
美 [ɪɡˈzɪbɪt]英 [ɪɡ'zɪbɪt]
  • v.展览;表现;展出
  • n.陈列品;(在法庭上出示的)物证
  • 网络显示;展示;展品

第三人称单数:exhibits 现在分词:exhibiting 过去式:exhibited



v. n.

1.[t][i]展览;展出to show sth in a public place for people to enjoy or to give them information

2.[t]~ sth表现,显示,显出(感情、品质或能力)to show clearly that you have or feel a particular feeling, quality or ability


英语词根前缀后缀大全_百度文库 ... hibit=hold 拿,持 exhibit 展出,展览 hospit,hosp=guest 客人 ...


新编大学英语单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... environmental a. 环境的 exhibit v. 显示, 显出 graceful a. 优雅的 ...


CCNA英文单词总汇 _ CISCO思科认证 _ 考试大 ... Execute 执行 Exhibit 展示 Experience 经验 ...


英语词根前缀后缀大全_百度文库 ... hibit=hold 拿,持 exhibit 展出,展览 hospit,hosp=guest 客人 ...


外研版英语九年级上册单词表_百度文库 ... experiment n. 实验 exhibit n. 展品 unusual a. 不同寻常的 ...


陈字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 陈旧〖 outmoded;obsolete;antiquated〗 陈列〖 display;exhibit〗 陈米〖 oldrice〗 ...


100句记7000单词带音标 - 豆丁网 ... apparently 显然,似乎 exhibit 展览品,陈列品,展览 elasticity 弹力,弹性 ...


BEC中级、高级考试词汇超值下载篇-BEC商务英语 ... exceed v. 超过 exhibit n. 展览,表现 expenditure n. 花费,支出额 ...

