a number of

  • na.若干;〔口语〕=numbers of 许多的
  • 网络一些;大量的;很多

a number ofa number of

a number of


大学英语四级常用词组 ... now that 既然,由于 a number of 一些,许多 any number of 许多 ...


介词短语_百度百科 ... a matter of ( 关于 ……) 的问题 a number of 若干,许多 reply to 回答,答复 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... now that 既然,由于 a number of 一些,许多 any number of 许多 ...


高中英语语法大全TXT版[1] ... a pair of( 一副、一双), a number of( 大量的), a piece of( 一张、一片), ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... a nose to light candles at 酒糟鼻 a number of 许多的 a pair of 一双 ...


07版EEC初中英语二年级上册词汇表_百度文库 ... instead 代替 a number of 很多,好些 most 最多的 ...


emperor的相对词_百度知道 ... several 几个 a number of 一些,几个 a couple of 几个 ...

Only one of the publicly available contracts studied by Mr Cotula even specifies a number of new jobs to be created. Cotula研究了公开的一些合同,只有一个合同详细说明了创造新工作机会的数目。
The DHCP server does not permanently assign addresses; instead, it "leases" one of a number of available addresses to the computer. DHCP服务器不会永久分配地址;相反,它只是将若干可用地址中的一个“出租”给计算机。
In modern anti-imperialist struggle against the anti- closure fight against the enemy as a shield, killer, leaving a number of epic stories. 在近代反帝反封斗争中成为对敌斗争的护身符、杀手锏,留下了许多可歌可泣的故事。
Twitter-related words have been entered into a number of major dictionaries over the last few years. 在过去几年里,Twitter相关单词已经被一些主要的英文字典所收录。
The spar may be made up of a number of modules connected to one another primarily via overlapping shear webs. 该桁梁可以由主要通过重叠的抗剪腹板彼此相连的多个模块构成。
men to cattle will work on a number of points that you are a man? men don't complain, at least you lucky than cattle. 男人要有牛的精神,能多干点就多干点,谁叫你是男人?
Trying to fit this requirement into the same structure as defined for the Business Insight use case presents a number of challenges. 尝试将此要求适配成为BusinessInsight用例定义的相同结构会带来很多挑战和问题。
This indeed is the case, and is the result of a number of initiatives specifically to increase competitiveness in the banking system. 这的确是银行业的现况,而造成这种情况,则是由于多项措施增加了银行体系的竞争力。
Some of them only want comfort, but a number of them like a more natural experience, and look for simple accommodation or camping sites. 这类游客中一些只追求舒适度,但很多则是喜欢一种更贴近自然的体验,对住宿和宿营地的条件要求也不高。
So you're going to see a number of pensions in a number of companies that are under-funded. 因此,你将会看到许多公司的许多养老金都是资金不足。
In addition, a number of companies trying to Central America to establish the relative backwardness of the state retail network. 另外,还有企业试图在美国中部一些相对落后的州建立零售商品网络等。
You know a lot more about me before you even called me because you were able to read a number of things on the web log. 你在给我打电话之前就知道了关于我的很多事情,因为你能在Web日志读到一些内容。
The internals of it similar to the piano, are installed inside the body in the piano sound board and a number of parallel strings taut. 它与钢琴的内部原理大致相同,都是在琴体内部装有音板和许多拉紧并列的琴弦。
Each functional area has within it a number of systems and subsystems . 在每一种职能范围内,包含有一定数量的系统和子系统。
The committee said internet access was one of a number of issues to be raised in meetings held by the co-ordination commission today. 国际奥委会表示,在协调委员会今日主持的会议上,互联网接入将作为首要议题之一加以提出。
Our company decided to cancel the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met. 我公司决定撤销合同,因为有很多合同条件并未达到。
Including Beijing and Guangzhou, including a number of cities have or are trying to prohibit the electric street car. 包括北京,广州,包括一些城市已经或正在试图禁止在电气街车。
Before reaching for the air conditioning unit brochure, though, there are a number of measures to try at home to help keep things cool. 但是,在考虑安装空调之前,可以采取一些措施,帮助家里保持凉爽。
Testing the interaction shown in Figure 2 can be broken out into a number of different scenarios, but two stand out. 图2所示的交互测试可用于多个不同场景,但是其中两种场景最为常见。
Just as a range of motivations exist for choosing to have children, a number of factors are cited for the choice to remain child free. 就如同选择要孩子存在一系列动机一样,选择不受孩子羁绊也可援引很多因素。
There have been a number of instances of avian influenza infection occurring among close family members. 有若干事例显示禽流感感染发生在关系密切的家庭成员之间。
NetBSD's attention to detail, well-written code, and vast portability make it a solid choice for a number of deployment scenarios. NetBSD细致入微的、编写良好的代码和高度的可移植性使得它成为许多部署方案的最佳选择。
Chinese restaurants. I found a number of Chinese restaurants. . . 21of them are fairly close to you. 搜索中国餐馆。找到中国餐馆的相关结果,其中距离您较近的有21家
Interestingly, there also seem to be a number of highly underserved markets. 有趣的是还有很多远远没有饱和的市场。
If you can be invited to participate in a number of like swimming, soccer matches and other activities, it would be a good idea. 假如你能邀请他参加一些像游泳、球赛等活动,那会是个好主意。
Mr. Beaufort took me to see a number of houses-- since it seems I'm not to be allowed to stay in this one. 博福特先生带我去看了几处房子——因为看来是不会允许我继续住在这儿了。
I would have been more impressed if I hadn't been the veteran of a number of minibus journeys to Cardiff for big football matches. 假如我没有乘坐小型公车到卡迪夫观看重要赛事的丰富经验,我或者会觉得更刻骨铭心。
This library has a number of helper functions to make it easy to access the lower-level APIs. 这个库提供许多辅助函数,可以简化对低层API的访问。
The United States and a number of European nations, believe Iran might be building a nuclear weapon. 美国和几个欧洲国家认为伊朗可能正在制造核武器。
The basic principles shown in this tutorial can be applied to a number of different, similar platforms and environments. 本教程中介绍的基本原则可以应用于许多不同的、类似的平台和环境。