
美 [peɪ]英 [peɪ]
  • n.工资;薪水
  • v.付费;偿还;交纳;付酬
  • adj.需付费的;含贵重矿物的;矿藏丰富的;有关支付的
  • 网络边付边还(Pay As You Save);给予;报酬

过去式:paid 第三人称单数:pays 现在分词:paying

pay attention,pay price,pay bill,pay tax,pay fee
equal pay,low pay,good pay,pay holiday,pay back
probably pay


v. n.

1.[i][t]付费;付酬to give sb money for work, goods, services, etc.

2.[t]交纳;偿还to give sb money that you owe them

3.[i]赢利;创收to produce a profit

4.[i][t]受益;划算to result in some advantage or profit for sb

5.[i]付代价;遭受惩罚to suffer or be punished for your beliefs or actions

6.[t]~ sth(与某些名词结合使用,表示将要做或付出某事物)used with some nouns to show that you are giving or doing the thing mentioned


the devil/hell to pay

大麻烦;大乱子a lot of trouble

he who pays the piper calls the tune

花钱的人说了算;财大者气粗the person who provides the money for sth can also control how it is spent

pay court to sb

献殷勤;奉迎;讨好to treat sb with great respect in order to gain favour with them

pay dividends

有所收获;产生效益to produce great advantages or profits

pay for itself

使损益相当;够本to save as much money as it cost

pay good money for sth

为…花费很多钱(尤指钱白花了)used to emphasize that sth cost(s) a lot of money, especially if the money is wasted

pay its way

赢利运作;不负债;收支平衡to make enough money to pay what it costs to keep it going

pay the penalty (for sth/for doing sth)|pay a/the price (for sth/for doing sth)

因…受害╱付代价to suffer because of bad luck, a mistake or sth you have done

pay your respects (to sb)

(拜访或问候某人)表示敬意to visit sb or to send a message of good wishes as a sign of respect for them

pay through the nose (for sth)

(为…)付过高的价to pay too much money for sth

pay your way

独立偿付一切;自食其力to pay for everything yourself without having to rely on anyone else's money

you pays your money and you takes your choice

如何选择由你做主(表示各种选择的分别不大)used for saying that there is very little difference between two or more things that you can choose


这些单词是什么意思?_百度知道 ... until 直到 pays 支付 break 打破,折断 ...

边付边还(Pay As You Save)

PAYSPAY AS YOU SAVE) 智能电表 智能电网 微功率 市场预测 制造商 电力供应商/配电网路营运商(DNO) AMA Resear…


《Friends... ... before adv. 在前, 以前 pays n. 薪水, 工资v.支付, 交纳, 给予, 有利, 值得, 合算 sweetie n. 恋人, 爱人, 糖果 ...


《Friends... ... before adv. 在前, 以前 pays n. 薪水, 工资v.支付, 交纳, 给予, 有利, 值得, 合算 sweetie n. 恋人, 爱人, 糖果 ...


