无缝的外观。
Everyone yelled at me to hurry up since the kid was panicking and trying to take his mouth off the curb edge. 每个人都在冲我嚷嚷让我快点。胖小子惊慌失措,他挣扎着想把自己的嘴从侧石上挪开。
We were playing basketball in a park. I saw it by the edge of the court . It was shrunk , and there was an address attached . 他说:“当时我们正在公园打篮球,我看见它在球场边上,已经瘪了,上面还带着地址”。