
美 [əˈlaɪv]英 [ə'laɪv]
  • adj.在世;意识到;活着;情绪饱满
  • 网络活着的;活的;活泼的

alive people


1.活着;在世living; not dead

2.~ (with sth)情绪饱满;激动兴奋;有生气;有活力full of emotion, excitement, activity, etc.

3.继续存在continuing to exist

4.~ with sth充满(活的或动的东西)full of living or moving things

5.~ to sth意识到;认识到;注意到aware of sth; knowing sth exists and is important


牛津初中英语词汇表_百度文库 ... A-5-75 △alien 外星人,外星的 9 B-1-16 *alive 活着的 8 A-1-20 ability 能力 7 ...


英语词根词缀记忆大全 ... ahead 在前地 alive 活的 awash . 泛滥的 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... alike adj. 相同的,相似的 alive adj. 活着的,活泼的 all pron. 全部 ...


dream_nimin131_wordpress_blog ... 活性炭 活性炭/ activated carbon/ 活著 活着/ alive/ 火 火/ fire/ ...


  天劫余生(Alive)…客机遇难安第斯雪山,没有救援,幸存者竟然…  -----------------------------------------  空降危机(Mayday)…美国...




大全,大全列表,全部-爱漫客 ... Angel Beats! 天堂之门 ALIVE 最终进化少年 Angel Beats! 四格 ...

And he said, They were my brethren, even the sons of my mother: as the LORD liveth, if ye had saved them alive, I would not slay you. 基甸说,他们是我同母的弟兄,我指着永生的耶和华起誓,你们从前若存留他们的性命,我如今就不杀你们了。
Would you believe me if I told you that there's an animal that has been alive since the last Ice Age? 如果我告诉你,有只动物从上个冰河期活到现在,你会相信吗?
She left out none of the ghastly details: the wives forced to bury their husbands before being raped; the baby thrown alive into a latrine. 她没有遗漏任何恐怖的细节:妻子们在被强暴之前被迫埋葬她们的丈夫;婴儿被活生生地扔进茅厕。
I should be grateful to it because it has helped me keep alive up to now and clear away the shadow left on me by me old family. 我应该感谢它。因为靠了它我才能够活到现在;而且把旧家庭给我留下的阴影扫除了的也正是它。
It kind of feels like waking up in an MRI machine or being buried alive but with at least half the panic. At least. 这种体验就像在一个MRI机器中醒来,或者被活埋,但至少没有那么让人毛骨悚然。
If Michael really is alive, if he set up all this, if he faked his own death, then no one will be happier than me. 如果迈克真的还活着,如果是他策划了这一切,如果是他伪造了他的死亡,那么没有人会比我更开心。
Not long ago, if you didn't answer your home phone, that was that -- nobody knew if you were alive or dead, much less where you might be. 不久以前,如果你在家却不接电话,就没人知道你是不是还活着,更不用说找到你了。
His mother said that I had kept him alive and that she was grateful that I was her son's last friend. 大卫的妈妈说她很感激,因为是我给了大卫生的希望,我是他最后的朋友。
When she was alive, she looked out from her front window on hay meadows and a field. 她那时从前窗看出去只有草地和一块田地。
It looked so alive! It opened its mouth and made the special noise of that animal. It had small sharp white teeth. 它看上去活蹦乱跳!它张开嘴,发出一声这种动物特有的叫声。它长着又小又尖的白牙齿。
Sometimes, the only method of accountability is a victim's word (if they are still alive) against that of an officer. 有时,唯一的取证方法是受害人(如果他们还活着的话)和警官的证词对质。
That means that the fish, which can grow up to 7m long, has not been seen alive for at least six years. 这意味着,人们已经有至少六年没有看到活着的白鲟了,白鲟体形巨大,可以生长到七米长。
In a shadow of a death raid, I can meet you and feel more intensely alive than walking around in peacetime and taking my life for granted. 在死亡空袭的阴影下我能遇到你,这比在和平时期到处漠然闲逛更能让我体会到生命的重要性。
She was born in 1951, into a middle-class family in Santiago, the youngest of two siblings (her elder brother is no longer alive). 1951年,巴切莱特出生于圣地亚哥的一个中产家庭,是两兄妹中的一个(她的哥哥已经去世)。
They were all alive when they went into prison, but we received 13 bodies back this week and all had been tortured. 当他们被关起来的时候,他们都活着,但是这周我们收到了13具尸体,他们都被拷打过。
They should have captured Bin Laden alive and made him continually go through airport security for the rest of his life. 应该活捉本拉登,然后让他在余生不停地在机场安检口接受安检。
All right, so that last bit of space horror was more disgusting than terrifying. It wasn't near as bad as, say, being eaten alive by wolves. 好吧,我承认这个关于太空的恐怖故事,与其说可怕,不如说恶心。说起来,它也还并没有糟糕到被群狼活活吞噬的地步。
If he were alive now, he might have grown into a handsome young person. 要是他现在还活着的话,他会已长成一个英俊的小伙子了。
Mr. Schiavo says his wife told him and others that she did not want to be kept alive by artificial means. 迈克尔·夏沃先生说,他的妻子曾经告诉过他,也告诉过别的人,她不希望以人工方式勉强维持自己的生命。
Her lips and chin had a gentle firmness, and in her pale green suit she was like springtime come alive. 她的嘴唇和下巴有一个温柔的坚定,她身穿淡绿色套装,就好像春天一样。
Frank Costello: You know, if your father were alive, and saw you here sitting with me, let's say he would have a word with me about this. 弗兰克:你知道,假如你父亲还活着,看见你在这和我坐在一起,或许还会和我说句话。
It is good to hear the wind of Icewind Dale, to feel its invigorating bite, like some reminder that I am alive. 听着冰风谷的风声,感受着它强有力的刺痛,好像提醒我自己还活着。
as the creative director for the new website , i was simply trying to make it feel warm and alive. 身为新的网站的创意总监,我单纯的希望它可以让人感觉是温暖而活跃的。
It was with extraordinary effect that the idea finally flashed upon him that she was probably alive, and now in the prime of her beauty. 伴随着这些非正常的念头,他突然想到她很可能还活着,现在正处在最美丽盛季。
Despite such political centrifugal forces, many educators in Iraq are trying to keep a vision of a coherent nation alive. 撇开这些政治离心力不管,伊拉克的教育者们仍然致力于在课堂上为学童维持一个协调的国家形象。
'Heard no more of him, 'he said, shaking his head. 'But if he's alive, he hopes I'm dead, that's certain! ' “没有再听到他的消息”,他摇着脑袋说,“但是,如果他还活着,他会希望我死,那是肯定的!”
We were unable to get a clear idea as to whether or not the officials believed that the missing people were alive or dead. 根据官员所说的,我们也搞不清这些失踪人口的生死。
No one knew for certain whether any of the children were still alive. 没人确切知道是否仍有学生活着。
The Carnival takes place each year at the beginning of Lent, when Rio comes alive with colour, rhythm and a sense of theatre. 狂欢节每年都会在大斋节的开始时举行,届时里约热内卢人穿着盛装,涂上色彩载歌载舞。
I'd better be careful. If he's still alive, the scribe might be anywhere. A weapon in good condition would be reassuring . 我最好小心些。如果教士还活着,他可能在任何地方。一个精良的武器能让我安心些。