百家乐有其他不同的版本,如果以一般英式的来说,押玩家赢的报酬Pays)为2:1。押庄家赢的报酬为2:1减去少於5%的发牌 …

So, it pays to research the customs of any country you might be visiting before you use the "thumbs up" or any other type of hand signal. 因此,在你去一个国家之前,先调查一下它“竖起大拇指”的传统用法以及其它的一些手势是值得的。
The bank pays interest , but it is often at a low rate. 银行会付给你利息,但是通常利率是非常低的。
Asked why he came to do Twelfth Night, he said that he felt a sort of responsibility to introduce Shakespeare's pays to Chinese audiences. 当他被问到为什么来演出《第十二夜》时,他说他感到有责任把莎士比亚的剧作介绍给中国观众。
The fear level is too high around the globe, and sitting on your money is the safest investment available, even if it pays nothing. 现在全球都非常恐慌,把钱放在屁股底下是最稳妥的投资,尽管没有利息。
The lesson seems to be that it pays to respond angrily to someone's low offer, whether you feel angry or not. 结论看似愤怒地回应对方的低报价能增加谈判的砝码,不管你是否真的感到愤怒。
The counting of dead wildlife in the Gulf is more than an academic exercise; the deaths will help determine how much BP pays in damages. 计算墨西哥湾死亡野生生物数量不仅是项学术活动,还将有助于确定英国石油公司的赔偿数额。
A manager at Avenue A Minimarket, found the corner from Motek, said the rate the company is charging is higher than what it currently pays. Motek拐角处的一家A大道迷你市场的经理说,公司目前收费高于实际的支出。
Small the Everyman that pays a system to be able to let these rush about for domestic bread, gain income through citizen reporter behavior. 小额支付系统可以让这些为家庭生计奔波的普通人,通过公民记者行为获得收入。
Pennsylvania pays its gaming managers better than any other state ($91, 850 a year, on average), but it's only got about 50 of them. 宾夕法尼亚州给赌博经理支付的薪酬是在各个州中最高的(平均一年91,850美元),但是只有50个州有这个职业。
Each zoo pays $1 million a year to China to help giant panda conservation efforts in return for the loan of a breeding pair to exhibit. 每个动物园每年向中国支付一百万美元作为租借一对有繁殖能力的熊猫供展出的费用,这笔钱被用于促进熊猫保护的努力。
If you're upgrading an application that many users rely on (like the Apache on your busy Web server), then it pays to be extremely careful. 如果您正在升级对许多用户都有影响的应用程序(如繁忙的Web服务器上的Apache),则倍加小心是值得的。
Some would opt for gold, although it pays no yield and its nominal value is highly volatile. China has no asset that seems appropriate. 一些人可能会选择黄金,尽管它并没有固定的收益率而且其名义价格也极度不稳定。
Its short wheelbase gives it a busy ride over expansion joints, but that pays off on curvy roads, where the 335i comes into its own. 其短轴距赋予它一个繁忙乘坐的伸缩缝,但回报的曲折道路,那里的335i进入自己的。
The price China pays is often dismissed as inconsequential: what are a few billion in the grand scheme of things? 中国所付的价格经常被认为无关紧要。在一个大战略中,几十亿算什么呢?
Ask them what the job pays when they ask you how much you want. 当他们问你你想要什么样的工资时,你就问他们这个工作的价格。
If you think work is bad, you'll end up working in an unfulfilling job regardless of how much it pays. 如果你觉得工作不好,那无论你多么努力工作,你都不会有一种成就感。
The publishing company pays me to write it out of money earned from those advertising dollars. 这个出版公司用那些广告挣来的钱为我写的文章发工资。
The government of Norway pays me to do my work, so I feel obligated to tell taxpayers what I'm accomplishing. 挪威政府出资让我进行研究,因此我觉得自己有义务告知纳税人我的研究进度。
Each students pays tens of thousands of dollars to take the AP exams here. Someone is making a ton of money off of that exam! 每个学生在这里花费高昂的费用参加AP考试,某些人正在赚取暴利。
Mahone pays to see the room. When he heads back to the lobby, Mahone catches the clerk on the phone about to tell Wyatt. 马宏交费去房间看了看,当他回到大厅时,正好撞见接待员电话通知怀亚特。
But it pays to spice it up for added benefits and find ways to make it appealing so you don't mind eating it if you're not a broccoli fan. 但最好与辣的食品搭配以增强它的好处。如果你不爱吃花椰菜,可以想办法把它做得诱人一些,那样你就不会拒绝它了。
Who Pays for All This, and How Much? 谁来为所有的这些支付费用、费用多少?。
But ASEAN is not prepared to cause a political controversy, despite its recent adoption of a charter that pays lip-service to human rights. 但尽管该联盟近日采纳的宣言中谈到了人权问题,但也只是纸上谈兵,实际上并无引发一场政治论战的准备。
A concrete example of this dilemma is whether to take a secure job that pays well or to pursue a career that you feel compelled to pursue. 举一个实例,你也许会遭遇这样一个两难的境地:究竟选择稳定的、收入高的工作呢,还是去追寻一番你心目中渴望的事业。
Pays such many for you, is actually not willing you to see that would rather to defend the initial pledge. 为你付出这么多,却不愿你看到,情愿守着最初的承诺,情愿守着最初的承诺。
You've found a certificate of deposit that pays a fixed 3% interest, with no loss of principal - not bad, you think. 你发现定期存款可以得到3%的固定利息,不损失本金----你觉得不错。
Do not send form letters. Tailor each letter to the company, department and, if possible, specific position. The extra effort pays off. 不要发通用信件。为每一家公司、部门、如果可能的话为要申请的职位度身打造每一封信,付出是会有回报的。
Loans more, the better, pays as small as possible, of course, all this should be in control of your debt capacity . 贷款愈多愈好,自付愈少愈好,当然这一切都应控制在你的负债能力之内。
is always seen as an important part of the human character, and it pays to. . . If you. . . , those associating with you will certainly. . . 一直被视为人类性格的—个重要的组成部分,它有利于……。如果你……,那些与你有关系的人就会……
Suppose you're negotiating an assignment with one of your clients, who typically pays a retainer for your services. 假设你正在和一个客户谈判转让事宜,而按惯例她是先预付服务费的。