
美 [ˈiˌmeɪl]英 [ˈiː meɪl]
  • n.电子邮件(通信方式);用电子邮件
  • v.(给…)发电子邮件;用电邮发送
  • 网络电邮地址;电子信箱

单数:e-mail 复数:e-mails 现在分词:e-mailing 过去式:e-mailed



n. v.

1.[u]电子邮件(通信方式)a way of sending messages and data to other people by means of computers connected together in a network


电脑常用英语单词 ... Online 在线 Email 电子邮件 ICQ 网上寻呼 ...


China Promotion / CP Exhibition ... Canada 加拿大 Email 电邮 Website 网址 ...


伏魔者新马版官方网,终身免费,伏魔,fm, cib伏魔 ... 确认密码 Confirm Password* 电邮地址 Email* 联络电话 Contact No.* ...


2012年中国瑜伽大赛中国总决赛 ... 微博( Weibo) 电子信箱( Email) 是否预定餐饮( Booking Food) ...

Gone would be the long weekends back in my hometown where I don't even bother checking my email or anything else. 每个周末回我的家乡去,我在那里没有收发电子邮件和别的什么麻烦。
On this point, one of your self-proclaimed supporters (email attached) actually puts the amount of your article that matches mine at 60%. 对此,你的自称支持者之一(见所附电邮)还将之定量在60%。
Tell your friends to vote and forward this email to any Justin fans you know. 告诉你的朋友们一起参加选举,电子邮件转寄这对任何贾斯汀球迷你知道的。
Should you email her a thank you letter or wait a week to print and send it in the mail? 是通过电子邮件发送感谢信还是一周后打印邮寄给她呢?
Comment author must fill out name and email - Check this box as a way to force spammers to do a bit of extra work. 评论作者必须填写姓名和电子邮件–选中这个框,来迫使spammers做一些额外的任务。
However, not all email applications can display formatted messages, so some of your recipients may be unable to read the messages you send. 由于并不是所有的电子邮件应用程序都可以显示格式化的邮件,所以有些收件人可能无法解读您的电子邮件。
Zhao said the information was not at hand but would be forwarded shortly through email or SMS. 赵说,这些资料是不是在手,但会通过电子邮件或短信转发不久。
'We all say these things, ' Mr. Cochran says, looking back. 'But most people aren't stupid enough to put it in an email. ' 科克兰回想当时的情形说,大家都会说这些事情,但大多数人都不会蠢到在电子邮件里说。
Please reply this email with the scan copy of the acceptance note, chopped, and sent it out for their retention. 请用所收票据的扫描复印件来回复这封电子邮件,然后切碎,并发送以备存档。
She said good-bye to him with a reminder to check his email box. 她同他说再见,并提醒他看看电子邮件。
Please check it in the link below and login with your email address to see if you could supply same. 请检查下面的链接,并与您的电子邮件地址的登录,看看您是否可以提供相同的。
and Mary is still at the office. Sighing as she answers her final email for the night, she thinks back over the day. 当她回完了晚上的最后一封邮件时,她长吁了一口气,开始回想一天的工作。
This project is for your best hourly rate, so please email me with your hourly rate. 该项目是您最好的每小时收费,所以请发电子邮件联系时薪我。
Rogan decided to have some fun and responded in kind: I love the fact that you need attention so bad that you had to email me that. 罗根决定来逗一逗凯文,这样回信道:我喜欢你想以这种方式引起我注意的事实。
A redesigned pop-up menu makes it easy to share photos via email, text message, BlackBerry Messenger, or various social networks. 通过一个经过了重新编排的弹出式菜单,你可以很便捷地通过电邮、短信、黑莓信使以及各种社交网络来分享照片。
Almost every week now there seems to be a report suggesting that we are all being driven crazy by the bother of email. 几乎现在每周都会有一个报告说明我们被骚扰邮件弄的快发疯。
Click the link and, after a few moments of conversion, you'll be transported to a Google Docs version of the email you were just reading. 猛击一下那个链接,再等一下下,你就会发现你刚才看的邮件已经出现在Google文档里了。
What god didn't tell him was that I would check his email and find all thee-mails to and from his new girlfriend. 那么上帝没告诉他我会检查他的邮件并且发现他和新女友偷情的e-mail么?
There is, however, some sort of etiquette that should be followed when sending an email, especially if you want to seem like a professional. 不过,当你发英文邮件时需要一些礼仪,尤其如果你想看上去专业一些。
I know it is quite late for writting email, but I wanted to tell you I had special thinking for you before sleeping. 我知道现在发电子邮件已经很晚了,但我想告诉你,
You can mail or email out a few marketing tips for your niche, industry news or other relevant information easily. 通过信件或电子邮件发送一些你所在小众领域的营销技巧、行业新闻或其他相关讯息是非常容易的事情。
If it is usually by email, put a ban on email for a period of time. 如果它通常是在电子邮件中,那么禁止一段时间使用电子邮件。
Links below are direct submission links, you don't have to register for any of these services though you might be asked for an email. 下面的链接的都是直接提交你的博客的页面,你不需要注册任何服务,不过你可能被要求提供你的email地址。
New users must be able to sign up for accounts and input all their information and have account created instantly after email verification. 新用户必须能够注册的帐户,输入所有的信息,并立即核实后创建的电子邮件帐户。
Hi, I am doing a quick email check with you, to see if there are any IT or Engineering jobs, I can help you fill today at your company. 您好,我所做的与你快速检查电子邮件,看看是否有任何IT或工程的工作,我可以帮助你填写你的公司名称。
"Simpler seems to be a new trend, " he said, pointing to iOS versus MacOS, chat versus email. “更简洁看来会成为新趋势,”他说,并对比了iOS和MacOS,chat和email。
I wonder what he looks like. Oh, I can't wait to see him! His email said he'd be wearing a white hat. oh, there he is. 我真想知道他长得什么样,真想马上见到他。他在电子邮件里说他会戴白帽子。啊,他在那儿。
What I soon learned was that most email software can't eradicate the junk without throwing babies with the bath water. 但是,我很快就了解到绝大多数的邮箱软件都不能根除垃圾邮件,正如连同孩子倒才能倒掉洗澡水一样。
You can email or mail the note just a few hours after the interview or the next day. 你可以在面试几个小时后甚至第二天再发。
Drummond said the goal of the attack was to access the Google email accounts of Chinese human rights activists. 德鲁蒙德说,袭击的主要目的是进入中国人权活动人士的谷歌电子邮件帐户。