
美 [eɪt]英 [eɪt]
  • n.八人划船队;由八人划的船
  • num.




The first probably eight, nine games of the match was unbelievable level; later the wind came a little bit and was more difficult to play. 第八,九局发挥的水平,简直难以想象;后来有点风,打起来就困难点了。
They'd been told 13 when he was first brought in but the vet had then looked at him and said no way was he more than eight or nine. 他第一次被带到这儿时,别人就告诉他们,他已经13岁了,但兽医看过之后,说他怎么也不会超过8、9岁。
Inside, the eight security guards assigned to the front door began to worry. 在商场里面,八个被派至前门的保安人员开始担忧起来。
Eight AM and the family just make it out the door on time, but when they arrive there's a problem. 早上八点,库克一家才及时出门,但到了学校的时候,问题来了。
Higher wages. A shorter work day. Better working conditions. One of its first demands was an eight-hour work day. 它们所列的各项要求中,第一位的是要求八小时工作日。
More than a half million babies - one out of every eight - are born too soon each year in the United States. 在美国,每年有50万早产儿,相当于八个新生儿中就有一个早产儿。
He was too smart to just push ahead at flank speed and try to get out in eight months, or even in eighteen. 他太聪明了,不会盲目地加快速度推进,想在八个月或甚至十八个月内逃出去。
Certainly since the space shuttle began to fly, we've had people going up five, six, seven eight, nine times a year, " she says. " “当然,由于航天飞机开始飞逝,我们有许多人上涨五,六,七八,九次,,”她说。
A year after leaving Monaco he was named coach of Nagoya Grampus Eight in what was still the fledgling J-League. 在离开摩纳哥一年之后,他被任命为名古屋八鲸队的主教练,征战刚刚起步的J联赛。
During the next year and a half, Stallone wrote eight screenplays but was unable to sell any of them. 接下来的一年半里,史泰龙写了8个剧本,但一个都没卖出去。
I've got a girlfriend who's just getting over a terrible love affair, it's been about eight months, she's beginning to feel better. 我的一位女朋友刚从一段痛苦的恋情中恢复过来,经过了八个月,她终于好多了。
The one major caveat here: Only eight teams have had an easier schedule over the last quarter of the season. 更值得注意的是:在过去四分之一个赛季中只有八支球队有着更出色的数据。
At the age of eight, he began snorkeling off the coast of New Jersey. 8岁时,他开始尝试在新泽西海岸沿线潜水。
But with eight children and a wife to support, Mr. Eller said he was still "below poverty level. " 但是他要支撑妻子和8个孩子,Eller说他仍旧“在贫困线下。”
By midday he is at the Shanghai restaurant, Cheers, which he and eight classmates from his MBA programme opened in July. 正午时分他会到店里,那是他和八位MBA同学今年7月在上海开的餐厅——Cheers。
All right. Please be seated over here. . . Yes, sir. You're a perfect eight and a half. Just a moment, please. 好的,请这边坐……,是的,先生,你的刚好是八号半,请稍候。
There was an article I had written eight years ago, he said, that was based on many misconceptions that he would now like to correct. 他说,8年前我写的一篇文章中有很多误解,他现在想纠正这些误解。
His wife, Betty, is Shanghai-born Chinese who left China at the age of eight, and whose book "Moon" , tells of her sister's life in China. 他妻子贝蒂是一位出生在上海的华人,八岁离开中国,写过一本名叫《月》的书,记叙了她妹妹在中国的生活。
You can bet, just as we might do, he played that eight seconds like it would be the last he would ever play. 你可以想象,就像我们可能做的一样,他这八秒像他的最后一战一样。
Incisors are the eight teeth at the front of your mouth -- four at the top, and four at the bottom. 门牙是分布于口腔前部的八颗牙齿,四颗在上,四颗在下。
"High Point [N. C. ] used to be the center, " Masiello says. "But over the last eight years, pretty much everything moved here. " “高点(北卡罗来纳)过去曾是家具制造业中心”,马塞罗说道,“但在过去的八年间,几乎所有的东西都搬到东莞来了”。
Begging lifts from acquaintances, I'd end up in the back seat like an eight-year-old. 蹭熟人的便车时,我会被安排在后座,好像我是个8岁大的孩子。
The maritime tribunal condemned him, for this crime, to a prolongation of his term for three years, which made eight years. 海港法庭对他这次过失,判决延长拘禁期三年,一共是八年。
Besser said officials had not found common exposure or behavior among the eight U. S. patients. Besser说在美国的八位患者中病没有发现有过相同的活动。
Dany found eight before the sun went down, but there might have been more farther out, hidden in the grass. 在日落之前丹妮一共发现了八个茅屋废墟,不过在更遥远的草海中,一定埋藏着更多。
Services account for eight out of every 10 jobs in the United States, and expanded trade would create more service jobs. 美国80%的就业机会是在服务业,扩大贸易将使服务业创造出更多的就业机会。
What I was trying to say about Howie, you could look into his eyes eight hours a day. 对于霍威,我尽力要说的是,你可以每天八个小时的察看他的眼睛。
Mr. Escandon had been training by running eight-minute miles but now, he said, he was going much faster, and it all seemed effortless. 埃斯坎先生以前训练的时候每八分钟跑一公里,但在比赛中他跑的更快一些,而且似乎很轻松。
At least two kits, estimated to be eight weeks old and belonging to different family groups, have been seen in Knapdale Forest in Argyll. 在阿盖尔郡的纳普戴尔森林中,至少发现了两只出生大约霸州的幼崽,它们属于不同的家族。
Eight of these have been examined by the Scientific Committee on Plants, which in all ca ses deemember States did not justify their bans. 其中8个案例已由植物科学委员会进行审查,委员会认为在所有案例中,成员国提交的资料不能证明它们的禁止是合理的。