


It had to be cleared for travel by the Dubai Police Authorities, the Dubai International Airport, and the Emirates' safety team. 迪拜警察当局,迪拜国际机场,以及阿联酋航空安全组悉数出动,为其开道。
Originally from Ireland, Niall taught for a year in the United Arab Emirates before coming to China. 我来自爱尔兰。来中国之前,我有一年在阿联酋执教的经历。
It was good enough to beat out all the competitors mentioned above in a recent bidding process in the United Arab Emirates. 这已足够打败所有在阿拉伯联合酋长国最近投标过程的上述竞争对手。
What creditors do not yet know, however, is whether the United Arab Emirates is capable of a co-ordinated response to Dubai's debt woes. 然而,债权人尚不清楚的是,阿联酋能否对迪拜债务危机做出协调反应。
Andrew Parker, Emirates senior vice-president, said he was unaware of any other airlines that had been asked to raise prices. 阿联酋航空高级副总裁安德鲁-帕克(AndrewParker)表示,他不知道还有任何其它航空公司收到了提高票价的要求。
So what are the benefits of heading out on loan rather than waiting for a first-team chance at Emirates Stadium? 那么将这些小将租借出去而非留在队中苦等一队出场机会究竟有何益处呢?
Emirates is often accused by envious Europeans of growing thanks to state subsidies. 阿联酋航空公司经常被眼红的欧洲人指责它们的发展多亏了国家补贴。
Under United Arab Emirates law, none of those luxury villas in Dubai can be seized until criminal prosecutions are seen to have begun. 在阿拉伯联合酋长国法律制度之下,除非走到了刑事诉讼这一步,否则没有一栋迪拜豪华别墅会被收缴。
We have been at Emirates Stadium for a year now and go from strength to strength off the pitch. 我们现在已经在埃米尔球场有一年时间了,在球场也表现得越来越强大。
On his future away from the Emirates though the play-maker observed he had not made a decision as he drew the line on Barcelona talk. 关于他是否在未来离开酋长球场,尽管这名创造型中场说他还没有做出最后的决定,但是他与巴塞罗那方面的谈论划清了界限。
THE citizens of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) do not enjoy a vote but they relish a bit of artistic agitation. 阿联酋的公民不喜欢投票,相反,她们更偏爱用艺术煽动。
Conditions in which immigrants are expected to work have been a subject of discussion in the United Arab Emirates for many years. 移民所期待的工作条件一直是阿拉伯联合酋长国讨论多年的话题。
BlackBerry addicts may not be able to get their fix the next time they visit the United Arab Emirates. 黑莓迷们在下次造访阿联酋的时候可能无法再使用他们的手机了。
He does regret, however, that the team had to leave Highbury, as he only played one season at the Emirates before leaving for Barcelona. 但是,他对于球队离开海布里仍然感到十分遗憾,他在加盟巴萨前只在酋长球场踢过一个赛季。
Dubai City was just a small village until Dubai, along with Abu Dhabi and four other emirates , formed the United Arab Emirates in 1971. 杜拜过去只是一个小村子,直到1971年阿布达比和另外四个酋长成立了阿拉伯联合酋长国之后,这里才成为了一个城市。
But he said he though Slavia had a point to prove after their mauling at the Emirates two weeks ago. 但是温格说,他觉得对手在两周前被羞辱后有争一口气的想法。
The former vice-chairman has made no secret of his desire to return to the Emirates stadium but Usmanov will not deliver him that route. 这位前副主席毫不掩饰他想重返埃米尔球场,但是奥斯曼诺夫将不会助一臂之力。
By Chris HarrisThere was a real feel-good factor at Emirates Stadium on Tuesday night - and Thierry Henry was responsible for much of it. 如果周二晚上埃米尔球场有一种真正的乐观氛围的话,很大程度上是因为亨利。
The singer was found slain in her United Arab Emirates apartment in July. She had been stabbed and her throat slit. 这名歌手七月的时候被发现死在阿联酋的公寓里,喉咙被刀撕开了。
We've still not lost here [at Emirates Stadium] and I feel that had we been 1-0 up we would have had an outstanding game today. 我们在埃米尔球场还没有输过球,我觉得如果我们1:0领先的话,我们本来可以踢一场漂亮的比赛。
Champions League football would follow Arsenal to Emirates Stadium, leaving fans to hope the new era would be a continuation of the last. 欧洲冠军杯的赛事将跟随着阿森纳搬进酋长球场,球迷们都在希望崭新的时代可以延续近年来的辉煌。
But the Togo international's future looked to be settled after his agent recently stated he would be staying at Emirates Stadium. 但是他的经纪人在最近表示多哥人不会离开埃米尔球场,阿德巴约留在阿森纳似乎已成定局。
Per head, the income of the wealthiest Muslim country (the United Arab Emirates) is 200 times that of the poorest (Somalia). 按人均计算,贫富极端的两个穆斯林国家(最富裕的阿拉伯联合酋长国和最穷的索马里)差距足足200倍。
Coyle brings his Bolton Wanderers side to Emirates Stadium on Saturday as they hunt for the points to take them out of the relegation zone. 柯伊尔本周六将率队造访酋长体育场,他们急需得分来走出降级区。
The United Arab Emirates-based Gulf News quoted the boy's father as saying that the children had exchanged rings. 阿联酋《海湾新闻》援引男孩父亲称,两个孩子已经交换了戒指。
But he wants to stay true to the youth policy which he believes is now bearing fruit at Emirates Stadium. 但是他想坚持他的年轻化政策,因为这条政策正在埃米尔球场开花结果。
The capital of the United Arab Emirates was also seen as a strong US ally. 作为阿联酋的首都,阿布扎比也被视为美国的一个强大盟友。
Dubai said the United Arab Emirates carriers would stop flying to Syria next week. 迪拜方面表示,阿联酋航空公司将于下周起暂停飞往叙利亚的航班。
A speech in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirates, was touted as the keynote of his seven-country tour. 在阿拉伯联合酋长国首都阿布扎比的一次讲话被宣传为是布什这次7国之行的基调。
The United Arab Emirates provided an air ambulance for Yousafzai's trip abroad. 阿拉伯联合酋长国为尤萨芙扎伊的英国之行提供了空中救护安排。