
美 [ˈentər]英 [ˈentə(r)]
  • v.进入;进去;加入;进来
  • 网络回车键;输入;按回车

第三人称单数:enters 现在分词:entering 过去式:entered

enter market,enter field,enter world,enter phase,enter era



进来;进去come/go in

1.[i][t]进来;进去;进入to come or go into sth

加入机构;开始从事join institution/start work

2.[t][nopass]~ sth成为…的一员;加入;开始从事to become a member of an institution; to start working in an organization or a profession

开始活动begin activity

3.[t]~ sth开始参加;开始进入;着手进行to begin or become involved in an activity, a situation, etc.


4.[t][i]报名参加,为…报名参加(考试、比赛等)to put your name on the list for an exam, a race, a competition, etc.; to do this for sb

记录信息write information

5.[t]登记,录入,输入(姓名、号码、详细资料等)to put names, numbers, details, etc. in a list, book or computer

正式说say officially

6.[t]~ sth(正式)提出to say sth officially so that it can be recorded


进字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 进取〖 keepforgingahead;beenterprising〗 进入enter〗 进身〖 enterintoofficialcareer〗 ...


回车键(Enter),这时又弹出一个对话框,点击取消就可以了. 这是看软件第一个弹出的对话框里已经给出注册申请 才得到的注册 …


舞台英文术语 ... enter/* 确认 enter/* 输入/ * at/ 于 ...


按回车键(Entr┛)就可以打字了,打完字再按回车Enter┛)键回答人:__永远爱你初级弟子2013-02-28 01:19 0


按回车键(enter)键打开对话框,输完自按回车键enter)发送/r就可以了按回车键键打开对话框,输完自按回车键发送 满意 …


参字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 参劾〖 accuse;impeach〗 参加〖 join;enter;paticipate〗 参校〖 proofread;reviseabook〗 ...


实用电脑快捷键大全 ... 取消当前任务 ESC 单击所选按钮 ENTER 在选项上向后移动 SHIFT+ TAB ...

It was not a question of how the individual was to enter into a harsh, exclusive society. 问题不在于一个人如何进入一个严峻的排他性社会。
It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell. 你只有一只眼进入永生,强如有两只眼被丢在地狱的火里。
In London CBD which is under police control, a woman is ordered to strip herself naked before being allowed to enter the area. 在伦敦的市中心的警察管制地区,这名妇女被警察要求脱光全身的衣服才被允许进入。
Scanning an Earth truck, he morphs into a form that will allow him to hide until the time comes to enter battle against Megatron. 他扫描成为一辆陆地卡车,这种变形使他能够很好隐藏自己,便于与威震天对抗。
Denton informed the president of the risk just as he was preparing to enter the plant. 就在总统准备进入工厂时,丹顿告诉他这个危险。
The Judge told him that if he failed to enter a plea, he would almost inevitably be found guilty. 法官告诉他如果这次不进行抗辩,他将无法避免被定罪。
With a clear mind and renewed spirit he was now entirely ready to enter a program of career recovery. 他现在头脑清醒、重振精神,已经为参加职业康复计划做好了充分的准备。
When the air strikes began, government forces were poised to enter Benghazi. A bloodbath appeared to be inevitable. 在空袭开始时,政府军雄赳赳气昂昂地挺进了班加西。一场血战似乎不可避免。
The leaves enter the vortex, swirl around for perhaps a few dozen times and then are blown out in an unpredictable way. 叶子捲进了漩涡中,或许会在里面转上好一会儿,之后又会突然被吹开。
We enter the realm of cunning will, stubbornly determined to turn the forces of the world to its own advantages. 我们进入狡猾意志的领域,顽固地决心要将世界的力量转为己用。
By the time the 117 cardinal electors enter the conclave to choose the next pope, they must be ready to vote. 到这117位枢机主教选举人走入选举会议,选择下一个教皇时,他们必须为投票做好准备。
The fat man chuckled as he unlocked the door and stood aside to let his guest enter. 胖子低声笑了笑,开开门上的锁,站在一边,让他的客人进去。
Local-authority officers would have the right to enter a home where a child is being taught and quiz him in his parents' absence. 地方官员有权利去在家学习孩子的家中,并在孩子父母不在场的情况下测试孩子所学知识。
As the item falls within the scope of our business, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you. 由于该商品属于我们的业务范围,我们将很高兴地与贵方直接建立业务关系。
This cinematic film deserves to be seen on the big screen, and forces us to enter a world where the pace of life is dictated by an old ox. 这是一部为大银幕而生的纪录片,它使我们不得不进入由片中一头老黄牛所支配的生活节奏。
Here he let the Enchanted Horse come to the ground, but he did not at once enter the city. 才把马降落在地上,但并没有立刻进城去。
You are able to let go of a miserable or unsatisfying reality and allow Light to enter and transform your creation. 你们可以丢开悲惨的或不甚满意的现实,允许光能进入并改变你们的创造。
Hired buses will also stand ready to enter Libya to help with the evacuation if necessary, the foreign ministry said. 外交部表示,如有必要,租用的巴士也会随时准备进入利比亚,帮助疏散。
A solar sail vessel would merely enter the stream and hitch a ride, like a paper airplane drifting into the wind made by an electric fan. 太阳帆飞船只消进入这条高速公路,然后搭车远航便是,就像是电风扇吹动纸飞机前行一样。
Enter the name of the wireless network to which you wish to connect. 输入您想要连接的无线网络的名称。
If you specify a media set name, the media (tape or disk) is checked to see whether the actual name matches the name you enter here. 如果指定了媒体集名称,将检查媒体(磁带或磁盘),以确定实际名称是否与此处输入的名称匹配。
at the age of 13 , she was supported by an anonymous trustee who read her impertinent paper to enter the high school. 在她13岁的那一年,一位营运委员在偶然间读到她所写的悔过书,茱迪因此得到了进入高中就读。。
A year ago, the new aircraft looked as if they might enter service in 2015. 就在一年以前,这种新型飞机还可能在2015年服役。
If you want to get out of your train at stations in between and enter again, try to enter at the door you went our. 如果你想走出火车到车厢外面的火车中间走走并再次返回车厢,试一下从你出来的那个门进。
The evaluation team agrees that this question should not be scored. Enter NA into the Score box and explain reasons on COMMENTS page. 评估团队同意不记分的这些问题,记分箱内输进NA,并在注释页解释原因。
They tried to use the trackwheel as a way for a user to scroll through phone options and, without a keyboard, try to enter numbers. 他们尝试通过滚轮实现手机选项切换和数字输入,没有键盘。
As you enter the late game and start to use them it is always a good idea to support them with an Anti-Air unit. 在进入游戏后期时,用一些防空单位来支援它们是很好的方法。
Current, suo Ni still is in phase of research and development in energy section, did not enter the industrial phase of materiality. 今朝,索尼在能源区域还处于研发阶段,没有进入本色性的工业阶段。
"Many new cable systems are slated to enter service between Europe and Egypt in the next few years, " he said. “众多欧洲与埃及间的新线缆系统将在未来几年中被投入使用。”他表示。
The air around is abnormal dull, this allows me to stand to enter a brief meditation state, for feeling around the information field. 四周的空气异常沉闷,这倒方便了我站着进入短暂的冥思态,去感觉周围的信息场。