My cover was blown, so I asked her to take a walk with me to the Yale Art Gallery to see the Mark Rothko exhibit. 我的西洋镜被拆穿了,于是干脆要她陪我走一走,到耶鲁美术画廊去看马克.罗思科的作品展览。
Women exhibit the dark-side triad too, and can become accustomed to power and its perks as easily as a man can. 女性也会展示阴暗面,而且可以像男人一样,变得对权力和权力带来的“福利”习以为常。
The results indicated that the extraction rate did not exhibit an obvious difference after distillation evaporation and rotary evaporation. 结果表明,蒸馏浓缩和旋转蒸发仪蒸发浓缩对提取物的抑制率几乎没有影响。
"Exhibit A, " he said, and my heart rate increased, but all he held up was a rumpled New York Times. “展品A,”他说,我的心率开始加速,不过他举出来的只是一张皱巴巴的《纽约时报》。
Wisdom is often associated with maturity and experience. But some people even those who are young can exhibit wisdom. 它是知识和技术的实际应用,它常常与成熟和阅历联系在一起,然而有些人甚至年轻人也能显示智慧。
He began to publicly exhibit these works in 1921 in their Georgian Revival home, which had been built with Pittsburgh steel wealth. 1912年,在他们随着匹兹堡的钢铁财富建造起来的乔治亚复兴建筑风格的家中,他开始公开展示这些画作。
Nevertheless , Gorbachev made it a point to exhibit his own strength publicly. 然而,戈尔巴乔夫决心公开展示自己的力量。
Across the street from the park was the Friendship Hotel, and after the exhibit the man took her to the hotel entrance. 展览办在一所公园里,街对面是友谊宾馆,看完展览后,这个男人把她带到宾馆门口。
Most swimmers with "swimmers' shoulder" exhibit at least one of these causes. 大多数患有“游泳肩”的运动员至少呈现这些因素其中的一种。
It was exceptionally clear, almost the color of the sky, which at that very hour did not exhibit even a streak of cloud. 它格外清楚,几乎天空的颜色,在那个最小时不甚至展现一种云的条理。
a seller requires a buyer of automobiles not to sell or exhibit them prior to a fixed date which represents the beginning of a model year. 此类限制的一个例子是:卖方要求汽车的购买者在代表新产品年度开始的一固定日期前不出售或展览这些汽车。
Instructors at the other end of the educational spectrum also exhibit this same "let me do it for you" behavior toward female students. 教官在另一端的教育展览频谱也同样“让我给你”行为的女学生。
In it, high up in a remote corner of a dimly lighted room in what used to be a train station, was an exhibit of crayon drawings by Degas. 我们去了一个博物馆,在一个光线黯淡的房间的偏僻的角落高高地展出了德加(Degas)的蜡笔画,这间房子过去像是一个火车站。
Be grateful for a time today when you were able to exhibit a bit of grace, charm or elegance. 感激那些你能够展示你自己优雅,魅力和潇洒的时刻。
I talked to several database vendors on the exhibit floor and attended several more XQuery presentations to try to make some sense of this. 我与展区内的一些数据库提供商进行了交谈,也参加了另外一些有关XQuery的演讲,以加深对它的理解。
Thanks to a Japanese company, you can show off exhibit your innermost feelings somewhere else - a pair of fluffy ears on your head. 多亏了一家日本公司,你可以通过带一对毛茸茸的耳朵来表达自己的感情。
"He came in as an older juvenile, " she said. "And he has just been able to exhibit really good flight skills and. . . " “作为一个老的少年,在他来的,”她说。“他刚刚能够真正表现出良好的飞行技能……”
His career of a fine artist took off and he began to exhibit in Ukraine, Russia and other Eastern European countries. 他的职业绘画生涯开始了,并且开始在乌克兰,俄罗斯,和其他东欧国家展出。
Each zoo pays $1 million a year to China to help giant panda conservation efforts in return for the loan of a breeding pair to exhibit. 每个动物园每年向中国支付一百万美元作为租借一对有繁殖能力的熊猫供展出的费用,这笔钱被用于促进熊猫保护的努力。
But for China, Exhibit A might embody a vivid lesson: When trying to control global iron-ore trade, the campaign starts at home. 但对中国而言,表A或许给他们上了生动的一课:要想控制全球铁矿石贸易,首先要在国内打响这场战役。
"It was as if you put Venice in Kansas, " says Don Lessem, producer of a new Genghis Khan exhibit touring the country now. “这就好比你把威尼斯放进了堪萨斯州,”唐莱森说。他是一个新的成吉思汗展的制作人,该展现正在国内巡回展出。
They found that the people who lived to 95 and beyond did not seem to exhibit healthier lifestyles than those who died younger. 研究发现,与那些活不到95岁的人相比,这些95岁以上老人的习惯并不是更健康。
On a normal day, this would be a hit of the exhibit, as would the pistol made to look like a lipstick and a lethal umbrella. 平常的话,这绝对会成为全场焦点,就跟装扮成口红和致命雨伞模样的手枪一样受欢迎。
The New York Times scolded puritanically that although the exhibit "might have seemed indulgent a year ago, today it looks delusional" . 《纽约时报》尖刻地批评道,虽然这样的展会“在一年前显得骄纵,但如今去却似妄想。”
Just before he began to lead guests on a tour of the exhibit, he joked, 'If you look at this wall, everything is said here. ' 就在领着客人参观展览之前,拉姆斯先生开了句玩笑,“你可以看看这面,所有东西都写在上面。”
If this ever ends, I tell myself, medical schools can use my head as a live exhibit of how much punishment the human neck can endure. 我告诉我自己,如果什么时候结束了,医药学院可以用我的脑袋去研究人类的脖子能忍受多大的折磨。
As they enter the exhibit at the Luxor Hotel, each visitor receives a boarding pass with the name of an actual passenger aboard the Titanic. 当他们进入在卢克索酒店展览,每位游客收到带有一个登上泰坦尼克实际旅客姓名的登机牌。
Simulating a robot also tends to be difficult, as sensors in the real world can often exhibit different or unexpected characteristics. 对机器人进行仿真通常都非常困难,因为真实世界中的传感器通常都可能呈现出不同的或非预期的特性。
Kamps said the time was right for such an exhibit, with high interest in food and cooking on television and restaurants driven by big names. 坎普斯说,如今有很多鼎鼎大名的人物在电视上和餐馆里展示对食物和烹饪的浓厚兴趣,在此时举办这样一次展览,时机刚刚好。
Victims of the original "vampire" exhibit a mounting fatigue, as if their very life were being drained from them. 这些原创“吸血鬼”的牺牲品们显示出非常疲劳的状态,好像他们的生命被抽走了似的。