
美 [eɡ]英 [eɡ]
  • n.卵子;卵细胞;(鸟类的)蛋;(鱼、昆虫等的)卵
  • v.煽动;用蛋制作(食物);向人扔鸡蛋
  • 网络胃电图(electrogastrogram);蛋蛋;蛋类

第三人称单数:eggs 现在分词:egging 过去式:egged

golden egg,raw egg,rotten egg,fresh egg,unfertilized egg
eat egg,lay egg,put egg,Cook egg,throw egg


n. v.

1.[c](鸟类的)蛋;(鱼、昆虫等的)卵a small oval object with a thin hard shell produced by a female bird and containing a young bird; a similar object produced by a female fish, insect, etc.

2.[c][u](用作食物的)禽蛋;(尤指)鸡蛋a bird's egg , especially one from a chicken, that is eaten as food

3.[c]卵子;卵细胞a cell that combines with a sperm to create a baby or young animal


a good egg

好人;正人君子a person who you can rely on to behave well

have/be left with egg on your face

使显得愚蠢;出丑;丢脸to be made to look stupid

put all your eggs in one basket

寄希望于一件事情上to rely on one particular course of action for success rather than giving yourself several different possibilities

人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... food n. 食物 egg n. ;鸡蛋 apple n. 苹果 ...


人教版七年级上册英语单词表 ... food n. 食物 egg n. 蛋;鸡蛋 apple n. 苹果 ...

初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... effort n. 努力,艰难的尝试 egg n. 蛋; eight num. 八 ...


卵字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 卵翼〖 coverwithwingsasinbrooding〗 卵子〖 ovum;egg;spawn〗 卵白〖 albumen;whiteofaneg…


胃电图EGG)可检测异常胃电节律,虽然目前其主要用于科研方面,但不久它将成为临床有价值的检查方法。编辑本段【适 …


饰演蛋蛋Egg)的演员爱玛·山姆斯(Emma Samms)相信中国观众一定不会陌生。她的处女作《阿拉伯历险记》曾在我国上 …


Yuet Sing Seafood Singapore ... 菜类 - Vegetable 蛋类 - Egg 豆腐 - Beancurd ...


4)蛋隔(EGG) 5)白盒(WHITE BOX) 6)彩盒(GIFT BOX)7)海报(POSTER) 8)考贝纸(SEPARSTOR) 9)贴纸(LABEL)10)吸塑(BLIST…

