
美 [ˈeni]英 ['eni]
  • adj.任何;什么;一个;一般的
  • adv.丝毫;任一的;(与单数可数名词连用)任一;非一般的
  • pron.任一
  • 网络任何的;一些;任何一个



1.(与不可数或复数名词连用,用于否定句和疑问句,也用于 if 或 whether 之后,或紧接某些动词如 prevent、ban、forbid 等)任何的,任一的used with uncountable or plural nouns in negative sentences and questions, afterif orwhether , and after some verbs such asprevent ,ban ,forbid , etc. to refer to an amount or a number of sth, however large or small

2.(与单数可数名词连用)任一used with singular countable nouns to refer to one of a number of things or people, when it does not matter which one

3.not just ~ sb/sth非一般的;不寻常的used to show that sb/sth is special


任何会员将不行在 返水的回收及揣测上有任何(Any)的争议。风雨不会折断翅膀,只会让翅膀更坚强。


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... anxious a. 忧虑的;渴望的 any a. 什么,一些;任何的 anybody prep. 任何人 ...


不定代词_百度百科 ... 1.some 一些,某些,某个 2.any 一些,任何 4.both 全部,都 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... ask v. 询问;问 any pron. 任何一个(或一些) dog n. 狗 ...


新概念英语第一册词汇_百度文库 ... answer vt.&vi. 回答,答复 any a. 什么;一些,一点 anything n.&pro. 无论什么东西 ...




大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... anxious adj. 担忧的,渴望的 any adj. 任何的,所有的 anybody pron. 任何人 ...

And neither of us could face the thought of trying to prepare any food with him lying there just forward of the galley. 而我们两个都不能面对着这种想法无动于衷——在尸体躺着的前方厨房里烹调食物。
It was just a few short years ago that Yang Xin was applying his skills as assistant to BIG general manager Lin Xiao Wu but not any more. 几年前,杨辛凭其的能力曾经担任了比格文化传播有限公司林小五总经理的助理。
However , if you are in need of any other information not mentioned therein, please feel free to let us know . 不过如果您有其他需要的信息没有被提到,请随时让我们知道。
In particular, no action of any kind should be taken on the basis that this will be the final model. 特别需要指出的是,在最终的定案没有出台之前,任何人都不应该就该体系采取任何形式的措施。
If you want to write high-quality software that uses any sort of map, it pays to understand the subject well. 如果您想要编写能使用所有类型地图的高质量软件,那就值得花时间了解本文主题。
He had been able to go over the figure visiting each point but not going over any line twice or lifting his pencil from the page. 他能越过这个数字,但不能访问每点在任何线两次或解除他的铅笔从页。
No possible owners are specified for this resource. This means that this resource cannot be brought online on any node in the cluster. 没有为这个资源指定任何可能所有者。这意味着,该资源不能在群集中的任何节点上联机。
There is no doubt that losing a child is a very sad and tragic event for any parent, Muslim or not. 毫无疑问,痛失爱子是非常的痛苦,对任何一个穆斯林或非穆斯林父母来说那都是悲惨的事情。
It is hoping to heap pressure on the bank and any other potential buyers to consider giving supporters a stake in club. 他们希望通过不断施压,让债权银行以及潜在买家考虑让球迷持有部分俱乐部股权。
The men didn't seem to like me any more than I liked them. 那些人似乎并不喜欢我,就像我不喜欢他们一样。
Check the bank's reference book to see if there are any special documentary requirements in the importer's country. 查看银行的参考书,弄清楚进口商国家是否有特殊的单据要求。
If there aren't any, a couple's counselor can help or refer you to a couple's group. Learn to talk it out, rather than to argue it out. 如果没有,情侣词典(一个组织)可以帮忙,他可以提供一个全是夫妇的交流平台,教你如何说出来而不是吵出来。
There's a support forum, too, and I try to respond to any questions within a few hours, or at most, a day. 也有一个支持论坛,我会尽量在几个小时、最多一天以内回答任何问题。
Time is not money, not any of the material can be found again. Once you have lost it easily, it is always with you, merciless, respectively. 时间不是任何可以失而复得的物质。你一旦把它轻易失去,它就永远同你无情的分别。
Larry Brown: They helped us get here. I don't think I've ever seen a team get any more support than you know, we received. 布朗:是他们帮助我们走到这一步的,我想我还没有见过这样一支球队象我们那样从球迷那里获得过那么多的帮助。
I found that I had been a rich man without any damage to my poverty. 我发现我始终是一名不因为贫困而改变志向的富翁。
"We're the people who are looking for and trying to get rid of any barriers to education, " she said. 她说,“我们就是这样的人,寻找并试图摆脱任何妨碍教育的障碍。”
She patted the front of her dress as if to iron out any wrinkles. 她轻拍裙子的前摆,好似要熨平皱折似的。
You used to be able to rent or buy a tuxedo and rest easy in the knowledge that you were prepared for any formal business or social event. 你过去可以或租或买一套tuxedo(无燕尾晚宴礼服),然后就长舒一口气,认为自己准备好出席任何正式的生意或社交活动了。
Finally, be skeptical of any hair expert who claims to be able to determine thecause of your hair loss simply by analyzing your strands. 最后,对声称能共通过对发丝的分析得出脱发原因的头发专家保持警惕。
Come on. I don't see any point in arguing about this . Everyone has a right to his own opinion. 算了,我觉得没必要为此辩论,每个人都有权保留自己的意见。
For reference types, an implicit conversion always exists from a class to any one of its direct or indirect base classes or interfaces. 对于引用类型,隐式转换始终存在于从一个类转换为该类的任何一个直接或间接的基类或接口的情况。
Cho said he expects the military will be prepared to use anti-aircraft missiles in the capital should any invasions of airspace occur. 赵显五说,一旦外国飞机侵入韩国领空,他预计韩国军方准备在首都首尔动用防空导弹。
The values for user and password are stored in the WebSphere Portal credential vault and are not accessible to any other user. 用户名和密码存储在WebSpherePortal的凭证保险库中,其他任何用户都无法访问。
They're promising to trace any other products that might have been tainted by the toxic chemical. 他们承诺查处任何可能受这种有毒化学品污染的其他产品。
You're going to have to run through at least a large sampling of your site's pages to find out if any rules aren't used across your site. 您将必须至少运行站点页面的大量取样来查明是否有一些规则没有在整个站点中使用。
You can edit, create versions, and control access of the e-forms in Document Manager as you can with any other document. 您可以在DocumentManager中对电子表单进行编辑、创建版本和控制访问权限,就像可以对任何其他文本所做的一样。
Events - also known as observation allows the client to be notified of any activity happening inside the repository. 事件——亦称观察,它允许仓库内发生的任何活动都会被通知给客户端。
He felt so cold that he kept trembling as if unable to endure it any more. 他冷得直发抖,似乎不能再忍受下去了。
And standards do not solve everything: RFID, like any other technology, is subject to the laws of physics. 同时,标准也不是能解决所有的事情——像其他技术一样,RFID也受到物理学的制约。