every one

  • na.每个人
  • 网络每一个人;每个人或物;每人

every oneevery one

every one


高信_百度百科 ... Every One one by one 每一个人 每一颗心 3、《Every One 每一个人》 Every One one by one 一个人 每一 …


高三英语词汇归类总复习 - 豆丁网 ... everyone( 每个人,指人,不可接 every one每个人或物,后可接 none( 没有, 可指 …


sometime,sometimes等词的区别_百度知道 ... everyone [副词]每人 every one [短语]每人 sometime 将来的某个时候 ...


Flashcards about 我爱中文第一课 ... 大人 adult 大家 every one 在家 at home ...


英语问题_百度知道 ... every one 短语。 every one 每个人, 人人 everyone | 评论 ...

It shows up in almost every one of these places where Paul or Peter or James talks about change, personal change. 但每逢保罗、彼得、或雅各在谈到“个人生命的改变”时,这个单词几乎都会出现。
It's not an easy task, and I'm sure every one of us has tried to quit something and failed, or tried to do something positive and failed. 这绝不是一件容易的事,我相信每一个人都曾有过努力戒掉某种习惯但是最终失败,或者曾经尝试积极的进步同样失败的经历。
Every one of us will have to work at it by studying harder, training more rigorously, working smarter, and thinking anew. 我们每个人都将为此付出努力,更勤奋地学习、更严格地训练、更精明地工作以及用更新的方式去思考。
Now every one of you has good reason to be critical of me. 如今你们每个人都有充分的理由批评我。
Almost every one of us with such a mentality, such as the time for you money, such as the well-being of others to you. 我们每一个人几乎都抱着这样一种心态,等时间给你金钱,等别人给你幸福。
I myself will be your general, judge, and rewarder of every one of your virtues in the field. 我本人来做你们的将军,法官和你们战场忠勇的犒劳者。
Therefore, I advise you to be polite to every one, avoid disobeying the principles of etiquette in case of offence and hostility. 因此我劝你对于任何人都要讲究礼仪,并且尽量不要做违背礼仪的事,一面冒犯他人或树敌。
And he took six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt, and captains over every one of them. 并带着六百辆特选的车和埃及所有的车,每辆都有车兵长。
You young porkers who are sitting in front of me, every one of you will scream your lives out at the block within a year. 你们这些坐在我面前的小肉猪们,不出一年,你们都将在刀架上嚎叫着断送性命。
This point, makes every one of us Chinese people's feelings are inevitable red zone with national consciousness and life will. 这一点,使得我们每一个中国人的红色情绪都不可避免地带有了民族意识和生活意志。
Be uplifted by acknowledging you own place in the scheme of things, because each and every one of you is equally loved. 你们通过在已筹划好的事件中接受你们自身的位置而被提升,因为你们中的每个人都是“同等”的被爱着。
I absolutely loved the five lessons given by the very easy-flowing story of this book, and I can relate to every one of them. 我十分喜欢书中易懂流畅的故事教给我的五则经验教训,而且我可以把每个教训联系起来。在此为你提供其中的一则。
and, you know, going with me through this whole adventure. And I'm so blessed to have each and every one of you in my life. . . 还有,你知道的,陪我一同经历这整个挑战。并且我感谢我的生活中由你们各位的参与……
Yes, the PGA Tour has signed deals with every one of its sponsors through at least 2010 -- including the two tournaments sponsored by Buick. PGA巡回赛已经和每一位赞助商签订了至少到2010年的合同——其中包括别克赞助的两站赛事。
Every one said it except the shepherd with the staring eyes, and he would not say it. 每个人都尊旨说了,只有一个长着铜铃眼的牧羊人不肯说。
Given how much the line cost, the ministry will have to try and win every one of them. 由于这条线路投资巨大,铁道部将尽全力争取每一个乘客。
I always thought that I could be perfect, and I've always been aware of each and every one of my imperfections. 我一直以为自己可以是完美的,我一直都知道自己所有的不完美的地方。
Each and every one of these deaths is tragic, and we have to brace ourselves to see more. 每例死亡都是一场悲剧,而且我们必须有准备目睹更多的死亡。
An exercise that's part of every one of my training programs is where I have sales reps analyze their buyers, or prospective buyers. 我的每项培训课程中都有这么一个练习,就是让销售员们分析他们的买家或者潜在买家。
Every one of those kids looks up to you 'cause you're a great footballer. 这些孩子中每个人都钦佩你,因为你是了不起的球星。
We are planning to put each and every one of you in direct contact with those closer to you and who you will recognise from previous lives. 我们打算派出那些接近你们,你们将让出他们是来自前世生活的存有,直接与你们每个人联系。
And let me say that every one of my partners around the world have that same purpose and quality team. 我在世界各地的其他合作伙伴同样拥有高素质的团队,并为着同样的目标在努力。
every one should . . . and devotes himself to building our motherland into a strong country. 每个人应该…,为把我们祖国建设成为一个强壮的国家而奉献自己的力量。
Every one of us in the social practice in imperceptible in writing your own life, also be in imperceptible in reading of his life. 我们每个人在社会生活实践中都在不知不觉中写自己的人生,也在不知不觉中读自己的人生。
God loves you; every being of Light in the vastness of Creation loves each and every one of you, and yet not everyone on Planet Earth does. 上帝爱你,每一个光被在创作浩瀚的爱你的每一个,但不是每个人都地球上一样。
New shares, sub-IPO seems to be hot forever two cities, almost every one will be the performance of new shares Quotes times. 新股、次新股似乎是两市永远的热点,几乎每一轮行情次新股都会有所表现。
7Then I consulted with myself, and I rebuked the nobles, and the rulers, and said unto them, Ye exact usury, every one of his brother. 7我心里筹划,就斥责贵胄和官长说:你们各人向弟兄取利!于是我招聚大会攻击他们。
This might not seem to be the case when we consider how foolishly love has made every one of us act at some point. 或许我们考虑到爱情可以让我们在某些时候变得愚蠢这一点时会认为未必如此。
I would urge every one of you to get into the habit of going to church every Sunday, never miss. 我鼓励你们每一个,要养成每个主日上教会的习惯,一次都别错过。
Every one of these scrumptious pastries is an exchange of love between the bakers and their young recipients. 每一个香喷喷的面包都是烘焙者与受赠者的爱的交流。