To whip an egg is to beat it up in a basin with a fork or machine. 搅打鸡蛋就是用叉子或机器在盆里搅打它。
She was created not out of the union of a sperm and an egg but out of the genetic material from an udder cell of a six-year-old sheep. 它不是精卵结合的产物,而是由取自一头六龄羊的乳腺细胞的基因材料生成的。
Now a team made up of a geneticist, philosopher and chicken farmer claim to have found an answer. It was the egg. 现在由遗传学家,哲学家和养鸡场主组成的一个小组宣称找到了可以回答上述问题的答案:先有蛋。
Mr Fellows said it was the first egg within an egg he had ever seen and that he would be keeping the mini-egg for posterity . 菲罗斯称这是他第一次遇到蛋中藏蛋的情况,并且准备将这枚迷你蛋就给子孙。
One of the most portable proteins is a hard - cooked egg , but it has no fiber or carbohydrates. 全熟鸡蛋可算的上是最”便携“的蛋白质之一,当它不含纤维或碳水化合物。
Specific questions about egg substitutes should be directed to the manufacturer or to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 关于蛋的代替品的质疑应该把矛头直指生产商或食品药品监督管理局。
She has a scar on her forehead. Her face is not round, but sort of egg-shaped, and she is about the height of this table. 额头上有个疤,脸不圆,是鹅蛋形的那种,她差不多跟这个桌子这么高。
DRUGS designed to coax ovaries to produce at least the requisite one egg a month have been a cause of concern for some time. 使用药物诱导卵巢每月产生必须的一个卵子在有些时候已经引起人们的关注了。
He confirmed it was an egg farm but said he couldn't 'confirm or deny' whether it supplied eggs for swine-flu vaccine. 他确认那是一个鸡蛋养殖场,但却不能“确认或者否认”他们是否在为甲流疫苗供应鸡蛋。
a bit of fried egg dangling from his bushy mustache. 一丝煎鸡蛋在他浓密的胡子上晃荡着。
For the last experiment, you're going to get the inside of a hardboiled egg into a glass bottle. 最后一个实验,你要让一颗剥了壳的熟蛋被吸进玻璃瓶中。
But, on second thought, he took it home and soon found to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold. 不过,退一步讲,他带回了家,并很快发现自己的喜悦,这是一个鸡蛋的纯金。
Oily skin takes the egg white, to which a bit of lemon or honey can be added. 油质皮肤就用蛋清,也可以加入一点柠檬或蜂蜜。
One of TWO spiral bands of tissue in an egg that connect the yolk to the lining membrane at either end of the shell. 卵黄系带鸡蛋内将蛋黄和蛋壳任一端的内膜连接的两个螺旋的带状组织之一
He took the egg home. To his delight, he found that it was an egg of pure gold. 他吧这只蛋拿回了家。他发现这只蛋是纯金的,这令他很高兴。
Although the egg failed to connect with its intended target, the shoe did not miss. 虽然鸡蛋没有命中目标,但飞鞋砸在了方滨兴身上。
but after a while he took an egg from a dish and said to the guests, "Who among you, gentlemen, can make this egg stand on end? " 过了一会儿,他从盘子里拿出个鸡蛋对宾客们说:“诸位,你们谁能把这只鸡蛋竖起来?”
Those self-righteous people really egg white, because life is not what you want on the case, it has always been filled with everything on. 而那些自以为是的人才真是蛋清,因为生活不是你想怎样就怎样,它历来就充斥着一切。
He crept down into his hole, pushed the goose egg out of the way, and returned with an old piece of dirty white string. 它潜回自己的洞穴,把那个坏鹅蛋推到一边,然后,拿着一条又旧又脏的白线出来了。
But sperm don't have elaborate cells, just a tightly packed nucleus and a tail for swimming to the egg. 但是精子没有明确的细胞结构,只有一个紧密组装的细胞核以及一个便于游动到卵细胞的尾巴。
Don't fill the bottle all the way up, make sure that you'e got a bit of an egg at the top. 不要把整个瓶完全装满,一定要在顶部留下个鸡蛋大小体积的空气。
Egg shell quality and calcium for layers how much, in what form, when to give? 蛋壳质量与供给产蛋鸡的钙:以何种形式、何时、供给多少?。
Eric got out the ingredients. They needed flour, yeast, sugar, butter, currants, milk, an egg and a little bit of pastry. 埃里克拿出配料。他们需要面粉、酵母、糖、黄油、葡萄干、牛奶、一个鸡蛋和一点油酥皮。
Others advise using an egg-timer to set yourself 20-minute windows where you are allowed to do nothing but work. 还有人建议用煮蛋计时器,在窗户旁边设定20分钟,期间你只能在此工作。
The next morning, Scientist Spencer decided to put the magnetron tube near an egg. 第二天,大科学家斯宾塞决定把磁控管靠近鸡蛋。
She looked at the egg in her small hand, and for reasons known only to her, she began to carefully inspect the shell. 她看了看小手里的鸡蛋,开始仔细地检查蛋壳——只有她自己知道为什么。
said Matthew, and he held out a fine goose - egg to his amazed sister. 马修说道,把一只漂亮的鹅蛋递给了惊讶不已的妹妹。
Diabetes and depression often occur together, but it's always been a chicken-or-egg scenario. 糖尿病和抑郁症常常相伴发生,但它们之间就像“先有鸡还是先有蛋”的关系。
"I would argue it is a chicken egg if it has a chicken in it, " he said. 他说:“我会论证它是一个鸡蛋,只要小鸡在蛋里面。”
Just as the cock can cackle, however, as if he had laid the egg, so can the hen. 母鸡也能喔喔叫的,就如同公鸡也能咯咯叫着像他生了蛋一样。